Summer Artist Opportunities
I've been very critical of how most of Portland's cultural institutions provide rungs of support and cultivate artists by being too doctriniare, conservative and overall not willing to get behind artists whose work questions the status quo by having more uncomfortable conversations (Hallie Ford Foundation and RACC you are just the tip of the iceberg but panel composition, criteria and expectations are part of it). Still, there have been improvements and strong artists do win area awards (at a ratio of say 1 out of 5 chosen, which is somewhat in keeping with the bloated, self-satisfied state of the art world. Also I do want to point out opportunities that seem to get it right aits very easy to fault area art awards as being less than fresh. Here are 3 fresh opportunities worth considering:
The annual Betty Bowen Award, administered by the Seattle Art Museum is different than most of the other area awards as artists themselves serve on the panel and the finalists make presentations (often with the work present). Artist panelists wouldn't work for the Hallie Fords as it would just perpetuate the milder tradition already in place (HFF's felt stronger in 2010 and 2013, though not enough women etc.) but in Seattle, the USA's capital of satirical snark they have a bit more appreciation for the bite that art can deliver. It is supposed to call attention to under recognized artists... a directive it follows loosely but at least there is some edge to the winners and they have avoided some of the lamer Oregon artists whose careers seemed to be calibrated to accumulating the milder awards in Oregon. Not perfect of course, no award can be. One obvious problem, The Betty Bowen still charges a $10 fee (how 1992 of you). Deadline: August 1
recent Open Signal Fellow Jaleesa Johnston
Unlike the Hallie Ford Fellowships Open Signal's much smaller but far more experimental New Media Fellowships dont focus on message over the media. These $2k fellowships repeatedly focus on video, VR, computer based and new media installation environments. They are often less academic and more innovative than other fellowships in the area. Open Signal is simply the most progressive and open of all of Portland's artist support institutions. Deadline: July 12
I like how these Kunstlerschloss Balmoral residencies are set up. There are both 3 and 9 month residencies in Germany's Rheinland and the panels refreshingly require an; art critic, museum director or curator, academician, member of the artists associations in the Federal State of Rhineland-Palatinate, a visual artist, the artistic director of the Kunstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral... etc. I simply like the mix and the problem with most of the regional art awards here is
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on June 21, 2019 at 18:38
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Spring Calls
It is time again for the Sculpture Center's in Practice calls and I've always liked their underground catacombs that they use for these shows. Deadline: June 15
PCC Cascade's Paragon Arts Gallery has been one of brightest spots recently in Portland's pressured non profit gallery scene and they take applications. Deadline: April 30th
Normally I wont recommend calls that charge but LAVC's Director is Jenene Nagy (onetime PORT business manager) and I've always liked her eye. $25 Deadline: April 30
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on March 29, 2019 at 13:02
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Artist Opps
It is summer time, the time that stronger artists are working and all the wannabes screw off. Here are a few things you might consider applying for:
It is time again to apply for the annual Betty Bowen awards. What I like about it is it is supposedly aimed at under-recognized artists (results debatable). What isn't debatable is the Betty Bowen awards are often far edgier than the awards in Orgeon, whose panels seem to always choose artists who ruffle zero feathers and unsettle no one... focusing instead on effortful craft (ie work that draws attention to its exertion or "making") sometimes that's a good thing but often it distracts and looks vain or pretentious. That said Contemporary Art gets at the tension and uncertainties of the age. The Betty Bowen seems to grasp that concept, that said they still have an ultra lame $10 entry fee. That said, perhaps the in person presentations at the second round weeds out the edgeless who cruise in the no-wake zone of Oregon awards. Deadline: August 1, 2018
PDX Airport has an ongoing call for submissions. I for one appreciate having sometimes surprising work scatted throughout the airport and it reminds me what Portland is all about. BTW there is no $10 fee because... PDX airport is more evolved than that.
RACC has a call out for the monthly Night Lights projected art series. Sometimes the series has produced some of the most striking work you can see on a First Thursday. Deadline: July 26, 2018
Chaco Canyon is amazing Unesco world heritage site and I visited this immense ruined city complex just last year. Chaco Canyon also has an artist residency program. It isnt cheap to apply ($55 or $110 for couples) but if you arent hokey there is a real opportunity here. Yes a yurt is involved. Deadline: October 7, 2018
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on July 09, 2018 at 16:59
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Artist Opportunities
The Portland Winter Light Festival is looking for contemporary artists and more venue ideas. The festival hasn't been around that long but is looking to expand its serious contemporary art participation. If you have some innovative ideas bounce them off their staff... so far its been more of a cold dark damp burningman vibe but PNCA's faulty and programs are involved this year so they are deepening their offerings. Here is the link. Deadline: September 29th
Many Contemporary artists love libraries (why shouldn't they?) and the West Linn Library is looking for proposals. Deadline: September 29th
The Obama Foundation is looking to help artists get a leg up. True they seem to want art that is described in just a few words (because not much space) but that isnt always a bad thing. Deadline: October 6
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on September 26, 2017 at 18:54
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Post Winter Artist Opps
The Torpedo Factory Art Center has an interesting call for digital and internet based art in their Target Gallery for an exhibition called Glitch. There is a cost of $35 but unlike most of these sorts it seems promising. Deadline: March 26, 2017
The Los Angeles Valley College Art Gallery is accepting submissions. Portland tie-in is that it is being run by Jenene Nagy (who did a lot for PORT in the early days as our first dedicated business manager) so it's worth a shot. $25 Deadline: June 5, 2017
The Henry Moore Foundation has a variety of grants, many are research oriented. Deadline: May 15, 2017
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on March 14, 2017 at 8:34
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New Year opportunities
It is a new year and that means new artist opportunities... besides with Portland's current 13.5 inches of snow you gotta be getting a bit fidgity in the cabin. Start your planning, here are some good opportunities.
The annual Hallie Ford Foundation Artist Fellowships are here. They wont be taking applications till next week beginning January 19th, 2017 but you should prepare. Over the years I've criticized the 25k fellowships for their somewhat fusty adherence to genres that give artists who make things that are traditional sculpture or wall based work an edge (in general overtly handmade + wall and plinth based work). New media like video and installation art (two of the scene's strongest areas have been neglected). True some recipients do these things but its generally not their primary focus... and rarely if ever site specific work (a few like Bruce Conkle have). Instead, like most Oregon art awards they go to people who are very community active and or teach rather than those who do video and installation work nationally and internationally. Rarely are the selected artists considered to be doing their best work either (ties to schools or other institutions rather than ambition and execution get you awards here). That's why this partially underlined blurb got my attention this year in the press release, "Each year, The Ford Family Foundation reconstitutes the selection panel with both in-state and out-of-state arts professionals. Therefore, the types of artists or disciplines selected as finalists may well differ from year to year. Please encourage members of your community who are practicing artists who may have applied in earlier years, but have not been selected, to reapply." What does that mean? Maybe they stopped selecting conservative panelists that have sat on every other award panel around here? Perhaps application #'s are dropping because they feel that their work an installation artist, video or photographer is just a wasted effort? Also, will they start awarding more of the crucial Gen X artists who lead and recently rebuilt the scene giving it international relevance? ...perhaps by adding installation and video and other new genre work to the mix? Gen X really blazed the tail here for new media. Applications open January 19th, 2017, Deadline: March 1, 2017
As a newish breath of fresh air, the Houseguest residencies at Pioneer Square are very liberal in their acceptance of different media and disciplines for their 20k residencies. Deadline: February 1, 2017
The very new and now Precipice Fund-ed Una Gallery is taking submissions for their upcoming Art As Resistance show for the Trump inauguration. It was wonderful to sit on the panel that gave them the award because in this environment their specific mission will draw the attention of Trump bullies. Stand strong! Una Gallery Deadline: January 15, 2017
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on January 12, 2017 at 13:32
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Artist Op's
NordArt 17 is looking for applicants for their contemporary art exhibition and symposium in Germany (there is no fee). Deadline: November 30, 2016
Upfor Gallery has teamed with NYC's Eyebeam to create a AR/VR residency (with housing) in this emerging genre (virtual reality). Portland is a hub for this important new media. Deadline: October 21, 2016 PORT has always pushed for new media and technology.
Newspace Center for Photography has an interesting call for artists utilizing images and history (not just traditional photography). At a time when Portland is changing so quickly this is a much needed Project. Deadline: November 7, 2016
The PNCA managed Leland Ironworks residencies are open to both emerging artists and mid career ones. Deadline: October 31, 2016
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on October 20, 2016 at 13:05
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Precipice Fund Round 4
The Portland art scene is under pressure from its own success, which played a crucial role in making the city interesting and attractive (to developers as well as artists). Oddly, most of the visual art presenting institutions have done diddly and or squat to help the plight of artists but one, PICA, saw what was happening and pressed the Andy Warhol Foundation to help. As PORT was hopping up and down PICA was developing the Precipice Fund as a regranting initiative for hard to fund projects and spaces (the very thing that makes Portland an interesting art city... our mid level institutions themselves aren't exactly cutting edge but the alternative spaces often are). Precipice Fund cant do everything but it should be on every artist's radar. The scene will survive but all of Portland's granting and presenting organizations need to look at what they fund/present and why?
The final workshop for developing your proposal is Saturday August 13, 2:30 - 3:00PM at APANO's JAMS (8114 SE Division St, Portland) and 2016's Precipice Fund application process opens on Monday August 15th.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on August 12, 2016 at 13:28
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Artist Opportunities
It is a busy time of year so it is the perfect time to capitalize on some of those opportunities:
Houseguest is an exciting new initiative for bringing art interventions into Portland's Pioneer Courthouse Square (aka Portland's living room). It comes with a $20,000 stipend. Nice to see some considered site specificity being addressed for a change in our public art... rather quirk without context. Deadline: May 1st 2016
Is your work concerned with silence, awareness or existence? Then check out this themed residency in Finland. Deadline: April 29, 2016
The City of Seattle has put out a call for portable works. Deadline: June 7
The 12th annual Art in Odd places festival in New York City this year has a theme of race. Deadline: May 8th
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on April 27, 2016 at 14:40
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Calls For Artists
The Tacoma Art Museum is rebranding its Northwest Biennial as Northwest Now and like previous iterations it has a theme. This one, "seeks to illuminate how Northwest artists are actively responding to forces shaping our regional identity during this current wave of explosive growth and rapid rebound from the Great Recession. The core themes will focus on identity, social justice, and environmental action." Guest curator will be Juan Roselione-Valadez, Director of the Rubell Family Collection, Contemporary Arts Foundation and TAM's Rock Huschka. Deadline: January 4th
The New Foundation in Seattle has instigated a new Career Incentive Grant for artists in Seattle and Portland for developing their practice outside their home states of Washington and Oregon. Deadline: February 7th
The City of Eugene is requesting artist proposals for their new City Hall building. Deadline: January 20th
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on January 01, 2016 at 15:15
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Artist Opportunities
You have just a couple of days left to enter the Container Artist Residency... where they literally put 7 artists aboard container ships on a route designated by the artists. Deadline 11/9/2015
What I like about the Belleview Art Museum's biennials is the way they focus on a single material on which to focus their a survey's attention... rather than the typically unfocused list-fetishing polyglots that don't look good or tell us anything we don't already know that we are subjected to in Portland. This iteration focuses on metals, aptly titled Metalmorphosis. Deadline: December 15, 2015
Oh and a head's up the Northwest Biennial is returning to the Tacoma Art Museum... they indicated a call should be going out in December 2015. I was in the last one and I liked the theme they chose which made it more worth visiting/participating in than any other similar regional surveys in 2012. You'll have to wait for details on this upcoming project, their building addition likely caused them to skip a cycle.
Last but not least Oregon College of Art and Craft is looking for a new Wood Department Head. Nobody's woodworking department turns out as consistently excellent designers and artists as this school so this is a crucial position for one of my favorite art schools.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on November 07, 2015 at 10:42
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Get on it
It is you final notice, today is the deadline to apply for the Betty Bowen award. Last year Ralph Pugay won it... a very rare thing for a Portlander to get this Seattle award despite Portland's Contemporary Northwest Art Awards' Schnitzer prize always going to Seattle artists. I chock that up to Portland's only true envy of Seattle... institutional patronage and I wish we would be less overt about it. Of course, Seattle would do well to seem less threatened as well. Just get over it. Overall, Portland and Seattle are true sister cities that find different approaches to similar concerns. Call it more sibling rivals that are all in the family than pure rivals. Lastly, the $10 application fee is still lame. Deadline: August 1st
Tomorrow is the application deadline for the Portland2016 biennial, curated by Michelle Grabner. Ive made no secret that I dislike how most of these institutional survey shows are handled and this series is no exception. It is more about an institution ingratiating itself and the artists as a collection of names, rather than anything with intellectual integrity. In other words its just the gears of a process, which produces exhibitions that don't tell us much more than a list of names. In this case that misplaced "list lust" has been consistently behind the curve... focused ob "names" who were breaking out 4 years ago (two show cycles). Michelle is a very bright old friend and I'm sure she will find a way to do something more interesting than "reheated regionalist Whitney Biennial leftover artist casserole" here. These things should pull surprises, introduce some new names etc. to be relevant and so far it hasn't had much of an effect on artists career in Portland (more like something that tagged along after the fact). Hopefully, its a good show and not just another list, the Portland art scene is far more sophisticated/dynamic than that and this is an opportunity for Disjecta to step up sophistication wise. Yes, there is an even lamer $20 entry fee. Deadline August 21st, apply here.
Just a reminder the next round Precipice Fund grants will open August 17, Deadline October 9.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on August 01, 2015 at 11:49
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Opportunities knocking
The Left Coast a survey of artists from California Oregon and Washington looks like a great way for some of Portland's strong art scene to introduce itself to the Bay Area. At the Marin Society of Artists it is juried by Lauren O'Connell of the Berkley Art Museum. Unfortunately there is a fee $35-55. Deadline 8/1/2015
Three years ago PORT was the first to tell you about the innovative Precipice Fund and its mission to support alternative types of art projects in Oregon. Recently we reviewed one Precipice Funded project, Make Yourself At Home, which explored rent and debt... things that don't "score well" on grant panels but are very important. Well it is already time for round 3 of the Precipice Fund. Deadline 8/17/2015 but there are several workshops starting in May to help you make a stronger proposal.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on May 05, 2015 at 10:49
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Get on it
"Intent to apply" for RACC's career opportunity grants is April 1 (and not because they have a sense of humor). Basically, these grants are one of the best ways to help you make the most of exhibitions and opportunities outside of the area and to cover myriad opportunities locally that are not directly applied to producing a work here (those would be project grants). Deadline 4|1|15
Submit your subversive design ideas to the Jonald Dudd exhibition in NYC's LES with emphasis on objects that blur boundaries between art, design and craft (Fee is $50 if you get in but there is a Portland connection). Deadline 4|15|15
Last but not least, the Prequel juried exhibition opportunities designed for recent graduates (made possible via the innovative Precipice Fund) are worth a look. Deadline 4|6|15
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on March 26, 2015 at 19:10
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Marie Watt is juror for the 2015 Artworks NW, deadline 3/6/15 I'm not wild about the entry fee (neither is Watt)... to me it is better than local artist auctions because it doesn't devalue and dilute the market of the participating artists like those do.
Similarly, you have a few more days to apply for the Bellingham National juried by Scott Lawrimore. They have extended the deadline on this and Scott has a good eye and progressive tastes. Deadline 2/22/15
RACC's deadline for Career Opportunity Grants is 4/1/15
Last but not least are the Hallie Ford Fellowships, deadline 3/5/15 They haven't been the cutting edge awards many hoped they would be... not a lot of new media or installation work but a few like Heidi Schwegler, Bruce Conkle and Mike Bray have bucked that trend. So far the winners tend to be men and/or those who very obviously work with their hands to paint or sculpt in traditional materials. It is at odds with the stated aim to support artists that "furthers the conversation of contemporary art in the 21st century." That should mean 21st century strategies and materials and a certain cutting edge but hasn't so much.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 19, 2015 at 12:21
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It is nearing the end of the year, time to apply yourself by applying for these artist opportunities:
With its fantastic setting and facilities OCAC's Golden Spot Residency is one of the most interesting for Oregon residents. Deadline: November 30th
Seattle's Scott Lawrimore is curating the 2015 Bellingham National Art Exhibition and Awards at the Whatcom Art Museum. Open to all artists working in the USA. $35 Deadline February 9 2015
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on November 19, 2014 at 20:48
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Excellent opportunities
You have just four days to apply for Signal Fire's Spring artist residencies focusing on wolves. I've been to all three locations; Gila Wilderness (NM), Boundary Waters (MN) and the Wallowas (OR) and they are definitely worth the trip. For 2014 I have a goal of circumnavigating the three sisters, somehow art world stuff and other commitments has kept it from happening. The moral of the story is you just gotta do it, so apply.
Another great opportunity the Mattress Factory is taking submissions till February 2nd.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on December 27, 2013 at 9:48
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NW Theme Artist Calls
What could be more Northwest than wood and Sasquatch?
You have until December 21st to enter the Bellview Art Museum's Knock on Wood Biennial. It costs a whopping $40 to apply which is incredibly lame but their themed Biennials tend to be alright if a little crowded. A more focused mostly invitational survey that takes submissions would be smarter.
Last year's salon hung Sasquatch show at t he Arbor Lodge in NoPo (1507 Rosa Parks) was a hoot and brought out a lot of talented artists and designers. Consider this year's Wild and Woolly Sasquatch event.
Here is the PR:
"The Arbor Lodge is seeking submissions for Wild and Woolly: A Sasquatch-Themed Art Show, running Feb 2--March 15, 2014. The show is open to those living in Portland and all mediums are welcome. Submissions should be ready for hanging, family friendly and include the artist's name, title of the piece (if applicable) and price if for sale. The Arbor Lodge will not take any commission from artwork sales.
Please send a jpg and dimensions OR a description and dimensions to Jolynn at prior to the deadline so that we can prepare for hanging. All submissions will be included in the show unless unrelated to the Sasquatch theme or if we are unable to hang or display the piece in the shop. Pieces are due February 2, 2014 at The Arbor Lodge from 5-7pm. Submissions are limited to one piece per artist.
Cash prizes will be awarded at the closing show on March 15, 2014 based on the community's votes throughout the six weeks that the show is up.
1st prize: $200
2nd Prize: $125
3rd Prize: $75
For any questions, please contact"
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on December 19, 2013 at 11:54
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Calls for New Media Artists Fall 2013
Interstitial Theater in Seattle has 10,000 square feet that they need to fill with video and new media art on short notice as part of the Storefront initiative. The exhibition is scheduled for November 22 through December 20, 2013. Deadline for submissions is November 1.
Submission Guidelines: Email a maximum of 3 images/videos per single proposal to with the subject reading "INSTALLATION Exhibit." In the body of the email include a 1-2 paragraph description/statement of the work you've submitted and a brief bio or CV that lists past exhibition information and the city in which you currently live and work in. All images/videos must be representative of the work you wish to exhibit.
 Laura Hughes' Passed Presence in the Portland Building (2010)
One of the very few opportunities in Portland that comes with a $1000 honorarium for installation art is the Portland Building's ongoing Installation Series (2014/2015). Deadline Is November 4th. More info can be found here. In the past I've sat on the selection committee for this space and it is an excellent way for artists to get their work seen outside the college/alt-space environments in a working building where most people are not expecting to see installation art.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on October 24, 2013 at 14:05
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Precipice Fund open for applications
Earlier this year PORT broke the story of PICA's Precipice Fund, which is specifically designed to fund more difficult to define, often alternative space projects that do not have a non profit organization supporting them.
PICA is now taking applications for the first round of this project. You have until October 18th 2013 to get in on this round, good luck.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on August 02, 2013 at 13:20
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Calls for Artists Summer 2013
I received one of those extra excellent emails from RACC's Jeff Hawthorne today, indicating that they have changed the language of their upcoming project grants to specifically, "include curatorial projects."
Here is the new language from the last page of RACC's 2013-14 Project Grant Guidelines: "Visual Art: Projects in which the creation and exhibition of visual art is the primary focus. Objects, installations, site-specific or gallery-oriented works of art within any area of the visual arts which fall outside of commercial viability, are best suited to this category. Special exhibitions, curatorial projects and/or special presentations which expand the context of traditional or contemporary works of art are equally suited to this category. All projects must have a clearly developed plan for a tri-county public component."
This is a very important change and something we critiqued extensively last year as a shortcoming in citywide alternative space support. It is nice to know they are listening. Individuals and organizations both have until August 7th to submit their intent to apply. More info and application links here.
You still have a few days to enter the Seattle Art Museum's $15,000 Betty Bowen Awards. What is interesting about the Betty Bowen is they generally try to recognize unrecognized artists who are doing noteworthy things and award smaller prizes to others as the panel sees fit. The deadline is August 1st. True, the $10 fee is a touch lame but it does get your work in front of some good eyes. More info here.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on July 29, 2013 at 17:24
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Get on it

Here's a fun artist opportunity... in the past BMW has worked with Robert Rauschenberg, Alexander Calder and Andy Warhol. Time to add your name to the list and this call is specific to Portland artists! 10k in cash prizes and the winning design ends up in the annual Rose Festival's floral parade. Deadline May 15th. Details are here.
Sculpture Center in New York has just opened their annual In Practice call for artists. This year is a little different since the downstairs catacomb-like space is not going to be available this year. Instead they are looking for alternative strategies on the grounds, including publishing. You have till June 17th.
The Soap Factory in Minneapolis also has opportunities, you have until April 30th for this one so get on it.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on April 26, 2013 at 10:33
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Artist Opportunities
The Anderson Ranch (former PORTster Jenene Nagy is the director of painting, drawing and printmaking) has residency opportunities in both Fall and Spring terms open. Deadline for applications is Februaury 15th, 2013. There are 28 spaces for established and emerging artists, including 4 fully funded-residencies. It is a ten week program. Disciplines include; ceramics, sculpture, furniture design & woodworking, photography & digital media, painting & drawing as well as printmaking.
Fall Term: October 9 - December 18, 2013 and Spring Term: February 5 - April 16, 2014.. Full details here.
Last week, the Ford Family Foundation opened their annual call for three unrestricted $25,000 Hallie Ford Fellowships for mid career Oregon artists in the visual arts. Applications are online only (using the Cafe system), and due by March 15th. Here on PORT we have discussed the first 9 fellows, who are currently on view at the Museum of Contemporary Craft (which everyone should see).
Also, photographers may want to consider this open call from Blue Sky: The Optical. Here is a chance to have your work evaluated by photographer and collector Allan Chasanoff. He is a connoisseur of the "interval of confusion before the image resolves," or images that, "refused to make visual sense, delighting in its resistance and delighting again when that resistance was overcome - a delicious tension and release." No fees, just drop off up to three unmounted prints by March 1st. Details Here.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 08, 2013 at 11:07
| Comments (2)
Winter Opportunities
The Littman Gallery has an open call for submissions to all PSU students. The exhibition will be juried by arts writer John Motley who will also be choosing a "best in show". The opening reception for the exhibition will be held January 17th and all submitted artworks may be dropped off at the gallery between December 4th and 6th and between January 8th and 10th during open hours.
For more information, contact
On the subject of opportunities for students, Ryman Arts is offering full scholarships to college-level arts courses for high school students at the California State University, Fullerton and Otis College of Art and Design. If you know of any talented youngsters in the area, you should encourage them to apply. All accepted students will receive a full scholarship which includes tuition, art supplies, and access to field trips. The classes will begin January 5th, and the program will accomodate 60 students. The application deadline has been extended to December 14th. "This experience will build a pathway to higher education for participating students that may lead to future study at CSUF. We know how powerful the creative learning environment has been for our teens at Otis, and we are delighted that we now offer classes at both an independent college of art and design and a large public university with a major art school."
Further information and application materials can be found at
For artists and graphic designers with a particular fondness for the Yeti, The Arbor Lodge, a coffee and community space in North Portland, is seeking submissions for Wild and Woolly: A Sasquatch-Themed Art Show running mid-January through the end of February. The exhibition is open to Portlanders and supposedly, all mediums are accepted. They do stipulate, however, that artworks should be "ready for hanging" which leads me to believe that the "all mediums" spectrum has been reduced to the two dimensional world in this case. Pieces are due January 14, 2013 at The Arbor Lodge from 5-7pm. Cash prizes will be awarded ($200 for first place) at the closing of the exhibition based on public votes.
For any questions, please contact Ashley at
Disjecta has launched their search for the next Curator-in-Residence for its 2013-2014 season. Supported in part by a grant from the Andy Warhol Foundation, this yearlong residency provides an opportunity for emerging curatorial talent to engage with a broad range of artists within Disjecta's 3,500-square-foot space. Disjecta is looking for someone who will take intelligent risks (I hope that's actually true!) while challenging themselves and their viewers. The selected curator will program five to six exhibitions and be awarded a small stipend. Proposals are due to Disjecta on Sunday, January 4, at midnight.
For more information visit
Posted by Tori Abernathy
on November 29, 2012 at 21:23
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Fall Opportunities
The Ford Family Foundation has announced a partnership with the Ucross Foundation Residency Program of Wyoming and Djerassi Resident Artists Program of Northern California to provide month long residencies to eight Oregon-based mid-career visual artists. Mid-career artists must have evidence of sustained commitment to your medium over a minimum seven year period, not be enrolled in a degree-seeking program, and be at least 30 years of age. You can find more information about the application requirements here. The postmark deadline for all application materials is October 1st.
(More... Art takes Miami and Cascade AIDs Project)
Posted by Tori Abernathy
on September 27, 2012 at 15:00
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Enter to win
The deadline for the annual Betty Bowen award is August 1st but you can't win if you don't enter. True the $10 entry fee is lame (I'm spending my 10 bucks on a burger in delicious protest) but the avowed aim of foregrounding an undiscovered yet brilliant artist is a refreshingly romantic gesture. In practice though the artists who win this are often well known and associated with a major gallery and/or art school in the area (and PNW galleries and colleges aren't exactly radical art havens so they should be looking outside of those institutions). You can call me a hopeless romantic but the award (and all other Northwest art awards) should be a ladder for acknowledging excellence rather than perpetuating tepid career stability and if it did a little more of that risk taking maybe it would matter more? Last year's winner Jenny Heishman was a reason to pay more attention since she wasn't the typical craft-driven academic that usually wins. How about new media and installation? Don't get me wrong craft is fine but I prefer to see as much emphasis on the intelligence of the work as the fetish of how well the materials are worked (work that isn't working with intelligence is a vain and petty thing). Look, there is craft and then there is Kraft. For example, the intelligent and delegated craft of a Judd piece absolutely kills the gee whiz Kraft that is Roy McMakin or Trimpin, egads! Even the workmanship of Roxy Paine (often executed by Roxy himself) is forged by his intellectual need to understand the construction. This is a nuanced distinction between outward fetish of work ...and work that builds understanding. This is a distinction I find utterly lacking in Pacific Northwest discourse except when the Museum of Contemporary Craft does things like Ai Weiwei. Best of luck to everyone, I will order my burger rare!
There are two public art opps for San Francisco that have been extended to August 15th:
Central Subway Public Art Opportunity for Moscone/Yerba Buena Entry Plaza: Sculpture: The Arts Commission is seeking to purchase a significant, museum caliber sculpture of the highest aesthetic quality for permanent installation at the entry plaza to the Moscone Center/Yerba Buena Station. Sculpture for this site must be made of durable materials suitable to this urban outdoor location. We encourage professional, practicing artists working in sculpture and commercial galleries to apply. Click here to read the RFP.
Central Subway Architecturally Integrated Two-Dimensional Projects: The Arts Commission is seeking artists to be considered for three large-scale architecturally integrated public art projects located at the following three stations (one art project per station): Chinatown, Union Square/Market Street, and Moscone Center/Yerba Buena. We encourage professional, practicing artists working in two-dimensional media (such as painting, drawing, photography, etc.) to apply. The San Francisco Arts Commission's goal is to commission unique artwork of the highest aesthetic quality for each project location, which will be translated into a durable material for permanent installation within the station. Applicants should not develop proposals at this stage in the selection process. Any proposals submitted along with application materials will be disregarded. Click here to read the RFQ.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on July 30, 2012 at 12:58
| Comments (3)
Summertime Opportunities
Photographers from all levels of experience have until August 1st to apply for Hearst's third 8x10 Photography Biennial. Open to artists aged 18-35, the competition is an effort to showcase the work of under-acknowledged, gifted young photographers. To preserve an air of openness to the inexperienced, all entries are judged on the (anonymous) set of images alone. The work of the eight winners will be featured in two exhibition spaces in the atrium of the Hearst tower in New York. "This year's panel of judges is made up of editors, creative directors, curators, and renowned photographers including Elle's Roberta Myers, Town & Country's Alexandra Kotur, Gallerists James Danzinger, Yancey Richardson and Yossi Milo, collector John Demsey and photographers Matthew Pillsbury and Timothy White." Click here to learn more about the contest and how to enter.
(More: billboard, furniture, and painting competitions)
Posted by Tori Abernathy
on June 27, 2012 at 16:03
| Comments (1)
Opportunities knocking
In New Orleans the Jonathan Ferrara gallery is doing their 16th annual No Dead
Artists exhibition and they are pretty keen on having a look at some Portland
artists and increasing exchange between our fair cities. Deadline is May 15th
with high level jurors and a solo show for the grand prize. Follow this
link for full details. There's a connection here too as they represent Portland's
Brian Borello already.
With a deadline of May 8th is a call
for contemporary portrait photography for a show titled Mirror Mirror at Black
Box. Juror is Holly Andres.
Calling all PNCA alums... the call
for the 2012 Alumni exhibition looks like a doosey this year. Jurors are Randy
Gragg, Namita Gupta-Wiggers, Sarah Miller-Meigs, Deanne Rubinstein and Stephanie
Snyder. Open to all undergrad, graduate and CE certificate holders. Deadline is
June 24th.
PICA is hiring
a box office manager.
Deadline is June 1st for the second annual Industry
and Art show down at Swan Island.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on May 07, 2012 at 13:34
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Call for proposals for White Box
The University of Oregon's White Box Gallery (BTW, which isn't a white box) has extended its deadline for proposals to the 23rd of April and it's a chance to show in a series of rooms that Donald Judd has rocked. It's good for 3-5 person group shows too. Here's the PR:
"The University of Oregon Portland's White Box is currently seeking project proposal submissions for February 2013 – June 2014. Through exhibitions and related educational and public programming, the White Box is dedicated to creating a laboratory for the exploration of contemporary creativity and critical inquiry. White Box programming aims to reflect and extend the intellectual work of the University, expressed via fine art, new media, interactive video, installation, architecture and design, attracting diverse audiences with a range of specific interests.
Architects, designers, artists, curators and organizations are encouraged to submit proposals for exhibition programming in the White Box. Preference will be given to original exhibitions, curated for the White Box spaces, exploring contemporary inquiry from unique perspectives, and demonstrating a relationship to Portland's community and the academic mission of the University."
For more information like proposal forms and floor plans visit their website.
Due April 23rd 2012
If you have any questions contact:
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on April 19, 2012 at 10:09
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Tuesday Links
I've got another The Score series of reviews in the works for later this week but till then here are some links.
Did you catch Doug Aitken's house on Venice beach in the NYT's Magazine? A few years ago I was annoyed that architects were beating artists at their own game. Well now Aitken just leveled the playing field by out cool-housing Koolhaus. Sure he is his own client and it wouldn't work for most other people but greatness isn't about being ubiquitous, it is about specificity and he's got that in spades.
Of course David Lynch doesn't suck like most celeb artists because well he got his start making video installation art at the University of Wisconsin Madison.
RACC is seeking works to add to the Visual Chronicle of Portland (I'm in the collection) and you have until May 11th to submit.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on April 10, 2012 at 10:27
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Portland2012 Biennial at Disjecta

Disjecta has announced calls for its second biennial survey of Portland contemporary art. Prudence F. Roberts, who oversaw the Portland Art Museum's American art collection from 1987-2000, follows Cris Moss as curator. As in the inaugural 2010 exhibition, Disjecta will pair with satellite venues to display work. Visual, new media and performance artists who have lived in Oregon for at least two years are invited to apply. Small stipends are available for new work, and selected artists will be announced in the fall.
Entries are due August 12 online, find detailed info at the Disjecta website.
Posted by Kelly Kutchko
on August 04, 2011 at 12:17
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10th Northwest Biennial at the Tacoma Art Museum
The Tacoma Art Museum has announced the details for its 10th Northwest Biennial ( see our 2 part discussion of Northwest surveys from last week).
Relevant Details:
This year includes British Columbia... finally! Though the border is difficult to move art works across, this show may help streamline the process (every curator I know who has shipped across that border has ridiculous stories to share).
TAM's statement, "The 10th Northwest Biennial will examine the vital questions of who we are as residents of the Pacific Northwest, what we look like, and what are our aspirations for our communities. The Biennial will seek artworks that address the critical issues that underpin the larger issues of identity and community including the fluidity of regional identity in an age of global capitalism, increased urban migration, and the virtual diffusion of a discernible regional style. Because of the extraordinary complexities of these issues, The 10th Northwest Biennial will focus on the newly revitalized and resurgent forms of interdisciplinary art practices." To these eyes it seems like this Biennial's goals seem more driven by engagement with contemporary issues. That is good if it pans out...(more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on July 27, 2011 at 17:26
| Comments (3)
artists: online "representation" and new media projections
TurningArt is seeking new artists for their roster. In a nutshell, they allow subscribers to view the work of artists in their stable, choose which images they'd like to "sample" in their homes or offices, and eventually make a purchase. They promote it as a representation service that can be "parallel" to gallery representation and that doesn't cost anything to artists. Learn more about how it works here and view the artist application here.
The (sub)Urban Projections festival in downtown Eugene is seeking submissions of digital, new media, and video works to be projected this November in a new "ongoing forum for time-based public art in Eugene." In addition to inclusion in the festival, there will be three juried cash awards. The deadline is September 12, and you can learn more about submitting here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on July 06, 2011 at 8:55
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get your art distributed
The Present Group is a triannual art subscription service that sends out limited edition works from contemporary artists. They're seeking artwork submissions - selected artists receive a $500 honorarium, project costs covered, and other benefits. They accept rolling submissions, the deadline for the next review is July 8. Get more info on their website.
Papergirl Portland, "an all-inclusive participatory, analogue, non-curated, and impulsive art distribution project for artists and enthusiasts," is open for submissions until August 19, the launch date for Papergirl 2011. Learn more about the project and how to be included on their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 21, 2011 at 16:54
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public university art, miami beach
There are two public art opportunities currently available through the OAC. First, the Lewis Integrative Science Building at UO is looking for "artwork that is luminous, impactful and intellectually motivated," and second, PSU's Lincoln Hall is looking for "ceiling or wall suspended work that engages the natural (and also flood-lit from above at night) lighting conditions, and as well work that interacts with the many different viewing positions at four levels." Both are due July 12 and you can get info on both projects on the OAC website.
Verge Art Miami Beach has put out an open call for artist submissions to their (blind) juried exhibitions (there are a few). All work should be not-yet-shown; entries are judged in the order they're received. Details about the fair are here and the open call is here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 13, 2011 at 18:20
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artists wanted: photography, digital media, public art
Newspace is seeking submissions for their 7th annual juried exhibition, juried by Raymond Meeks. All photographic themes and processes are welcome, but the work should be from the past five years. The deadline is June 18, and details are on the Newspace website.
The Oregon Arts Commission and the Regional Arts & Culture Council are developing a joint Oregon Public Arts Roster. Submissions are due July 1, and you can learn more the project and how to submit with this PDF.
Reed College is looking for a digital/photo media assistant for the art department. Applications are due June 17, and you can view the job posting here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 08, 2011 at 16:47
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artist opportunities
The Andy Warhol Foundation has opened their 2011 application for the arts writers grants: "The Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation Arts Writers Grant Program supports individual writers whose work addresses contemporary visual art through grants in the following categories: articles, blogs, books, new and alternative media, and short-form writing. Grants range from $3,000 to $50,000 depending on the needs and scope of the project." Applications are due June 8 and you can learn all about it on the program's website.
Cuturehall, a "curated online resource for contemporary art," has put out a call for new artists to be featured in their June 15th Feature Issue. Application fees are $35, deadline's May 22, and you can get all the details here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on May 09, 2011 at 9:27
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artists wanted
The Oregon Arts Alliance is seeking glass artists for this summer's Symphony in Glass show in Eugene. Submitting artists must be a member of the Oregon Arts Alliance or Oregon Glass Guild, and artworks must be composed of at least 75% glass. Submissions are due April 19, and you can get all the details on their website.
The Broderick Gallery, now in Rainier, OR, is seeking submissions for their May Day show. Entry fee is $5/person, George Broderick is jurying. Deadline is April 27, contact info for guidelines is on their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 14, 2011 at 10:39
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artist opportunities
This one might be too late, but students know how to work under tight deadlines. The Kimball Art Center in Utah is seeking applications for the Relevant 2011 artist-in-residency program. It's open to college and graduate-level art students around the country and includes in-studio sessions with mentors, panel discussions and art world networking events. Applications are due April 1. Get more information on their website.
(More: White Box RFP, public art at OSU, drawings for the Emily Carr-sponsored drawing symposium, video on global warming for ARTPORT, and cover art for the Chinook Book.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 30, 2011 at 9:51
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artist opportunities
Close deadline: PICA's third annual Low Lives exhibition is still open for submissions. The project is "an international exhibition of live performance-based works transmitted via the internet and projected in real time at multiple venues throughout the U.S. and around the world." Submissions are due March 20, 2011. Get started on the Low Lives website.
(Lots more! Installation residency at Kutztown University, outdoor exhibition via CoCA Seattle, Working Artists quarterly grant, short films for the West Virginia Mountaineer short film fest, and a new public outdoor sculpture program in Longview, WA.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 17, 2011 at 7:44
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one more opportunity
SCRAP (the school & community reuse action project) is seeking submissions for their upcoming fibers show. Works must contain at least 75% of reclaimed or recycled content; fiber is defined by the artist. Submissions are due March 31. More info on their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 13, 2011 at 22:59
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a smorgasboard of opportunities
Visual artists are invited to apply for RACC's 2011 artist fellowship, which will award $20,000 to one visual artist for a spring fellowship. "Review criteria for the Fellowship Award includes proof of sustained high artistic quality in the applican'’s work, as well as evidence of the applicant's involvement in the community and the importance of his/her work to the local culture." Artists must also be current physical residents of Multnomah, Clackamas or Washington counties. Applications are due April 6, 2011. Get more info on the RACC website.
(Lots more: RACC community surveys on arts education, juried art auction w/ prizes at the Museum of Glass, applications are open for 2011 Signal Fire wilderness retreats, University Club of Portland is seeking apps for its 2011-12 residency, Froelick wants your equine art, Anka wants your pixel-related art, L&C wants your gendered art, An Artist a Day is looking for participants, McMinnville wants your art for their village, and the Whatcom Museum wants its members' forest art.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 10, 2011 at 8:51
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more artist opportunities
Creative Capital's next grant round opens on February 1. Applications are open for film/video and visual arts: "Applying artists should be prepared to describe how a grant would be a catalyst for artistic and professional growth at this time, the influences that inform their work, and how their work takes an inventive and original approach to form and content." Grant guidelines can be found on their website.
The Lake Oswego Festival of the Arts is seeking submissions for their juried exhibit, The Language of Sculpture. Sculptors may submit up to three pieces for consideration by February 4. Details and the prospectus can be found on their website.
Portland Stock is calling for proposals for their first dinner of 2011. Proposals are due January 19 for the January 23rd dinner. Not familiar with the Stock dinners? Read all about them, and the call, on their blog.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on January 14, 2011 at 16:51
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new year, more opportunities
23 Sandy Gallery is seeking submissions for Photo Alchemy, a juried exhibition of "contemporary alternative process photography." Possible media and techniques include, but are not limited to, photograms, tintypes, daguerreotypes, carbon dichromates, gum bichromates, emulsion on metals, cyanotypes, collodian prints, and Polaroids. No digital or ink jet prints. Submissions are due by February 22. Get more details on the 23 Sandy website.
(More: Recycled art, art educating, bSIDE6 February.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on January 05, 2011 at 16:57
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artist opportunities
The Museum of Contemporary Craft has extended their call for proposals for a 2 week artist residency program in conjunction with the spring 2011 exhibition, Laurie Herrick: Weaving Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. One local artist will be selected to work on site to create a piece based on one of Herrick's designs, which will then travel as part of the exhibition to additional venues. The extended deadline is January 10, 2011. Learn more about it on the MoCC website.
(More! OHSU seeks a portrait photographer, applications are open for PNCA's 2011 Boundary Crossings, the Oregon State Hospital is seeking public art, RACC recently put out a guide to public art, and the Eastern State Penitentiary Historic Site is seeking site-specific art.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on December 15, 2010 at 11:51
| Comments (1)
artist opportunities
CoCA Seattle is seeking submissions for their 2010 juried exhibition, Memory Upgrade. This year's juror is Juan Alonso; he'll present one $500 first prize, a $250 second prize, and three honorable mentions. The deadline for submissions is November 15. You can download more details and submit your application online via the CoCA website.
(More: Regional juried exhibition at Boise State University, glass artist residencies at the Tacoma Museum of Glass, art adjunct positions at Clark College, and racial-political art for Criminales Todos.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on November 01, 2010 at 14:54
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get busy this fall
Some art opportunities to get you started this season:
Launch Pad has announced their call for artists for their big November group show. Space fills up really fast, so sign up for their "Artist call" mailing list here to get the word early, or check their website soon.
(More: The Lower Columbia Estuary Partnership, Hot Once Inch Action, bSIDE6.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on September 10, 2010 at 8:38
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heads up! last minute call for submissions
Blue Sky is calling for submission for its Northwest Photography Viewing Drawers program. This is an excellent opportunity for photographers from Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and British Columbia, and the deadline is August 27 (this Friday). Read more about the Drawers and submission guidelines on their website / blog.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on August 24, 2010 at 21:44
| Comments (1)
artist opportunities
Tri-Met's Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project is seeking public art: "Up to seven professional, established artists/artist teams will be selected to create major works for new light rail stations, adjacent station areas and at other significant locations along the alignment. Emerging public artists from the Pacific Northwest are also encouraged to apply to be short listed for future additional opportunities. A budget of over $3,000,000 has been established for public art commissions on the project." Applications are due August 20. More details can be found on their page on the Call for Entry service website.
The Arteles Residency Program in Finland is seeking "open-minded creative participants from all disciplines such as music/sound, fine art, photography, contemporary research, film/video, multidisciplinary arts, installation, painting, new media etc." Residency would be in Winter 2010 or Spring 2011. Applications are due September 17, and you can get the scoop on their website.
Cravedog's loft gallery is seeking submissions for Unnatural History, a "collaborative 'natural history museum' that will encompass the flora, fauna and history of the Portland area- past, present and future." Deadline September 13. Read all about it on their blog.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on August 06, 2010 at 12:07
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Artists Wanted: Betty Bowen Award
The Seattle Art Museum is seeking submissions for its prestigious annual Betty Bowen award. This year's committee members are Isaac Layman and Cris Bruch, both former award winners. Visual artists working in any medium in Washington, Oregon or Idaho may apply before August 1. Visit SAM's website for more details.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on July 20, 2010 at 11:19
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artists wanted
Worksound is seeking submissions for a wearable art show in August, 2010. Contact for more details.
(More, and with lots of short deadlines: Cravedog's new gallery, August Stock, and bSIDE6.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on July 16, 2010 at 12:48
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papers & filmmakers wanted
Ixia, a "public art think tank," is requesting papers from "academics, artists, curators, art historians, and theorists" for their new journal, Art & the Public Sphere. The theme of the first issue is the "Intersection of Politics, Art and Urbanism," but they "also invite contributions for future issues on any aspect of art and the discourses related to the public sphere, such as 'public', 'publicness', 'making public' and 'publishing'." Submissions for inclusion in the first issue are due July 16, but interested parties could always submit to later issues as well. Get the details on their website.
The Northwest Film Center is asking Northwest filmmakers to submit their recent work for consideration for the 37th Northwest Film & Video Festival. In addition to critical recognition and an "enthusiastic" regional audience, participants are eligible for over $15,000 of Production Service Awards provided by sponsoring companies with valuable production resources. Entries are due by August 2. Get more info here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 21, 2010 at 9:41
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a smorgasboard of opportunities
RACC is seeking proposals for 2011 RACC Project Grants. The organization "invites nonprofit organizations and individual artists in Multnomah, Washington and Clackamas Counties to submit proposals for artistic projects and cultural events planned for calendar year 2011." Proposals should address "artistic focus" or "community participation." There's about $440,000 up for grabs this year, and awards can range from $1000-$6000 each. Intent to apply forms are due August 4, the grants page is here, and tips on how to submit a successful application can be downloaded from their website here.
(More! PSU Art Alumni show, bSIDE6 via Project Cityscope, and 3-minute films.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 15, 2010 at 9:19
| Comments (0)
artists wanted
The University Club of Portland is seeking submissions for its 2010-2011 Artist-in-Residence program. "This year-long program offers a professional studio artist, living in Oregon or Southern Washington, the opportunity to create in a private studio, offer group or private classes, workshops, and lectures..." Membership in the club is included. Applications due June 30. More info here.
Sisters of the Road, a local non-profit that helps the homeless and others in need, is seeking artwork to be given to the recipient of the regional annual Nonviolence and Economic Human Rights Award. There's an initial budget of $1500 for creating the work, followed by the rights to reproduce it annually for $500 or less. The artwork should represent Nonviolence and Economic Human Rights, and the deadline for proposals is June 25. Contact Katie Johnson at for more info.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on May 27, 2010 at 8:40
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Microcinema & last minute artist needed

Deep Leap Microcinema presents The Internet is a Terrible Place to Live: video art by Tyrone Davies, Nia Burns, Rachael Morrison, Max Juren, Stephen Slappe, Jeremy Bailey, Grey Gersten, and more, featuring a performance of Poltzergeist by Weird Faction. $3-$6.
Film(s) screening • 8pm • May 25
Deep Leap Microcinema @ Grand Detour • 215 SE Morrison Suite 2020
ARTIST NEEDED: False Front Studio is seeking an artist to perform and/or exhibit in their intimate NE Portland space this Thursday to replace the previously scheduled artist, who had to postpone due to a family emergency. Contact Jason Doizé at ASAP for more info.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on May 24, 2010 at 14:01
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artists wanted
Tacoma's Museum of Glass is seeking submissions for their first-ever juried art auction. All proceeds from auction sales go to benefit the museum, but! There are three serious cash prizes at stake ($2,500 - $10,000) and a five-day residency in the museum's hot shop. Works must be primarily made of glass and created after January 1, 2005. Submission deadline is June 2. Learn about the auction event and see the call for artists on their website.
(More!! Flower (Re)Power, 100th Monkey Studio, and a video festival in Rome.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on May 20, 2010 at 10:38
| Comments (2)
artist + participant opportunities
IGLOO Gallery is hosting If It Ain't Broke Don't Fix It, an Open Engagement project by Sara Black and John Preus. They're soliciting the participation of "four individuals, couples, groups or families who own a broken thing and who might like to see it 'repaired.'" The ask participants to consider the following:
"Three options are available with each instance of brokenness:
Return: re-approximate the state prior to brokenness.
Concession: landfill, death, surrender. At this point, we relinquish control to biology.
Transformation: material and/or functional qualities are diverted. We seek or uncover an objects novel capacities."
Repairs will take place at the gallery on Monday, May 17. If you're interested, contact ASAP.
(MORE: Proposals due for June Stock dinner; major artist residency/installation at Kurtztown University; Fix Studio's ShowPDX 2010 is looking for NW designers.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on May 10, 2010 at 12:34
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wanted: book artists & photographers
23 Sandy is seeking submissions for Book Power! Artist Books Addressing Our Social, Political or Environmental World. The show is open to "hand bound book arts related artworks created as either edition or one-of-a-kind. Artist books, sculptural books, book objects, altered books, zines or broadsides are encouraged. Any medium, any style, any size." They'll also be taking a different approach than previous years- the gallery will curate the exhibition, and use the money they would have spent on jurors to fund a marketing campaign to individuals and institutions with special collections of artist books. There will be one Best of Show and two Curators Choice awards. Submissions are due May 14. Tons more info can be found here.
Artists Wanted is seeking photographers for their second annual photography competition, EXPOSURE. The winner will receive their choice of $10,000 in cash or one year living rent free in a $1.2 million apartment at The Edge in New York City. One People's Choice Winner will be awarded $2,000 cash and a Manhattan gallery reception. You also get some goodies just for entering, like a free subscription to JPG Digital Magazine. The deadline is May 28. Learn more here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 29, 2010 at 8:27
| Comments (0)
artist opportunities
As you probably know by now, the University of Oregon has a branch of their architecture & allied arts program in Portland in the White Stag building. In that building they have a gallery called the White Box, within which there is also a "Gray Box" for new media and digital arts. The White Box (which encompasses both) is seeking proposals for the December 2010-November 2011 season. "Architects, designers, artists, curators and organizations are encouraged to submit proposals for exhibition programming in the White Box. Preference will be given to original exhibitions, curated for the White Box spaces, exploring contemporary inquiry from unique perspectives, and demonstrating a relationship to Portland’s community and the academic mission of the University." Submissions are due by May 10. Contact for guidelines & more info.
Southern Exposure (SoEx) is seeking submissions for SoEx Off-Site 2010, funded by the Graue award. They're offering $15,000 for a commissioned public art project in the San Francisco bay area. Artists from anywhere in the world may apply. The deadline is May 26, and you can get all the details here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 21, 2010 at 12:10
| Comments (0)
opportunities: project space
The Salem Art Association is seeking artists for Project Space: "A dynamic temporary (June – August 2010) contemporary art venue in downtown Salem, Oregon that will offer juried exhibits by regional artists, studio space as well as speakers and performances that encourage community dialogue." Artists may respond to this call with a project proposal, a proposal to exhibit a current body of work, a collaboration proposal, a proposal for a combined exhibit and studio space, a site-specific proposal, or an experiment outside the physical building of Project Space. Submissions are due by April 30 or May 7 (depending on which document you're referencing), and you can find all the details on their website under "Call for Exhibit Artists - Project Space."
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 12, 2010 at 9:44
| Comments (0)
artists wanted
Artist social networking site ARThood is seeking submissions for the first ARThood Selects competition. The theme is "Nomad" and it's curated by Shamim M. Momin, the Founder and Director of Los Angeles Nomadic Division (LAND) and a former contemporary curator at the Whitney Museum of American Art. Members of the (free) site can submit one image on the theme by May 3. All the details here.
NYC's 6th Annual Art in Odd Places festival is seeking project proposals. This year's theme is Chance, and work will be installed along 14th Street from Avenue C to the Hudson River in early October. Organizers encourage proposals that "explore this location's rich history, configuration, and heterogeneous communities." Submission deadline is May 14. Learn more about the festival and application guidelines on their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 02, 2010 at 14:15
| Comments (0)
Art Spark: Disjecta
Crystal Schenk, "Have and Have Not," currently on view at Disjecta for the Portland2010 Biennial
March's Art Spark is happening at Disjecta. They're celebrating the Portland2010 Biennial and offering attendees a chance to win a show at Disjecta (for individual artists or curated group shows). Submit a one-page synopsis of your proposal along with images before 5pm on Thursday and be ready to present your project to the Art Spark crowd if chosen.
Art chat • 5-7pm • March 18
Art Spark @ Disjecta • 8371 N Interstate • 503.286.9449
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 16, 2010 at 11:33
| Comments (0)
Local landmark Pittock Mansion is seeking submissions for their upcoming juried exhibition, Uncertain Times: Contemporary Art Views on the Fate of the Newspaper: "Newspapers today face an uncertain future, as television and the Internet erode print media’s traditional customer base. This exhibit interprets the challenges that newspapers face today through paintings, drawings, prints, sculpture, and multimedia art." The submission deadline is May 15, and you can get more details and a registration form on their website.
(More! Open call for PSU's Littman & White galleries, environmentally conscious art for the renewable energy round-up, and wearable art for Anka.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 15, 2010 at 9:56
| Comments (0)
cultural trust grants + stock proposals
The Oregon Cultural Trust recently announced the opening of their FY2011 grant cycle (the trust has only one grant cycle per year). Grant awards range from $5,000 - $50,000 and can go to "Oregon humanities, art and heritage nonprofits with 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status... to support projects of cultural significance taking place between August 1, 2010 - July 31, 2011." Projects must be in one of four categories: access, capacity, creativity, or preservation. Applications are due May 14, 2010. To learn more about the Trust's competitive grant program, visit their website.
Update: Stock is seeking proposals for their March dinner. Proposals must be project-specific and are due by March 7. Learn more about the Stock democratic artist awards and details for submitting on their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 26, 2010 at 8:18
| Comments (0)
lots of artist opportunities
Via the Oregon Arts Commission: The University of Oregon is seeking art for the new Cheryl Ramberg Ford & Allyn Ford Alumni Center. Works will primarily be placed around the first floor fireplace hearth, and they're seeking to complement the building's "clean, modern, and technology-rich aesthetic" with "fine art which shows the hand of the artist in the materials. Works should tell a story that relates to history or place, through materials or a regional sensibility. The work is expected to be of lasting and durable materials." Applications are due on March 12, and you can get all the details here.
(More! Proposals for Little Field, gender-related art for L&C, and an open call from NY's 3rd Ward.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 15, 2010 at 9:50
| Comments (0)
artist opportunities
The Hearst Corporation is seeking submissions for their 2011 8x10 Photography Biennial Competition, open to all U.S. and international freelance, amateur and professional photographers and students, aged 18 to 35 years of age. Submissions are due by May 31. Portland photographer Brad Carlile was one of eight winners in the 2009 Biennial. Learn more about the Hearst Biennial and read Brad's advice here.
(More! Public school supplies benefit, IN HOUSE gallery, and Portland Open Studios.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on January 28, 2010 at 11:27
| Comments (1)
a productive start to 2010
UO's White Box gallery in the White Stag building is seeking project proposals for the 2010-2011 season: "Artists, architects, designers, curators and organizations are encouraged to apply. Preference will be given to original exhibitions, curated for the White Box spaces, exploring contemporary inquiry from unique perspectives, and demonstrating a relationship to a global art and design conversation, Portland's community and the academic mission of the University." The deadline for submissions is January 15. For more info and to apply, contact
(More: McKenzie River Trust anniversary show, new art salon at Branx, and art+recession at SSCC.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on January 06, 2010 at 13:52
| Comments (0)
Help bring public art to Pittman Addition
The Portland Water Bureau is forming a Public Art Advisory Committee for Pittman Addition HydroPark and they're looking for members: "The committee will work to develop guidelines, fundraise, and solicit works of art for temporary installations at this new public open space in North Portland. It will be an opportunity to join with neighbors to create a place where community and culture converge. The committee will meet approximately bimonthly, and we are asking community volunteers to serve a two year term. If you are interested in serving on the committee, please submit a 'letter of interest' by email to Darcy Cronin by January 25th." Lots more details here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on December 30, 2009 at 10:52
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wintry opportunities
Triple Canopy is seeking proposals for projects in one of five areas: Research Work (to facilitate art-related research projects outside of academia), Internet as Material (to support emerging and mid-career artists who've never before made art specifically for the Web), Thinking Through Images (to "foster conversations about images and videos of cultural, political, and social relevance"), New Media Reporting (to provide journalists an outlet for in-depth, critical reports executed in multiple media), and New Programming (to support the development of exhibitions, panel discussions, performances, film screenings, and other public events that examine the intersection of culture, politics, and technology). They'll be sponsoring 10 total projects, and proposals are due February 15, 2010. Get way more info here.
The Oregon Arts Commission has announced a new public art opportunity at the Western Oregon University Health & Wellness Center. They're seeking proposals for site-specific work that promotes "healthy attitudes, a strong sense of place and the commonality of [the building's] diverse functions, physically and conceptually." The application deadline is January 29, 2010, and you can get the full scoop here.
NYC-based group Artists Wanted has announced "The Power of Self: An Image Competition" focused on self portraits. The juried winner will get either a huge cash prize or six months free rent at The Edge in NYC, and the public choice winner will also get a pretty good cash prize. Submissions are due January 14, 2010, and you can read all about it on their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on December 23, 2009 at 9:26
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Artist Glen Larsen is working with Portland developer John Beardsley to find a creative solution to recession-induced blight. For "Project Expose Yourself," Larsen is curating monthly exhibitions in the windows of rotating empty downtown storefronts. Current work can be seen in the Yeon Building at SW 5th & Alder and the corner windows at SW 3rd & Stark. Artists interested in participating in the ongoing project can contact Glen Larsen at
South Seattle Community College has put out an ongoing call for submissions, noting that shows are scheduled one year in advance. They're looking for diverse programming from national artists working in any mediums, with an emphasis on new and emerging artists. Interested artists should contact Tracy Cilona at for more information.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on December 15, 2009 at 11:23
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Blackfish & the Anderson Ranch
Eric Rue at Blackfish
Blackfish Gallery, one of the oldest existing cooperative galleries in the U.S., is seeking new artists to join the membership. Interested artists should live in the Portland area and be prepared to submit 20 images, a letter of intent, artist statement, anresume. The application deadline is February 6, 2010. Visit Blackfish for a more detailed application package: 420 NW 9th, 503.224.2634.
The Anderson Ranch arts center is seeking applications for artist residencies. Finalists are chosen on the basis of artistic merit by an independent jury of established working artists and will live and work at Anderson Ranch for a approximately ten week residency period. While in residence, all artists will share in an established community of interaction, conceptual development and intense production of work. Resident artists will be provided with housing, studio space, meals and certain other benefits and will be required to submit a residency fee of $100. While in residence, there is an optional structure of critical study such as studio visits, visiting artists, etc. Applications for fall or spring 2010 are due by February 1, 2010. More details can be found on their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on November 24, 2009 at 10:29
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launch art (opportunities)
Launch Pad is seeking submissions for Light Sensitive Material, their first-ever *juried* group show in celebration of the gallery's fourth anniversary. "The show focuses on what appears to be a dying media in this modern computer driven age where many of our most cherished memories are recorded ethereally as a sequence of ones and zeros rather than as a physical object than can be handed down through generations: Analogue (non-digital) photographic processes." All work using light-sensitive processes may be submitted. Application deadline is November 23. More details right here.
Buckman Arts Focus Elementary is seeking original (sale-able) artwork for their 20th Annual Art Show & Sell. Normally here at PORT we're leery of benefits asking artists to donate proceeds of their sales, but public arts education is a Worthy Cause. This is a juried exhibition of work during the "show and sell," as well as a silent auction. Applications are due December 2. Lots more info on their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on November 17, 2009 at 9:05
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show your work @ disjecta
"Vestibule," Disjecta's visual arts space, is putting out an open call for proposals from emerging artists: "The Curatorial Committee reviews proposals from artists and organizations, choosing programs for their artistic strength and cultural and/or social relevance. Applications are accepted year round." For submission guidelines and further information, visit their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on November 09, 2009 at 11:07
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artists needed
The Trim/Vojdani Gallery at p:ear, "a nonprofit program that builds positive relationships with homeless and transitional youth... through education, art and recreation," is seeking artists for their regional juried exhibition. This year's holiday season show is called "12 Days of P:ear" and will feature up to 12 artists. Submissions are due by November 6. More info on the exhibition and submission requirements on their website.
The Mount Hood Community College's student literary magazine Perceptions is seeking submissions from artists, writers, photographers, videographers, and musicians. You don't have to be affiliated with the school. The open call is through January 15, 2010. Please contact Jonathan Morrow of the English department for more details.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on October 26, 2009 at 10:52
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pecha kucha & art on alberta
MFA in Applied Craft & Design students hard at work, from their blog
If you're curious about PNCA & OCAC's new MFA in Applied Craft and Design, here's your chance to get to know the students and their ideas. In conjunction with the ongoing Call + Response exhibition, the Museum of Contemporary Craft, PNCA, and OCAC present a Pecha Kucha-inspired night. Pecha Kucha is "a concept that grew out of the Tokyo design community, featuring a series of concise presentations." MFA in Applied Craft and Design students will present ideas and images in a modified format of roughly 3.5 minutes each.
Student presentations • 5:30pm • October 21
Museum of Contemporary Craft • 724 NW Davis • 503.223.2654
Unrelated: Art on Alberta, the organization that coordinates community artistic endeavors in NE Portland, is seeking volunteers. In addition to an open board position, they need an Alberta street historian, an Art on Alberta historian, volunteer writers to contribute to their blog and newsletter, a media assistant, and a gallery assistant. Learn more about these volunteer positions here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on October 19, 2009 at 10:56
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another round of opportunities
Beginning with an announcement: In 2010, Disjecta will mount its first biennial survey of Portland contemporary art. Work will be exhibited at Disjecta and the IFCC in spring 2010, and the program is being organized and curated by Linfield director Cris Moss. Studio visits will happen before artist selections are announced, and Moss expects to visit at least 300 studios to select over 20 artists. Stipends will be available. Interested artists should send "full contact information including mailing address, email and phone number, a link to their work, or three attached images to Ongoing information about the show will be available here.
(Lots more! Salem Art Association, Wall Space/23 Sandy, College Book Art Association, Babelgum Metropolis Art Prize, and Art in Hand.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on October 15, 2009 at 8:29
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CoCA Seattle Annual
Seattle's Center on Contemporary Art is seeking submissions for their 2009 Annual juried exhibition. Inviting work from artists in any medium from any origin, "the exhibit will showcase the ways in which contemporary artists, regardless of their location, share similar aesthetic concerns and conceptual approaches in a world of increasingly dramatic flux." Deadline October 23. Lots more details on their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on September 17, 2009 at 8:08
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loud silence
Calling video artists: Savannah, GA-based gallery aquaspace is seeking video submissions for a very loud silence, a series of short silent films. a very loud silence will be presented on October 2 as part of Le Flash, a one-night art event in Castleberry Hill, Atlanta, GA. Pieces can be digitized film, video, or animation, maximum TRT 5 minutes, and should reflect the concept of "investigating the scope of emptiness, nothingness, and the unspoken through manipulations of moving light." Deadline September 15. For more info and application details, contact
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on August 26, 2009 at 12:09
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STOCK fashion

Katy Asher, Amber Bell and Ariana Jacob are seeking proposals for their August STOCK dinner grant. The concept: Each month, STOCK invites people from the community to an inexpensive dinner at the gallery. The proceeds from the dinner all go directly into the STOCK artist grant, and the attendees decide who will receive that month's grant. Artists may only submit one proposal per month. Deadline: August 23. Submission guidelines and further info are here.

The annual Junk to Funk recycled fashion event is seeking artists for the 2009 show. Deadline: October 14. More info about the event and submission guidelines here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on August 14, 2009 at 10:19
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tons of opportunities
Dana Fenwick, from the Plastic Quilt project
There are seven different artist opportunities under "Read more," including the Plastic Quilt Project, a call for PSU art alumni, the Oregon Media Arts Fellowship, a public art opportunity via the Oregon Percent for Art program, a Launch Pad group show, a print show at Bamboo Grove Salon, and FoundPortland.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on August 07, 2009 at 12:51
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career opportunity grants
The deadline for the Oregon Arts Commission's Career Opportunity Grants for artists is coming up. The grants "provide financial support to enable Oregon artists to take advantage of unique opportunities to enhance their careers through the development of arts, business or professional skills... Grant amounts may range from $300 to $1,500." The deadline for this cycle is August 13. More info on the OAC website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on July 31, 2009 at 9:14
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RACC 2010 grants
The Regional Arts and Culture Council is seeking grant proposals for artistic projects and cultural events scheduled for calendar year 2010. "Intent to apply" forms can be filled out online and are due by August 5. More info on the RACC website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on July 13, 2009 at 10:23
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calling: photographers and local artists
Newspace is seeking submissions for their first juried members exhibition, showing in September 2009. Current Newspace members working in any photographic theme or process can submit work until July 17. More details can be found here.
Updated: Becca Bernstein is seeking submissions for her new project, the Emerson Art Observatory. For one year (start date TBA), she'll be showing rotating works in a location that is now also TBA. All mediums and formats will be considered. Works can be for sale, but they don't have to be. Proposals are due by September 30. Get more info here.
Added: Seattle's Crawlspace Gallery is seeking submissions for solo exhibitions, group shows, or curatorial projects. Their current deadline is August 1. Directions and details here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 25, 2009 at 11:12
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Papergirl in Portland
Hoodturkey is bringing Papergirl to Portland. This annual Berlin-based event "is an art project which, in the style of American paperboys, distributes rolled art pieces by bicycle to random passers-by in the streets. It consists of an exhibition, the action (distribution of the art), a bike workshop and a party." The result is a 100% non-monetary exchange & distribution of art to the community. Artists who would like to participate should submit work by September 14. Hoodturkey is also seeking volunteers to help distribute, organize the party, and photograph all related events. For more details on the process and getting involved, visit the Portland Papergirl website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 15, 2009 at 10:48
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tons of opportunities
Louise Lawler, "Writers Should Be Well Paid," 1993/95
Creative Capital | Warhol Foundation are seeking submissions for their 2009 arts writers grants, which range from $3,000 to $50,000 depending on the needs and scope of the project. The program is "designed to encourage and reward writing about contemporary art that is rigorous, passionate, eloquent and precise, as well as to create a broader audience for arts writing..." Application deadline is June 8, learn more here.
(More: The Grid, Krakow residency, Littman & White Galleries, PDX tattoos for PAM.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on May 19, 2009 at 10:11
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calling: architects & designers

The Tacoma Art Museum is seeking concepts for the redesign of their plaza and perimeter "to create a landmark civic space that enlivens downtown Tacoma." The deadline is June 5, and you can learn all about the project right here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on May 13, 2009 at 10:36
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Art on Alberta is still seeking volunteers for their 10th annual Art Hop. If you're available on May 16 and want to get involved, check out their call for volunteers.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on May 06, 2009 at 12:32
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community culture

The IFCC has extended their call for artists for their 2009-2010 season to May 8. In keeping with their mission, the IFCC is seeking "solo and group proposals that explore, honor, and celebrate diversity while awakening cultural awareness." You may submit proposals for an original exhibition, or to participate in one of their five established group shows. To learn more and download application guidelines, visit the IFCC website.

The Salem Art Association is seeking artists for Project Space II, a "temporary contemporary art venue in downtown Salem that will offer juried exhibits by regional artists, studio space as well as speakers and performances that encourage community dialogue." Exhibits will rotate every three weeks, and artists are encouraged to engage the community during their three week tenure. The application deadline is May 15. More details and application info here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 22, 2009 at 11:00
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spring productivity
Jessica Skloven, 2008 winner
Newspace is seeking submissions for their 5th annual juried exhibition, which will be on view in August 2009. All photographic themes and processes are accepted, but work must have been created within the past three years. Selected photographers will participate in the exhibition, and one will receive a solo show at Newspace and a $500 award. Submissions are due May 29. Details here.
(More opportunities: public art & gender identity. Larry Sultan for PMMNLS.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 10, 2009 at 9:10
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more to do
SCRAP is devoting part of their new space to a professional gallery featuring "environmentally friendly reuse art." They're seeking submissions for their first show, a juried exhibition on the theme of New Beginnings. They're accepting any media, but each piece must be made from at least 75% reused material and measure no more than 36" in the largest dimension. The show will be in May 2009, and the submission deadline is March 31. Direct all inquiries to
(More: Beefmaster online gallery, WSU is seeking an art history professor.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 20, 2009 at 9:40
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Seeking: Educators, Oregonians, Agoraphobics, Sculptors

"The Right Brain Initiative, a partnership of public schools, local government, foundations, businesses and the cultural community, is seeking experienced teaching artists and arts education organizations to support the goal to make arts education accessible to every K-8 student in the Portland tri-county region." Applications for the 2009-2010 school year are due April 20. Materials will be available March 16. Learn more about the project and download the call for artists here.
(More! Froelick, Crawl Space, Lane CC. Updated with Vantage Art projects.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 10, 2009 at 11:50
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It's not easy staying green

Curators Justin Bland and Mia Nolting are seeking submissions for a June 2009 exhibition at PNCA, Keep Oregon Green. The theme is "work related to Oregon's natural landscape," and half of the profits from sales will go to the Keep Oregon Green Association. Submissions are due by March 31. Read all about it here.
*Update: some valid concerns have been raised about Keep Oregon Green as more timber oriented organization in the comments. PORT doesnt take a stance but artists should look at the composition of KOG's board to more accurately determine if the goals of the organization are in line with the artist's views. Obviously, the timber companies have a huge role in the management of natural resources so the "Green" issue isn't merely black and white.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 12, 2009 at 10:13
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Vanessa Renwick, from "Toxic Shock," 1983
Watch: Curator Marc Moscato presents A Not Too Distant Past: Film & Video From Underground Chicago, a collection of short experimental and documentary videos examining the Chicago's radical history. Featured filmmakers include Vanessa Renwick, Frédéric Moffet, Dara Greenwald, Kartemquin Films (a 1970s student group at the Art Institute of Chicago), The Videofreex (a late 1960s underground video collective out of upstate New York), and Marc Moscato. Tickets are $5.
Video screening • 8pm • February 5
The Waypost • 3120 N Williams • 503.367.3182
Film: Like to make film? Like to bicycle? (It's Portland, of course you do.) The 7th Annual Filmed By Bike festival is soliciting bike-themed shorts. All submissions must be under 8 minutes, and the deadline is February 15. Read all about it here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 02, 2009 at 9:23
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First Opportunities
Clark College's Archer Gallery is seeking a half-time curator and manager, with the possibility of teaching in the art department. They're looking for someone with at least three years of curatorial and installation experience who is well connected to the NW arts community and prepared to hire and teach work study students. Applications are due by February 26. Download the application materials here.
Seattle's SOIL gallery is seeking artists for their upcoming season. They're looking for proposals for group shows of 3+ people. They accept rolling submissions, but the deadline for this season is February 14. Submission guidelines can be found here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on January 19, 2009 at 10:52
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Crawl Space Centennial
Christoph Gielen, "Closeness, Two, peripheral Berlin" from the 2007 Centennial
Seattle's Crawl Space Gallery is seeking submissions for their 2009 Third Annual Centennial juried exhibition. This year's judge is NW artist Jeffry Mitchell, and one exhibiting artist will be chosen for a $500 award. Submissions of work in any medium are due by February 1, 2009. Get more details on their site.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on December 29, 2008 at 9:21
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Public Science (Art) Opportunities
The Oregon Arts Commission has announced two new calls for public artists. The Oregon Institute for Technology (OIT) is looking for work that "may reflect or enhance the following subjects and ideas: Biology, Chemistry, Health and Environmental Sciences, cutting edge medical technologies, contemporary and traditional approaches to problem solving and the natural beauty, wildlife and indigenous native culture of the area." Application deadline: January 9.
The Linus Pauling Science Center at OSU is seeking artists or teams who can work collaboratively to reach a "site-specific design solution" to complement this building, which is still in the design phase. They are interested in concepts that "blur the lines between art, science and technology." Application deadline: January 23.
Read more about these opportunities, and keep an eye out for future public art opportunities, at the Oregon Arts Commission.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on December 18, 2008 at 9:14
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New Season Opportunities
The North View Gallery at PCC Sylvania, is looking for emerging and established artists for solo exhibitions during the 2009-2010 school year. Submissions will only be accepted by mail, and must be postmarked by February 3. Please contact Vicki Wilson for submission requirements and address information.
Pushdot studios is soliciting submissions for their 2009 exhibition schedule. They accept rolling submissions throughout the year, but calendars fill up fast, so it's worth jumping on it. You can read their detailed submission guidelines by visiting their website and going to Gallery: Submittal Guidelines.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on December 01, 2008 at 9:25
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Lots of Opportunities
Starting with MERGE at the University of Oregon. Their Adell McMillan Gallery is seeking submissions for a combined film and art exhibition exploring mixed and/or multi media genres. In addition to the month-long show, the gallery will feature a one night screening to give audiences the chance to "experience and interact" with new experimental film. Submissions of film or mixed media work (very broadly defined) are due by December 17, and you can get the full lowdown here.
(A whole bunch more under the cut, including a deadline in two days.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on November 18, 2008 at 10:00
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(Sexy) Opportunities
Michael Graves' Portland Building, ca. 1983, from Portland Online
The RACC has posted two RFPs for installation space in the Portland Building. One opportunity is aimed at students enrolled in an Oregon college or university, to build a one month installation in the lobby (there will be three student shows in 2009). The second is aimed at Oregon or Washington artists to install work in the lobby space, also month long shows, for six shows during the 2009-2010 season. Both deadlines are December 1. Learn more here.

The annual Seattle Erotic Art Festival is seeking submissions for SEAF2009. In addition to submissions for the festival's main exhibition, they're seeking a multimedia artist to design a centerpiece for the stage, and they're also seeking interactive installations. The deadline is January 30, 2009, and you can learn all about it right here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on November 05, 2008 at 8:37
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Politics & Community
For the month of November, the Utrecht supply store will be exhibiting political art. They've released a non-juried open call for any and all 2D art on a political theme. The work should be no more than 36"x48", and ready to hang. Bring up to two works to the store on November 1st, 2nd, or 3rd for the hanging. You can learn more about the project on their blog.
Local artist "Abe" is seeking contributions for his Neighborhood Diaries project. Got a memory, any memory, from the Buckman, Boise, Downtown, Northwest, and King/Vernon neighborhoods? Get in touch with him and share your story (anonymously if you prefer). He'll be putting the stories together into a podcast walking tour of Portland, told through the anecdotes of local residents instead of the traditional urban history. You can read all about the project here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on October 22, 2008 at 13:15
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Calling Artists & Curators
Melia Donovan, "Item of information #1" from the 2006 CoCA Annual
Seattle's Center on Contemporary Art is seeking submissions for its annual juried exhibition. This year's Annual is juried by Riko Nakasone from Vancouver's Bau-Xi Gallery. CoCA is asking artists to respond to the theme hybrid: "The elements of the world we live in are increasingly becoming synthesized, mixed and reorganized. New ideas are being combined with existing ones. From cars to food, politics and religion, biochemistry, new technologies and art, we are all experiencing the 'hybrid'." First and second place, selected by the juror, take $500 and $250, respectively. Submissions are due by October 23 - learn more on CoCA's site.
(More for curators, photographers, and filmmakers below the cut.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on October 15, 2008 at 6:50
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The 6th Vinyl Killers show is seeking submissions. Vinyl Killers is an exhibition of international vinyl art, launched in 2003. The submission deadline is October 8, and more details can be found on their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on September 03, 2008 at 11:09
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Things to Do

This opportunity comes from former PORTstar Melia Donovan. The Beaverton Arts Commission is seeking "challenging" submissions for their mural project. The city recently voted to exempt public art from the sign code, birthing the mural program and creating a lot of excellent opportunity for interesting public art. You can learn more on the program's website.
(A couple more things after the jump.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on August 29, 2008 at 14:40
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Make Art? Make Heritage?

The RACC is inviting filmmakers to submit short videos for Portland Art Happens, a pilot project that will expose Portland's "vibrant art scene" to the 50,000+ monthly visitors to the RACC's website. Submissions will be accepted from 18+ artists in the tri-county Portland area, and six filmmakers will receive a $200 honorarium. The submission deadline is September 17. More details can be found here.
A plethora of public art opportunities after the jump.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on August 19, 2008 at 9:31
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Public Art, Private Art
PSU's Urban Center Plaza
Via the Oregon Arts Commission: PSU is seeking artists to design public work for a "180,000 square foot multiuse facility at PSU’s Urban Center Plaza." The art selection committee is particularly interested in proposals that "use the student or other local population as subject matter, or that provide opportunities for student interaction or gathering." There is a $325K budget that may be divided. The application deadline is September 17, and more information can be found right here.
Launch Pad Gallery is hosting their sixth open call group show. This show's theme is Dreams: "This October, in the liminal month between summer and fall, Launch Pad Gallery invites you to delve deep into the private world of your mind..." Open call means non-juried, with space for one 2D work, max 2'x2', from up to 100 artists. The deadline is September 9. More details and submission info can be found here.
And, finally, Art on Alberta, organizers of Last Thursday and other major NE arts events, are trying to build an online network for communication between vendors and artists. This is especially important in light of their recent meetings with the city regarding the planning and organization of Last Thursday. If you're a vendor, please contact, and if you're interested in volunteering, you can get more info here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on August 11, 2008 at 10:26
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Seattle Public Art Opportunity
From the Seattle Mayor's Office
The Seattle Mayor's Office of Arts & Cultural Affairs wants to purchase 2D art from emerging Northwest artists. Correction: They have a $30K budget, they will purchase more than two works, judged by panel... The pieces will go into the Seattle Public Utilities' Portable Works Collection. The deadline for submission is August 25. For more application details, click here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on August 01, 2008 at 9:00
| Comments (5)
Opportunity is knocking
Oscar Tuazon, winner of 2007 Betty Bowen award, "Coming Soon" (2002)
The Seattle Art Museum is seeking applicants for its 30th annual Betty Bowen award. The award is a large, unrestricted cash grant to any single artist working in Washington, Oregon, or Idaho. The award is in the spirit of Bowen's declaration, "There is still a young genius among us who has been overlooked!" The jury includes a rotating board of local artists, so even just applying is an excellent chance to increase exposure of your work and receive critique from your peers. The deadline is August 15, learn more here.
Several more opportunities behind the cut.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on July 28, 2008 at 12:50
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Calling Designers
Portland Spaces magazine is launching their first Root Awards: Design From the Ground Up. There are 20+ awards for professional designers in architecture, design/build, interiors, landscape, and more. Submissions are due July 14, and you can learn more about the professional awards here.
The second component to the awards invites viewers/readers to submit photographs of their favorite moments of "Design on the Street." Select images will be used for a photo collage in their Nov/Dec issue. The deadline for photo submissions is August 15, and more info on those can be found here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on July 04, 2008 at 11:47
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Just in time for Monday, I have another big batch of calls for artists for you! Make sure to "Read More."

Jáce Gáce is having their second annual Overkill exhibition. The first show launched the beer & waffle house as a fun and interesting east side art space, and they're hoping it'll get even better this year. It's a non-juried free for all, accepting submissions from June 30 - July 1. If you follow the guidelines, no one will be turned away until their walls are full, so get more information here.
Read more, read more!
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 23, 2008 at 12:22
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Are you ready?
Ok, get ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work, because I have a lot of artist opportunities for you (don't forget to Read More). Starting with...

The Tacoma Art Museum is seeking submissions for it's 9th NW Biennial. Frankly, last year's Biennial was less than satisfactory, and sadly lacked much Portland influence. So this year, Portland, step up your game! It is time to represent, and show off what the creative darlings of the NW can really do. Submissions are due July 26 - guidelines can be found here.
More, more, more behind the cut!
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 11, 2008 at 10:57
| Comments (1)
Film, Film, and Do You Make Film?
From the Ottawa Animation Film Festival
There's lots going on at the NW Film Center. This weekend, they're airing the best of the 2007 Ottawa Animation Festival. In its 32nd year, the festival drew submissions from over 70 countries, and this 90 minute screening features the best of the final 97 entries.
First screening • 7pm • June 13
Second screening • 6pm • June 15
NW Film Center • Whitsell Auditorium • 1219 SW Park AVE
On Thursday, they're screening the best of the 34th Northwest Film & Video Festival. This touring program features the best of the best in contemporary northwest film making, and several visiting artists will be in attendance.
Film screening • 8pm • June 12
NW Film Center • Whitsell Auditorium • 1219 SW Park AVE
Do you make film? The NW Film Center is seeking submissions for the 35th Northwest Film Fest. Entries are due by August 1. More info can be found here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 09, 2008 at 23:00
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From Portland, OR to Portland, ME
Matthew Robbins
The project "Art All Around" is seeking submissions for public art in Portland, ME. They're looking for artists of "any nationality and any age" to build "a major public art work using Portland, Maine's Sprague Energy Corporation 16 of more than 35 above-ground storage tanks as a canvas." There are large cash prizes for 5 semi-finalists, as well as travel accommodations and an even bigger cash prize for one finalist, "whose vision will be applied to 16 of the tanks." The application deadline is June 25 - learn more about it here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on May 20, 2008 at 11:45
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DIVA call for proposals
Current installation at the DIVA space
Eugene's Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts (DIVA) is seeking submissions for its January - June 2009 exhibition season. The arts center, billed as the "visual arts hub of downtown Eugene," has six galleries. They're seeking submissions from Oregon artists and artist groups who are presenting "innovative approaches" on "relevant and meaningful" topics. The submission deadline for proposals is June 7. For more information, you can download their application here (PDF).
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on May 12, 2008 at 11:45
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Public Art Opportunity
Western Oregon University (WOU) is seeking submissions for two pieces of public artwork. The first, near the Mathematics & Nursing Building, should "create a calm, pleasant and inviting atmosphere." The second, near the Humanities and Social Sciences Department, should promote physical and conceptual "unification of this multi-disciplined instructional facility."
Both opportunities are available through the Oregon Arts Commission. Submission deadlines are May 9, and detailed application information can be found here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 24, 2008 at 11:58
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Get Involved
Art on Alberta banner
Art on Alberta is seeking new board members. Their mission statement: "[T]o promote Alberta Street's distinct culture and identity through public art, visual art events, and educational activities." They have six board positions open. There will be a special AoA meeting next week, and potential board candidates are encouraged to attend. For more information about the requirements and qualifications to be on the AoA board, visit their website and/or download this PDF.
Art on Alberta Meeting • 6:30pm • April 21
Art on Alberta Office • 1614 NE Alberta St.•
Roberta Wong, currently on view at the IFCC Gallery
The Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center (IFCC) is seeking exhibition proposals for its 2008-2009 Gallery Season. Solo shows, group shows, and "inter media collaborations" will all be considered, as well as submissions to annual group shows. For more details, visit their submission guidelines page.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 15, 2008 at 13:02
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Portland Funbook 3
Psilo Design
Psilo Design is soliciting entries for the third edition of the Portland Funbook. The Funbook (which will be oversized at 11x17 this year) features clever "entertainment" by local artists and musicians, as well as quirky articles on Portland heritage, and proceeds go to charity. The deadline for submitting a page is June 25. Go here to learn more and download submission guidelines.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 29, 2008 at 15:48
| Comments (0)
Carol Barnett, "Northwind," 2007 winner
U of O is seeking submissions for their Pacific Northwest Art Annual. The exhibition has been happening for forty years, and each Annual culminates with the "Best in Show" being purchased for their permanent collection. They're only interested in NW artists, and work must have been completed in the last five years. Submissions must be postmarked by April 1. For more information, and to download the submission form, visit their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 20, 2008 at 9:16
| Comments (0)
Artists! Listen Up
There are a million opportunities for artists right now, so make sure to "Read More"!
Henri Cartier-Bresson, "Behind the Gare Saint-Lazare" (1932)
Newspace is asking for entries for their 2008 Juried Exhibition. The theme this year is inspired by Bresson's famous description of his photography capturing "the decisive moment." They're looking for entries that explore fleeting environmental moments that "change our perspective slightly... [as] we become witnesses to the gestures of time." Artist and curator TJ Norris is running the exhibition. Selected entries will be shown in a group exhibition, and the winner will have a solo exhibition and receive a $500 award. Entries from anywhere in the world, made within the last two years, will be accepted. The deadline is May 2nd. See their website for more details on how to enter.
(Tons more calls for artists below the cut!)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 17, 2008 at 12:10
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Last Waltz at Wonder
Stephen Scott Smith, "gorillasmith series"
For their final exhibition in their space below the Wonder Ballroom, the Mark Woolley Gallery presents ALPHABET SOUP: Labeling, Identity, Stigma, Pride. They're still looking for artists to submit work that explores "the external and internal dimensions of the sexual labels G, L, B, T, Q, I, A, SGL, 2S and more." The exhibition will also include a non-juried wall for all artists to express themselves on the subject.
Click here for submission guidelines. The deadline is March 1, at 5:30pm.
Opening reception & dance party • 5pm - late • March 8
Woolley at Wonder • 128 NW Russell St. • 503.224.5475
Closing party / Goodbye to the space • 5pm - late • March 21
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 25, 2008 at 14:48
| Comments (0)
Artists in Residence

The Salem Arts Association is seeking applications for its Artist in Residence program. Artists with teaching experience in the fields of visual arts, theater, dance, storytelling, and music are asked to submit a proposal for a short or long term residency. If your proposal is accepted, you may be appointed to schools and/or organizations in Marion, Polk and Yamhill counties.
For more information, visit the SAA website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 18, 2008 at 14:12
| Comments (0)
Keeping Portland Creative

Whether or not you're sick of the bumper sticker campaign, this is a great opportunity to bring the quirky side of Portland art to the politicos. Keep Portland Weird is looking for work for a March exhibition in City Hall. There is no submission fee, and the deadline is Friday, February 15. Visit their website for more info.

If you're more interested in talking about how to keep Portland weird (or just artistic), come to the annual Art on Alberta meeting, featuring keynote speaker Commissioner Sam Adams. Buffet is $5.
Meeting • 6:30-8pm • February 13
Zaytoon in the Alberta Arts District • 2236 NE Alberta St. •
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 11, 2008 at 13:26
| Comments (6)
Works, Public & Personal

The Oregon Arts Commission is currently seeking submissions for public work.
The first opportunity is for on-site art for the new building project at the University of Oregon's College of Education. Highlighted themes include "Intervention, The Individual, Hope, Discovery and Diversity."
The second opportunity is for on-site artwork for the Oregon State Data Center in Salem. Successful work will engage the viewer (and especially the employees), and compliment the surrounding architecture.
Both submission deadlines are on February 29. You can learn more about the projects here.
Carl Morris, "In the Stillness of Time"
On an unrelated note: Guest curators Prudence Roberts and Silas Cook (assistant director of Reed's Cooley Gallery) will be speaking tomorrow at Marylhurst University's Art Gym. Roberts will be discussing Carl Morris: Figure, Word & Light, an exploration of a body of Morris' painting made partly in response to WWII. Cook will address Leonard Ruder: Evidence of a Life Work, a retrospective of Ruder's 50+ year career, moving from landscape into abstraction through continuous formal experimentation.
The exhibitions run through February 13. There will be a special musical performance from 12:30 - 1:15 on closing day. The music was composed in response to the paintings by John Paul, chair of the Marylhurst University Music Department, and others.
Gallery talk • 12pm • January 29
Marylhurst University Art Gym • 17600 Pacific Highway (Hwy 43), Marylhurst, OR • 503.636.8141
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on January 28, 2008 at 13:10
| Comments (0)

IGLOO, a gallery in the Everett Station Lofts, is currently seeking submissions. They feature contemporary works by regional and national artists, and encourage submissions in all mediums. Proposals and examples of work should be sent in PDF format to More information can be found on their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on January 25, 2008 at 9:11
| Comments (0)
Media Arts Fellowship
From the NW Film Center, Oregon Arts Commission, and the Oregon Film & Video Office comes a great opportunity for local film artists: "A fund has been established for Oregon filmmakers to provide financial support for production expenses to enable Oregon film or video artists to create or complete new work, or works in progress. Media artists will be able to apply for up to $15,000 in cash and up to 3 weeks of studio, video and audio support. The Media Arts Fellowship will recognize and assist media artists whose work shows exceptional promise and who have demonstrated a commitment to film or video art."
The application deadline is January 31. Visit the NW Film Center for more information.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on January 07, 2008 at 11:38
| Comments (0)
Are you looking forward?

The 2008 Future Arts Fest is looking forward: Are you? FAF is an event incorporating music, dance, fashion, and art installation that asks the question "Where do you see Portland's art scene heading in the future?" They are seeking submissions from artists who can push the visual envelope, delving into the issues that arise as technology and development push our lives ever-forward and art answers back.
The event will take place on February 7, 2008, at the Holocene. FAF is still looking for a video installation artist, and a work on canvas in any medium. Entries must be a minimum of 3'x3', and are due by January 1. Contact Seth Gottesdiener for more information.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on December 18, 2007 at 14:02
| Comments (0)
A better bridge design
bridge design contest is really going well with some truly interesting designs
from some very adept minds worldwide.
But with Miami etc. going on we wont be posting the final results until after
Dec 21st. so we are extending the deadline till that day. Net result, you've
got a little more time to send us your best bridge. Actually, PDX gallerist
Jane Beebe suggested a design that would incorporate cultural spaces for artist
groups to use... a kind of Rialto
for culture instead of shopping. I'd like to see a sketch for that submitted.
Also, so far it's been mostly professional designers not say installation artists, comic
book artists, ecologists or architects who have provided designs... so let's fix
that eh? All it takes is a sketch. More
details here.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on December 04, 2007 at 1:00
| Comments (0)
Altered Landscapes
Robert Smithson, "Spiral Jetty" (1970)
The Newspace Center for Photography is soliciting submissions for an exhibition exploring "altered landscapes." From architecture to horticulture to earthworks, human beings are constantly altering the world around them, and Newspace wants to know what that looks like to you.
Any type of photographic process is admissible. You may submit as many images as you like, with a submission fee of $5 per image. The deadline is December 28, and the exhibition will open on February 8. Check out the full prospectus for more information.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on November 28, 2007 at 19:11
| Comments (0)
Dead Air
The Video Gentlemen, "Cropped Signal (detail)"
Here's an interesting opportunity for all you video artists out there:
"In February 2009, the United States will add Dead Air to the acres of accumulated Dead Media, pulling the plug on analog television broadcasts. Subsequent waves of e-waste are predicted as consumers junk their abruptly obsolete receivers in favor of HD-readied consoles. What else will go out with this trash? What residue, ghost-images or other artifacts will persist in the nooks and crannies of this technocultural turn-over?"
The Video Gentlemen are seeking submissions for a video and performance series that will explore/reclaim "electromagnetic modes of cultural production." Deadline is January 15. For more information, visit their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on November 20, 2007 at 12:38
| Comments (0)
Show Your Stuff
PSU's MK Gallery is seeking submissions for a juried exhibition on the themes of static and/or flux. Two and three dimensional works in all media will be considered. The show will run from February 22 - March 21, 2008. Submissions are due on November 26. For more information, check the Craigslist posting, or contact the gallery director at
Intown Works Night
The Intown Church is seeking submissions for its third annual Works night on December 6. All visual media will be considered. Submissions are due November 15. In addition to visual arts, the evening will feature music and performance on the theme of time. It is a non-religious event. For more information, contact
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on November 06, 2007 at 18:22
| Comments (0)
PORT's Bridge Design Contest
 Proposed pedestrian and light rail bridge as designed by ZGF >  Oldenberg (1976)
Here's a chance for budding designers, architects and well... armchair architects. We have discussed
this previously on PORT but most of the design conscious people in Portland
who saw the rather preliminary image for the new pedestrian, cycle and light
rail bridge just south of the hideous looking Marquam Bridge by ZGF were pretty unimpressed.
To be fair to ZGF, its just a preliminary, on the other hand it's top heavy
and very static "clothespin" form almost seemed like a Claes Oldenberg.
In the spirit of better design, PORT is going to have a lil contest so y'all can give it your best
shot. You can even choose to use this high-res image (courtesy of Brad Carlyle)
if you want.
Rules are simple:
Email jpeg's to me at jeff At portlandart Dot net by December 1st and we will
post images of everything that stands out. Highly conceptual, impossible to
build ideas, such as a bridge made of banana peels or Vera Katz statues are
fine, though if...(more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on November 01, 2007 at 0:00
| Comments (0)
Holiday Spirit(s)

In the spirit of the season, we bring you Zombie Invasion 2007. The lovely people from, who brought you Plunderathon, are looking for the creepiest creatives in Portland to break out their best zombie gear and invade the 2007 Portland Erotic Ball. The ball is on Saturday, October 27th, and the invasion will be preceded by the ZombieWalk. Go over here for more details.

Want to jump straight to Christmas, or just feeling a little more cookie than zombie? The Rip City Gingerblaze 2007, a citywide gingerbread house/candy sculpture contest and exhibit at PNCA, is looking for artists to produce imaginative and well crafted work that brings gingerbread "into the new millennium." Contact for information about participation. The registration deadline is Monday November 5. Learn more at their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on October 22, 2007 at 8:55
| Comments (0)
Filling Those Autumn Days: Update
From TaCo's Woolworth Windows project
The Tacoma Art Museum is looking for artists for their Woolworth Windows project to "create installations that will activate the window spaces." The installations take up over 100 feet of window space in downtown Tacoma, and will stay up for 3 months, including two cycles of Tacoma's Third Thursday art walks. The application deadline for the 2008 season is midnight, November 1, 2007. Click here for a description of the project, and application instructions.
The Portland Art Center is soliciting submissions for their 2007 holiday exhibition/fundraiser, PDX Panels. The concept is simple: Grab a 24"x24" panel from PAC before October 14, put almost anything you want on it, and drop it off by December 1st. PAC will display the panels from December 6 - 22, with 75% of sales going to benefit the gallery, and 25% to the artists. Click here for more details.
Update, 10-13: Due to overwhelming interest, they added 100 more panels, available until they run out, so if you thought you missed your chance, go get 'em!
Ever wanted to be on TV? First Tuesdays, a local cable talk show, wants to give you your 15 minutes of fame. For no cost (other than an investment of your time), First Tuesdays will help you promote your latest project, exhibit, performance, etc. The program provides a forum for discourse on local art, as well as a chance to broadcast your display or performance. For more information, please contact, or 503-667-8848 ext. 300. You may view the producers online at
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on October 08, 2007 at 11:20
| Comments (2)
A Call for the "Crypto-Zoetropical"
Rhythm from Wreckage is seeking video submissions for The Crypto-Zoetropical Pursuit. This collection takes the concept of crypto-zoology (the study of hypothesized creatures) to explore "collisions of technological and zoological unknowns". RFW wants your strange, your surreal, for screenings on October 19th & 20th in honor of the anniversary of the infamous 1967 Bigfoot film. Screenings will take place at Rererato in Portland, and LumpWest in Eugene.
Submissions must be sent by October 10. For more information, visit the RFW website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on September 17, 2007 at 10:39
| Comments (0)
Book some studio time
It is time to sell your soul to Rock-n-Roll... Sincerely,
John Head are up to their genre crossing installation performances, confounding
the borders between fan & Foghat in ways that amuse the hell out of me.
As a recording engineer and and art curator they kinda hit all my secret interests...
except um Foghat, what next Badfinger? They are looking for cover musicians
(though they need not be practicing muscians), here is their call:
BOX SET: Studio Sessions
Studio Sessions is a sound studio open, by appointment, to anyone. Microphones,
an electric guitar and bass, and a drum set will be provided. Within a recording-studio
setting, participants can cover a song of their choice from Foghat LIVE in any
style they choose, from heavy metal to hip-hop to doo-wop. Each song will be
considered for a future pressing of the Sincerely John Head Foghat LIVE cover
album. Call now for an appointment (888) 774-7456 and leave a message with your
contact info. Studio time begins September 6 and ends September 16. Studio Sessions
takes place as part of PICA's
Time-Based Art Festival.
Studio Sessions is ALL AGES & FREE to the public
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on September 03, 2007 at 10:22
| Comments (0)
Flash Instructor Needed ASAP
Deenie Grigar's Advanced Digital Media class at Columbia College (Vancouver, WA) needs a Flash instructor for a 2 week residency. The job pays $2400 for 24 hours of teaching, and starts this Monday August 20. The original artist is from the UK and lost his visa at the last minute.
Contact Grigar at 360-433-9806 if you're interested.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on August 15, 2007 at 16:21
| Comments (2)
Psst, artists!
Behind the cut, a breadth of opportunities: Grants, a national juried show, and recycled fashion!
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on July 30, 2007 at 11:02
| Comments (0)
Make art, make a statement!
International design competition Cut & Paste has announced its call for entries for the September 21st Portland competition. They're looking for Portland's top designers to "battle it out live in an iron-chef-like head-to-head design competition." Submissions are due July 17, so HURRY!! For more information, and to apply, click here.
Exit Art is seeking proposals for its Environmental Performance Actions (E.P.A.) exhibit. E.P.A., the first exhibition in Exit Art's new Social-Environmental-Aesthetics (S.E.A.) series, is looking for documented performance art exploring contemporary environmental concerns. Submissions are due August 3rd. Visit their programs page for more information.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on July 16, 2007 at 9:48
| Comments (0)
Keeping Busy
Artists! Rererato, a shiny new NE Portland gallery run by Adam Keller and Stephanie Simek, is announcing an open call for submissions. Go here for submission guidelines.
Art lovers! PICA's annual TBA is looking for volunteers. Perks include free access to some performances, night events, discounted merch, etc. Check out their call for volunteers here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on July 12, 2007 at 10:52
| Comments (0)
Waffles, Videos, and Zines, oh my!
Call for submissions at Small A and the new Jáce Gáce.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on July 06, 2007 at 10:26
| Comments (0)
Big Money In a Little City

Hold on to your hats. New American Art Union is offering you the best opportunity you will find in Portland.
Here are the details:...(more)
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on June 28, 2007 at 18:41
| Comments (4)
Opportunity knocks
Painters & jewelry makers: Check out these artist opportunities.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 27, 2007 at 10:17
| Comments (0)
PAC Call for Submissions
The Portland Art Center is seeking submissions for its Main Gallery and Light & Sound Gallery. PAC is still working to prove that they have something interesting to contribute to the scene, and this call for submissions is their big chance.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 13, 2007 at 10:00
| Comments (0)
For You
Summer is almost here! Fill those lazy warm days with applying for some great opportunities. My recommendations...(more)
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on June 08, 2007 at 10:58
| Comments (1)
Enter This
It's been a while, but here I am and with an artist and curatorial opportunity list!...(more)
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on April 10, 2007 at 9:00
| Comments (0)
Portland Is...Fun!

This was sent to me from the cool guys at Psilo Design:
The Portland Funbook was released in September 2006. Forty artists contributed. We printed and distributed 4,000 copies! All Free! A big thanks our local advertisers! We also raised some good cash for the Genocide Intervention Network working over in Darfur region of Sudan. It was a good start, but now we want to make it FUNNER!
The second Funbook will showcase even more amazing artists from this amazing city. Imagine a big poster drawn by a dozen artists, buttons, multiple stickers, a foldable card stock Portland, another raging party, and a 7" vinyl record with 12 songs from 12 local artists, at a minute each, plus who knows what else…
We're looking for fresh talent! Who cares if you've never had a gallery show, record deal or whatever. Our goal for the Portland Funbook is for it to be a time capsule of our fair city and all the artists roaming it's streets.
The Funbook itself (+ a page by you!) Like #1 we're planning on 56 pages + full color cover. It'll be printed on a similar nice paper stock. The page size is 8 3/8" x 10 3/4"; please include a 1/2" margin around the edges.
Pages due: Monday, March 26, 2007.
Psilo Design Group (as of right now, this link is having some trouble, so just keep trying)
PO Box 14433
Portland, OR 97293
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on March 07, 2007 at 20:27
| Comments (0)
Below is my latest list of opportunities you should check out. Remember, if you have an opportunity you would like to see posted, send me the info. This is a curated list and not all opportunities will be posted...(more)
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on February 21, 2007 at 13:46
| Comments (0)
Portland Modern Call For Entries: Issue #5
Portland Modern is seeking visual art submissions for its fifth issue, scheduled for release in June 2007. Up to ten artists will be selected for publication in a full color catalog and will participate in a group exhibition in July 2007 at the Portland Art Center. As many as 6000 copies of Portland Modern Issue #5 will be published. Catalogs are distributed free of charge throughout the Portland metropolitan area and are sent directly to institutions, galleries, curators, and clients.The juror for Issue #5, Victor Maldonado. is currently Exhibitions Coordinator at Froelick Gallery, a writer for PDX Magazine and an instructor at the Pacific Northwest College of Art. He has an MFA from the Art Institute of Chicago, and recently worked as a preparator for MOCA. Submission is open to all visual artists currently living and working in Oregon and SW Washington. Work in any medium will be considered including, but not limited to: painting, drawing, printmaking, photography, sculpture, film, fibers, video, installation, performance, etc. There is no theme to guide submission content; rather, artists are encouraged to send up to ten images that best represent their work. The deadline for submitting is March 31. Details about submitting or advertising are available here. To find out more about Portland Modern, click here. Additional questions should be directed to Editor and Publisher Mark Brandau at
Posted by Jessica Bromer
on February 04, 2007 at 7:19
| Comments (1)
Do It
Now that you have recovered from the holidays, its back on the horse! Below is a list of opportunities I think are good for your health (and your career)...(more)
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on January 27, 2007 at 10:53
| Comments (10)
Opportunities To Keep You Warm
Give yourself the gift of time this holiday season. Whether you go for a few weeks or a few months, the artist residency experience is a valuable opportunity to gain some perspective on you work and meet some other interesting folks. Here are my picks:...(more)
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on December 21, 2006 at 12:10
| Comments (0)
Do you make videos?
Seems like a great time to be a media artist. Everywhere I look I am seeing calls to artists for time based works. Here are my picks:...(more)
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on December 14, 2006 at 16:01
| Comments (0)
Holidays Are For...Applying!
After you feast this weekend, ponder these exciting opportunities...(more)
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on November 21, 2006 at 21:12
| Comments (0)
Here is my latest list of opportunities for you to consider. If you would like to submit an opportunity to be considered for posting, click here. Get out there and good luck!...(more)
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on October 27, 2006 at 18:10
| Comments (0)
Calls, Calls, and More Calls...
To further serve you, the Portland art community and beyond, I will be researching and posting on interesting Calls to Artists that offer opportunities regionally, nationally, and internationally. If you are a gallery, arts organization, or other who would like to see your Call to Artists featured here on PORT, you can email them to me directly at callsforartists@portlandart.netPlease keep in mind the lists I post will be selective and sending an announcement does not guarantee it will be posted. Here are a few to consider for now:...(more)
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on October 15, 2006 at 19:50
| Comments (1)
Proposals for the upcoming exhibition season at the Portland Art Center are due Saturday September 30. Submissions are being accepted for both the Main Gallery and the Light and Sound Gallery. Also note, there was a typo on the original Call to Artists. Make sure your packet is sent to PO BOX 6802 Portland, OR 97228.
For submission guidelines and floor plans, click here.
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on September 27, 2006 at 16:34
| Comments (0)
Calls for Artists
Lots of very interesting artists opportunities out there right now. Some free, some not, but all worth considering...(more)
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on September 06, 2006 at 10:30
| Comments (0)
Game Show Deadline Reminder
Tomorrow, Tuesday August 15 (postmark date) is the last day to apply to the
Game Show exhibition at Contemporary Craft Museum and Gallery. Since taking
the helm, curator Namita Wiggers has been expanding the scope of CCMG
and this show serves as an example. Mixed-media works and
non-traditional materials are welcome. All works must be original, hand-made, available for sale, produced within the last two years, and not previously exhibited at CCMG. A $500
best of show prize will be awarded. For more information check out www.contemporarycrafts.orgThe Game Show @ Contemporary Crafts Museum & Gallery 3934 SW Corbett Avenue • Portland, OR 97239
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on August 15, 2006 at 1:17
| Comments (0)
Exhibition Opportunity and FUNDED Opportunity
Two interesting Calls for Artists were announced last week:
The Portland Art Center is looking to step up their programming. Artists are invited to submit proposals for both the Main Gallery, located on the first floor, and the Light and Sound Gallery, located on the second. Both galleries boast a selection committee of local notables including David Eckard and Cris Moss. Now that PAC is seeming to settle into its home a bit, this should prove to be an exciting opportunity for many of the local up and comers. Proposals for both galleries are due September 30.
Submissions can be sent to:
Portland Art Center
(Indicate which gallery you are applying for)
PO Box 6082
Portland, Oregon 97228
Sadly, as of today, this information and details for applying are not listed on PAC’s web site. Best bet will be to contact them directly. To do so, click here.
And now, on to the big money:
Hoyt Street Properties is seeking a professional Northwest artist to create permanent original art for the lobby of its newest condominium community- The Metropolitan. Located in the heart of the Pearl District, The Metropolitan will stand at 19 stories and will house luxury condominiums, innovative live/work spaces, and street-level retail space. The total budget for The Metropolitan lobby art project is $25,000. This sum must cover the winning artist’s fees and expenses associated with the project such as: travel, materials, production, installation, tools and supplies, scaffolding, and art movement. The Selection Panel will choose three finalists from the applicant base prior to determining the winning artist. The finalists will be asked to develop site-specific conceptual proposals for presentation to the Selection Panel. These artists will receive a stipend of $3000 for their time and professional effort invested in developing, completing, and presenting proposals. Deadline for proposals is September 1. For more information, click here.
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on July 24, 2006 at 11:59
| Comments (3)
Tacoma Art Museum Announces the 8th Northwest Biennial

The Tacoma Art Museum has a beautiful building by prize winning architect Antoine
Predock and they've been doing more large scale modern/contemporary art shows
than either the Portland Art Museum or the Seattle Art Museum for many years now.
TAM has also been tackling the Northwest Biennial for several iterations (the
last one was juried by Ilya
and Emilia Kabakov) but this one promises to be something a little less jumbled
since the jurying wont be purely by slides or theme. Instead TAM curator Rock
Hushka and Whitney curator David Kiehl will be doing studio visits before any
decisions. Thankfully, jpeg entries are allowed and materials need to be postmarked
by 7/15/2006, check
out all the details here. One notable inclusion is the $25 entry fee (better to have a sponsor and no fee) but I
think it is to defray the $500 honorariums they are giving to each of the selected
artists. Hopefully, it will be a coherent survey of some of the strongest work
in the Northwest as opposed to the "more art the better" or ADD-ish
strategy Ive seen in survey shows lately. I prefer a quality show that highlights the art not the profusion of artists. The last Northwest Biennial had nice
work by Portlanders Nan Curtis, Hillary Pfeifer, Horia Boboia and Linda Hutchins
but the overall effect of so much work of less than equal quality was numbing.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on June 15, 2006 at 0:33
| Comments (5)
Become a Member
The very democratic Gallery 114 is currently seeking new artist members. Established in 1990, the gallery is "committed to the development of contemporary art". Become a member and show with the likes of Carson Legree and Erin Brimmer. All mediums are welcome and will be considered. Questions can be directed to or call Gallery 114 at 503-243-3356.
For an application, click here.
Members Wanted @ Gallery 114
1100 NW Glisan • Portland, Oregon 97209
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on June 13, 2006 at 21:41
| Comments (0)
Homeland Call For Artists
Gallery Homeland is accepting artist proposals for work to be included in Scratching the Surface, a city- wide art project that will “acknowledge and embrace the Willamette River’s powerful role in promoting culture through commerce and exploration”. The project runs July 14-30, 2006.
Homeland is looking for proposals for homemade boats, installations, and improvised performance works. The parameters of the proposal ask for artists to consider river, its location and it's effect on place.
Proposals can be sent to Paul Middendorf at
For more information visit the Gallery Homeland website.
Deadline is June 15.
Scratching the Surface @ Gallery Homeland
926 SE 34th Ave (near the SE corner of 34th and Belmont) • Portland, OR 97214
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on June 09, 2006 at 9:07
| Comments (0)
Fund Your Projects
RACC Project Grant Guidelines and Applications for both individuals and organizations are now available online. The new requirements include a Intent to Apply form, due Aug. 14, 2006 at 5pm. Application deadline is Aug. 21. Join the ranks of outstanding area artists such as Daniel Duford, Brenda Mallory, and Marne Lucasmore...
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on June 02, 2006 at 10:06
| Comments (0)
Artist Ops Galore
Whoa... lots of Calls for Artists.
Contemporary Crafts Museum & Gallery’s second annual showcase, The Game
Show, is open to all artists working in a craft media or using traditional
craft techniques. Mixed-media works and non-traditional materials are welcome.
All works must be original, hand-made, available for sale, produced within the
last two years, and not previously exhibited at CCMG. A $500 best of show prize will be awarded. Woo-hoo!
All applications must be postmarked by August 15th, 2006.
Click here to download the application.
The Game Show @ Contemporary Crafts Museum & Gallery
3934 SW Corbett Avenue • Portland, OR 97239
Newspace Center for Photography invites you to participate in their 2nd Annual
National Juried Exhibition Competition. Selected photographers will exhibit
at the Center in July and August of 2006. First, second, and third prize winners
will be awarded $250, $150 & $100, a 3 person show in 2007 and selected
gifts from Newspace sponsors. The competition is open to all photographic processes
and themes but should have been created in the last 2 years. International entries
are accepted. The exhibition will be judged by Christopher Rauschenberg and
Jennifer L. Stoots.
All entries must be received by May 15th, 2006.
For information and entry form, click
2nd Annual National Juried Exhibition Competition @ Newspace
1632 SE 10th Ave. • Portland, OR 97214
Sedition Magazine in association with the Mark Woolley Gallery presents Alien
and Sedition. The "Alien" show hangs at the Pearl
gallery location and the Sedition show will reside at the Wonder Ballroom
location. Co-curators Mark Woolley, Stephan Alexander, and Douglas Posey offer
a collection of art as social commentary. Artists working in all visual media
are invited to submit work. The themes are: Alien- Belonging to, Characteristic
of, or constituting another and very different place, society, or person; strange;
Sedition- Any action or language that brings about rebelion against the authority
of the state or the status quo. Submissions Should relate to "Alien",
"Sedition" or "Alien and Sedition Acts" in a literal, abstract
or conceptual manner.
Deadline is April 25, 2006.
Click here for
complete info.
Alien & Sedition @ Mark Woolley Gallery
120 NW 9th, Suite 210 • Portland, OR 97209
128 NE Russell • Portland, OR 97218
The Influence of Motorcycles on Contemporary Art is explored this August at the
Mark Woolley Gallery, Guestroom Gallery and The Wonder Ballroom, guest curated
by Rachel Sanders.
Deadline is May 31st, 2006.
Click here for
complete info.
Influence of
Motorcycles @ the Wonder Ballroom
128 NE Russell • Portland, OR 97218
Posted by Jennifer Armbrust
on April 18, 2006 at 15:19
| Comments (1)
Call for Writers
Hello loyal PORT readers! We are pleased to announce that we are growing and
increasing our numbers and thus we are on the hunt for some new additions to
our staff. With three writers covering reviews we are looking to bring on Announcements
and News writers to fill in the blanks.
The Announcements writer posts about local happenings including openings, performances,
special events, artist talks, impromptu stagings, etc. This job is ideal for
someone with their finger on the pulse (or who wants to have their finger on
the pulse). First Thursdays/Fridays are already taken care of so the Announcements
writer would be listing the other events throughout the month. Not a lot of
journalistic finesse needed here, just the ability to organize press releases,
calendars, keep on top of happenings, and post regularly.
The News writer will post 2-3 short clips per week, drawing attention to Portland
art news as well as national and international news; making connections between
what is happening here and elsewhere. This job relies heavily on an obsession
with contemporary art and art politics so if you are a blog-head or spend too
much time reading about art online, you could be our peep!
For both positions, we are looking for someone with broad understanding of the
visual arts; a strong writer who is energetic, opinionated, self motivated,
curious about contemporary art and on the internet a lot. If interested, please
email a letter of interest to Jeff Jahn (
or Jennifer Armbrust (
Please include any relevant experience (or bribes). PORT is largely a labor
of love however, all staff are paid a modest stipend. Plus, you can gain Press
access to fabulous art events in Portland and around the globe!
Posted by Jennifer Armbrust
on April 07, 2006 at 15:57
| Comments (3)
More February Calls to Artists
Current PNCA employees and multi-dimensional artists Jenene Nagy and Josh Smith have recently opened a new gallery at the Everett Station Lofts called Tilt Gallery and Project Space. The duo are definitely providing new dimensions to the lofts, and the space is worth checking out. For their upcoming juried exhibition Horizon Line, "the gallery is interested in showcasing new and experimental work that pushes the concept of landscape beyond its classic definition."
The May exhibition will be juried by Mark Brandau, Publisher of Portland Modern.
Deadline is March 20.
Contact the gallery for more information.
by Nicky Kriara
Posted by Nicky Kriara
on February 17, 2006 at 14:28
| Comments (0)
February Calls for Artists
Portland Modern's next issue promises to take an interesting twist, deviating from their format that has previously favored emerging artists, this time inviting all artists to apply with work relating to the theme, "Saturation." The fourth issue, set to hit the streets in May, will be curated by Kristan Kennedy ( PICA) and Matthew Stadler ( Clear Cut Press). Deadline for submitting work is March 11.
Download submission guidelines here
RACC awards annual fellowships in rotating arts disciplines, and this year, it's turn for the visual artists. With a cash award of $20,000, the prize is geared towards established artists, designed to "help individual artists of high merit sustain or enhance their creative process." Past visual artists who have received the prize include Christine Bourdette, Terry Toedtemeier, Michael Brophy and Judy Cooke. Deadline to apply is April 17.
Guidelines are available here
Posted by Katherine Bovee
on February 16, 2006 at 8:41
| Comments (8)
Video Lib, Now!
Small A Projects is blasting into the new year with a new endeavor... a video
library. According the Laurel Gitlen, "The library will function as a resource
for artists, students, educators, curators, writers and the public-at-large."
Housed in the gallery, the library will include a viewing area for public use
during open hours and an up-to-date catalog of holdings that will be available
via the website as well as in person.
The even better news... they are now accepting submissions!
"Video submissions may include (but are not limited to) video art, documentation
of performances, interviews, films, etc. Bootlegged or unauthorized copies of
videos will not be accepted. Submissions to the video library may be either
VHS or DVD and should be clearly labeled as VIEWING COPIES. Submissions should
be accompanied by documentation and cataloguing instructions (see attached form).
Artists may stipulate whether their video can be borrowed or viewed in-house
only... With your help, Small A Projects hopes to open the video library to
the public in February, 2006."
You can download the complete specs at small
A's site.
Posted by Jennifer Armbrust
on December 15, 2005 at 15:54
| Comments (2)
Portland Building 2007 Installation Proposals
RACC is accepting proprosals for the 2007 Portland Building Installation series. One of a handful of spaces in town dedicated to installation art, this pocket sized installation space in the lobby of the Portland Building has an impressive roster of artists who have shown there since the series began in 1994. Chandra Bocci, Bruce Conkle, Cynthia Lahti, Amos Latteier and dozens of other artists have turned this space into a spot where one can expect to find interesting work on a regular basis.
Proposals must be delivered to RACC by Monday, December 5 at 5pm, so get to work! Best of all, RACC has finally entered the digital age and is accepting JPG submissions this year.
Link to submission requirements.
Posted by Katherine Bovee
on December 02, 2005 at 11:08
| Comments (0)
2006 Oregon Biennal Call for Entries Announced
 Much anticipated, often reviled... it's baaack. In many ways it is less important than some make it (it has no pull outside of Oregon and many Portland artists are active internationally). Then again, it has really launched the careers of serious talents like; Amanda Wojick, Sean Healy, Brenden Clenaghen, Storm Tharp, James Boulton, Melody Owen and Jacqueline Ehlis, etc. Artists are always looking for validation and a museum biennial does offer that. Personally, I hope for surprises.
Once again it will be in the Maribeth Wilson Collins Gallery space (like the 2001 and 2003 biennials). One thing is certain though, it will get a lot of scrutiny. Although one really important detail is still missing, the curator.
Word is the biennial is supposed to be curated by the yet to be announced Arlene and Harold Schnitzer Curator of Northwest Art (but yah never know). Actually, it's a nice opportunity to get introduced to this very dynamic art ecosystem and gives the curator some time to dig around. Word is we may hear something about who that curator is before year end but one thing is certain, if the show doesn't meet expectations the loathing will be extreme (making the 2003 hate fest seem tame). If the 2006 is great the Museum and the curator will have the goodwill of the omnipresent art community in Portland.
Important dates:
Jan 6 2006: Slides, CD's and DVD's are due, so get on it.
March 10th 2006: "The List" is announced... this date is often pushed back a bit and it probably will be because the show occurs in late July not May or June. Why rush?
The show runs July 29th - October 8th.
to the official prospectus
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on November 08, 2005 at 21:15
| Comments (0)
Radius Studio
 Mark Brandau is a busy man. In addition to working as a director of operations
at Gallery 500 and publisher
of Portland
Modern, he also runs Radius Studio with his wife Kim McKenna. Radius offers
workshops, services and facilities to artists in a variety of media and experience
levels and they have just announced classes for their fall session. This season's
offerings include oil painting, ceramics, super 8 filmmaking, printmaking, bookbinding
and more. Session begins November 14. For more information, visit the website,
Radius Studio • 2515 SE 22nd Ave (at Division, behind the Red & Black
Tel. 503.231.4145 •
Posted by Jennifer Armbrust
on October 18, 2005 at 11:17
| Comments (0)
July Calls for Artists
We love Portland Modern's
consistently high-caliber gallery-in-print. The good news is that they are now
accepting submissions for their third catalog, due out in October. PM is an
arts organization that publishes a semi-annual catalog and coordinates exhibitions
featuring the work of local independent & emerging visual artists. They
seek artists creating in a contemporary manner whose work is conceptually engaging,
aesthetically compelling, and demonstrates deft handling of the medium. The
upcoming issue will be curated by Portland-based artist and writer Pat
Boas. Deadline is August 27th. For complete information, click
accepting proposals for 4 x 6 foot panels to be installed on the outside of
a building under construction on SE 11th & Burnside. All applicants must
live or hold studio space in the CEID (Central Eastside Industrial District)
to be eligible. Please send proposal, slides or CD of existing work, resume,
artist's statement and SASE by August 5th to Ruthann Brown at NAAU • 922
SE Ankeny, Portland 97214 •
• tel. 503.231.8294
Posted by Jennifer Armbrust
on July 21, 2005 at 23:39
| Comments (0)
June Calls for Artists
Lots of great opportunities out there this month. Now, get a move on...
Posted by Jennifer Armbrust
on June 21, 2005 at 16:08
| Comments (0)