activists protesting to save OCAC
This morning protests to save OCAC were ongoing as the board met after moving to an offsite location. Many, including us at PORT have been critical of the secrecy, assumptions and overall tone the board has operated under since the crisis became public... even
voting to cease higher education classes at OCAC 2 weeks ago. Word on the street is they are mulling over 3 proposals but as the protester's activity indicates anything other than saving the school is not going to be accepted by the community (whereas the board seems spooked, perhaps understandably but a leadership vacuum is worrisome). A group called
The Council To Save OCAC has been formed and the an already existing organization the
Friends of OCAC has called for a town hall next week. You can still sign the letter, has this town hall call spooked the board even more? Those concerned should sign up for both. This is too important to just give up on and sure the business model can be adapted to something sustainable but it takes some leaps of faith, this isnt just a school it is an organ of Portland's core values... if you like Portland as a place OCAC is crucial, even as a jobs builder and my gut feeling is autonomy gives the best chances. Instead of treating Alumna as trespassers in this process they should let them vent... that emotion can win fights and OCAC is in one.
*Update: KGW interviewed some of the students
OPB and other media are now starting to report on the concerns of stakeholders that the board has not been able satisfy. I sense a clash and hopefully Portland can use this crisis to come up with a stronger remedy for this sad situation? A crisis is an opportunity and trying to stifle critical debate and the civic energy it represents ultimately will have effects that nobody would wants to see come to pass.
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