Apologies for being quiet, it is because I've been traveling and preparing a major piece, which should be out shortly. That said February is typically a good month for art shows and this one keeps up the tradition so brave the cold.
Maximiliano, Una Gallery
Una Gallery has only had a few shows but is already a bright spot in the cultural scene, focusing on POC and queer identity work. Last December they were awarded a Warhol funded Precipice Grant (as a panelist I was thrilled how it all turned out). Una's latest titled, "Resist," should be even more fiery and required in these far too interesting of times.
Resist features work from Maya Vivas, Dan Pillers, Andrea Beck, Carlos Gonzalez Acosta and Maximiliano. Art as Resistance celebrates local POC, Femme, and Queer artists employing personal identity as a means of opposition. In addition, Stacey Tran and Sara Sutter will perform from their project: Resistance Somatics. This is the place to be this chilly First Thursday in Portland.
Resist | February 2 - 26
Opening: February 2nd 6-10PM
Una Gallery
328 NW Broadway #117

Resonance at PDX
I love it when PDX Contemporary teps outside the box and their latest show Resonance by James Girardoni makes use of an interesting cellphone app interface that creates sound and visual resonances.
Resonance | February 2-25
Reception: February 2, 6-8PM
PDX Contemporary
925 NW Flanders

Hap Tivey
Hap Tivey is a legitimate 1st generation light and space artist and though a little inconsistent compared to say Robert Irwin, sometimes he really delivers. Some of his latest works fall in that category at Elizabeth Leach Gallery.
Something Light | February 2 - 25
Opening: February 2 | 6 - 8PM
Elizabeth Leach Gallery
417 NW 9th
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