James Archer
The Archer gallery is celebrating its namesake James Archer on the occassion of his donating 129 artworks to the college. 40 of the artworks are on display at the gallery and you can read a
little more on the gift here. I have a thing for the way these personal collections enrich institutions as it is the way most people first experience art. Often in a very casual way they simply come across something that strikes them when they are on their way to a class or some other activity. There is tremendous value in this and art isn't just for museums, so go and tell him how much he has done. One things we dont do well around here is thank our leaders... especially the ones who stick their necks out enough, James is one of those leaders.
Celebrating James Archer | RSVP khukill(at)clark.edu
Celebration reception: February 9, 7PM
Archer Gallery (Penguin Union Building)
Clark College
1933 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver Washington
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