Custom Paradise wallpaper for Fallen Fruit at PAM
This Saturday is your best chance to catch a lot of great shows at the Portland Art Museum because it is the Miller Family Free Day. Once there you can take in
Paradise by the collective Fallen Fruit, which opens Saturday 10/24 with events all day (I contributed an abstract photo of apples to Bruce Conkle's contribution). The exhibition mines the museum and the Northwest's ideological, physical, sociological and metaphysical relationship to the apple. It is also great compliment to
Seeing Nature. There are great show by two of my favorite artists
Anish Kapoor (final weekend)and Margie Livingston on view as well.
Miller Family Free Day | 10/24/2015
Portland Art Museum
219 SW Park

Another great bet includes two of my favorite artists in Portland PORT's own Amy Bernstein and Patrick Kelly at Nationale. It is an interest choice in contrasts... Kelly's deep and dark textural abstracts couldn't be more different than Bernstein's abstractions of partially digested semiotic societies.
Bernstein & Kelly | October 21- December 4
Opening Reception: October 25 2-5PM
3360 SE Division
Rainmaker's new digs
There has been a lot of discussion about the displacement of artist studios etc. with higher rent condos and office space... this was something that was inevitable and has been happening for years in Portland (lately though it has accelerated). What this means is artists require more mechanisms for support in a more "developed" art city. Specifically, residency programs like Rainmaker are what we need more of... so come check out Rainmaker's new location at their open house this weekend.
Open House | October 25th 5 - 8PM
Rainmaker Residency
2337 NW York St, # 201
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