This September is eclectic lady land for the Portland art scene:

Alien She is in depth and groundbreaking survey of the influence of Riot Grrrl on artists today and the culture at large. Extremely topical it is easily the one must see show this month, even if it is in 2 locations, both PNCA and the Museum of Contemporary Craft. Curated by Astria Suparak and Ceci Moss. According to the PR:
"Riot Grrrl formed in reaction to pervasive and violent sexism, racism and homophobia in the punk music scene and in the culture at large. Its participants adapted strategies from earlier queer and punk feminisms and '70s radical politics, while also popularizing discussions of identity politics occurring within academia, but in a language that spoke to a younger generation. This self-organized network made up of teenagers and twenty-somethings reached one another through various platforms, such as letters, zines, local meetings, regional conferences, homemade videos, and later, chat rooms, listservs and message boards. The movement eventually spread worldwide, with chapters opening in at least thirty-two states and twenty-six countries
Question is if this will have any effect on the sexist bias in the local art scene, one which still favors men (despite most of our curators and gallerists being women) and rewards women more for their "role" than the work? (I'll save that in depth discussion for later)
Alien She | September 3 2015 - January 9 2016
Opening: September 3 6:00-8:00PM
Museum of Contemporary Craft
724 NW Davis
PNCA (511 Gallery)
511 NW Broadway
Malia Jensen at W+K
Malia Jensen is having a timely 10 year survey of her work titled Homey. Malia's work has always suffused the humorous with the suffocating expectations of the domestic and femininity.
Homey | September 3 - October 2
Opening: September 3 6:00 - 9:00PM
Weiden + Kennedy
224 NW 13th

Oakland based Lauren Hartman tackles current topics with traditional craft... this sounds familiar doesn't it? Well, check it out and consider it in relationship to Alien She. Sometimes the strategy is so common because it works... check it out and evaluate the trope for yourself.
Traces of the Arctic | September 3 - 25
Opening: September 3 6:00 - 9:00PM
219 NW Couch
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