the snow has lead to many cancellations two galleries earn the "TOUGH" award, conferring the right to mock all other Portland gallerists as "snow wusses" for the rest of the year. But seriously, these are two great shows you should see soon if you aren't already downtown... perhaps when things get less blizzardly.
Untitled (Screen at Golf Course Near Hillsboro)
late Terry Toedtemeier would have really enjoyed the fact that his show
Skies was opening to such dramatic atmospheric circumstances. We all miss him but it is a beautiful thing to actually get to know more of his work as an important photographer. His photo, Untitled (Screen at Golf Course Near Hillsboro) is a masterpiece. Terry was an intrepid and rugged adventurer and never would a little snow deter him.
Skies | Feb 4th - March 1st
Opening Reception: February 6, 6-8PM
PDX Contemporary Art
925 NW Flanders

Marius Moldvaer
The relatively new Hap Gallery replaces the void left in the old Chambers Gallery space with a pretty exciting group show called I Never Can Say What I Mean. Curated by Iris Williamson all of the work explores the way art doesn't fully communicate but instead purposefully lets things get lost in translation with works by Matthew Craven, Jennifer Dalton, Klara Grancicova, Sylvan Lionni, Marius Moldvaer, Justin Plakas, and Samantha Wall. It is across the street from PDX so the gallery hopping IS compact tonight.
I Never Can Say What I Mean | February 6 - March 1
Opening Reception: February 6, 6-9PM
Hap Gallery
916 NW Flanders
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