What could be more Northwest than wood and Sasquatch?
You have until December 21st to enter the
Bellview Art Museum's Knock on Wood Biennial. It costs a whopping $40 to apply which is incredibly lame but their themed Biennials tend to be alright if a little crowded. A more focused mostly invitational survey that takes submissions would be smarter.
Last year's salon hung Sasquatch show at t
he Arbor Lodge in NoPo (1507 Rosa Parks) was a hoot and brought out a lot of talented artists and designers. Consider this year's
Wild and Woolly Sasquatch event.
Here is the PR:
"The Arbor Lodge is seeking submissions for Wild and Woolly: A Sasquatch-Themed Art Show, running Feb 2--March 15, 2014. The show is open to those living in Portland and all mediums are welcome. Submissions should be ready for hanging, family friendly and include the artist's name, title of the piece (if applicable) and price if for sale. The Arbor Lodge will not take any commission from artwork sales.
Please send a jpg and dimensions OR a description and dimensions to Jolynn at events@thearborlodge.com prior to the deadline so that we can prepare for hanging. All submissions will be included in the show unless unrelated to the Sasquatch theme or if we are unable to hang or display the piece in the shop. Pieces are due February 2, 2014 at The Arbor Lodge from 5-7pm. Submissions are limited to one piece per artist.
Cash prizes will be awarded at the closing show on March 15, 2014 based on the community's votes throughout the six weeks that the show is up.
1st prize: $200
2nd Prize: $125
3rd Prize: $75
For any questions, please contact events@thearborlodge.com"
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