Get out of town on Saturday ... Lots of great things happening just outside Portland !

Sandy Roumagoux
Sandy Roumagoux's "paintings are her interpretation of the ever relevant paradoxes of faith, war, and nature". Her work explores "divine absurdities" and the duality of existence. Roumagoux has been Mayor of Newport since last November. Her work is politically charged because she cannot separate politics from art. Attempting to "challenge us to a responsiblity", she focuses on our cultures' "abuse of the environment, our love affair with greed, our throw away consumerism and our sanitizing of violence".
As a successful artist she understands how much art positively influences a place and builds community. She compares being an artist to being a thrifty small business, and believes that artists have a lot to teach.
An artist/mayor ! Roumagoux is the coolest mayor ! Roumagoux is the coolest artist !
Sandy Roumagoux exhibits New Paintings at KALA.
Opening | August 10 | 5-8 PM | Astoria 2nd Saturday Art Walk
August 10 - September 3
1017 Marine Drive in Astoria | Sats/Suns 12-4 PM

Nika Kaiser
"In Nika Kaiser's video work, notions of a non-physical body are constant; human-like figures appear and transform cyclically, personifying the ghostly and the magical."
Her exhibit Subtle Body is an exploration of all parts of a being, including those which exist before life and after death.
The installation's use of projection allows for a sense of loss, fragmentation and repetition, as a human presence is created.
Subtle Body : video installations | Nika Kaiser
Opening | August 10 | 6-9 PM
Ditch Projects | 303 S. 5th Avenue #165, Springfield, Oregon 97477
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