OCAC Thesis Class
Checkout the culmination of many OCAC students' education and attend the numerous graduation exhibitions going on this week.
31 . 13 BFA Thesis Exhibition
May 17 - 31, 2013
Reception | May 17th | 6 PM
525 NW 10TH Avenue | NW 10th and Hoyt
MFA Applied Craft + Design Practicum Exhibition (MFA in Applied Craft and Design is a collaborative program between OCAC and PNCA)
Reception | May 17th | 6:30-9:30 PM
404 SE 6th Avenue
BFA Thesis Exhibition
MAY 18-30 2013
Reception | May 18 | 2-5 PM
OCAC Campus | Hoffman Gallery

Nathanael Thayer Mossis a multidisciplinary artist/musician. His current work explores transcendental ideas of perfection through esoteric design and repetitive geometry. He is heavily influenced by futurist design, space architecture, video game landscapes, and electronic music. His work balances design and chaos working in pre-determined parameters as a way to produce meta-iconic imagery.
Stephanie Simek has been living in Portland for 6 years, where she has been creating experiments with sound, performance, & sculpture with an arching focus on positivity, empowerment, and coexistence. In addition to these works, she designs a line of wearable accessories using unusual materials and forms.
Rogue Waves | Nathanael Thayer Moss
Stephanie Simek
May 18th - July 6th 2013
Receptions | May 18th | 5-9 PM
Black gallery in Place | 700 SW 5th Ave, Portland, Oregon
3rd floor Pioneer Place mall
Safe & Sound? is a documentary video installation by a collective of artists and community organizers in Portland, Oregon who are concerned about the Portland Police Bureau's routine use of excessive force and other methods of intimidation. Safe & Sound? tells stories about police brutality and resistance to police brutality in the Portland community. The movie foregrounds interviews with Portland community members including family members of individuals killed by police, survivors of police brutality, and community members who speak out against police violence.
On May 18 the Safe & Sound? website will launch and will contain all of the media from the installation as well as additional interviews and resources. This project is funded by a Community Participation Project Grant from the Regional Arts & Culture Council.
Safe & Sound?
May 18th - July 6th 2013
Reception | May 18th | 5-9 PM
Socially & Politically Engaged Art Discussion | May 19th | 4-6 PM
Screening Room in Place| 700 SW 5th Ave, Portland, Oregon. 3rd floor Pioneer Place mall

Ron Graff
Ron Graff has been Associate Professor of painting at the University of Oregon since 1980. He has received several awards including the Oregon Arts Commission, and a Ford Foundation Grant, as well as lecturing on his work at numerous distinguished Universities and Art Institutes.
Donald Morgan takes advantage of the tiny gap between the two and three-dimensional. His sculptures and paintings function together as a hard-edged geometric landscape, giving rise to temporal and spatial shifts.
Ron Graff and Donald Morgan : New Work
May 18 - June 15th 2013
Opening Reception | May 18th | 6-9 PM
Ditch Projects Artist Run Space | 303 S. 5th Avenue #165. Springfield OR 97477
On Saturday the Museum of Glass in Tacoma Washington will host curator and author William Warmus for the lecture "The True History of Glass". In the lecture Warmus will explore the history and future of glass as an art form, concluding that sometimes we need to forget the truth in order to advance.
The True History of Glass? | William Warmus
Lecture | May 18th | 1-3 PM
Museum of Glass | 1801 Dock Street . Tacoma WA 98402

Photo : Ursa Waz
Mike Daisey, hailed by The New York Times as "the master storyteller," returns to Portland with the world premiere of his new work. In a single night, Daisey takes us on a fantastic journey through the sprawling landscape of journalism right now touching on how it functions, how it fails us, and how it chooses to tell our stories. Using his own scandal as a jumping-off point, he illuminates how the myth of objective journalism weakens and manipulates us and has made our public discourse easy to manipulate. It is a love letter to journalism highlighting the struggle to tell a story that actually shows us the truth. click to buy tickets
Journalism | Mike Daisey
May 21st 2013| 7 PM
Tiffany Center Emerald Ballroom | 1401 SW Morrison Ave. Portland, Oregon 97205
$20 - $40 PICA Members | $25 - $45 General
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