moonrise, Portrait #2: Trojan
On Thursday and Friday Hollywood Theatre will hold programs to celebrate the 33 1/2 year career of Vanessa Renwick & the release of a dvd compilation of Vanessa's work.
The line up for the 25th is raw and raucous. Following the screening on this day there will be brief interview and question and answer session conducted by Richard Herskowitz, the director of the University of Oregon's Cinema Pacific film festival and artistic director of the Houston Cinema Arts Festival.
The line up for the 26th is sublime. Following this screening there will be brief interview and question and answer session conducted by Mack McFarland, who is currently director of PNCA's Feldman Gallery and Project Space as well as an artist.
April 25th & 26th | 7:30 pm
Hollywood Theatre | 4122 NE Sandy Blvd, 97212

Still from Amanda Belantara's Sonotoki
For the month of May, the Living Room Realty Light + Sound Gallery will host EFFPortland 2013's kickoff event, an exhibition curated by Julie Perini and Jodie Cavalier. The duo, who have also curated an exhibition at galleryHOMELAND and a series of performances for EFFPortland 2013, chose three meditative and inquisitive artists, all working internationally and using place as a medium through which to investigate subjectivity and flux.
Local drummer/filmmaker/performer/sound artist Von Ragan will perform his layered, swampy rhythms to his film Down Canvas Cloud at the opening reception.
POTENTIAL ENERGY : EFFPortland 2013 at the Living Room Realty Light + Sound Gallery | Curated by Julie Perini and Jodie Cavalier
April 25, 2013 - May 27, 2013
Opening Reception | April 25 | 6-9 pm
Living Room Realty | 1455 NE Alberta St, Portland OR

Through the Grass, encaustic : Ellen Reardon
Talisman Gallery

Marker, watercolor : Deb Minkler
Talisman Gallery
Talisman Gallery presents works for last Thursday by artists Ellen Reardon & Deb Minkler. Reardon will be showing new works in encaustic, ones which integrate papers, soft pastels, and her photographs. Minkler will be showing her colorful and graphic watercolors of Portland scenery.
Ellen Reardon & Deb Minkler
April 25th - May 26th 2013
April 25th | 5:30-9 PM
Talisman Gallery | 1476 NE Alberta St. Portland OR, 97211

Strange Utility: Architecture Toward Other Ends Symposium
Architecture has always been linked to the idea of utility-from primitive shelter to form following function. Utility is a central concern within contemporary architectural practice, but alongside some of the obvious benefits, the development of more energy efficient materials and processes and the economic incentive to redevelop existing buildings, have come some strange effects. With contributions from 14 scholars and architects, Strange Utility: Architecture Toward Other Ends recognizes contemporary utility, and seeks unexpected ways of defining this within the built environment.
Keynote Speakers include, Jimenez Lai (Leader of Bureau Spectacular, Chicago, Illinois & Author of Citizens of No Place), Philippe Rahm (Principal of Philippe Rahm Architects, Paris, France), & Jill Stoner (University of California, Berkeley & Author of Toward a Minor Architecture).
At this time tickets are $23 (plus $2 service charge; add $20 for 8 HSW/SD AIA Continuing Education Learning Units) & Click here to purchase and register.
Strange Utility: Architecture Toward Other Ends Symposium | April 26 - 27, 2013
PSU School of Architecture | Shattuck Hall Annex | SW Broadway & Hall. Portland, OR 97217

The Littman Gallery presents Always After (The Glass House) an exhibition by Chicago based, MacArthur-award winning artist Inigo Manglano-Ovalle. In this exhibition curated for Littman Gallery, two important works from Manglano-Ovalle will be on view. One is the video Always After (The Glass House) and the other is a large-format print, House with Four Columns. Both works are united by their concern with important glass buildings by Mies van der Rohe.
Inigo Manglano-Ovalle will deliver a gallery talk at the opening reception as part of the School of Architecture symposium, Strange Utility: Architecture Toward Other Ends previously mentioned.
Always After (The Glass House) | Inigo Manglano-Ovalle
April 4th - May 1st 2013
Opening Reception & Artist Talk | April 26th | 7-8:30 PM
Littman Gallery | PSU Smith Hall, Room 250 . 1825 SW Broadway . Portland, OR 97217

FalseFront is pleased to announce red sox beat yanks 5-4 on chapman's homer,an
installation comprising documentation of recent performances by Kyle J Thompson.
Kyle J Thompson is an artist, educator, and commercial fisherman. His performances are articulated from a background in quantum chemistry and thermodynamics, and deal with notions of remembrance via repetitive action and simple games. He is a founder and director of 12128, a contemporary arts space moored on the Willamette River in Portland, OR, and teaches chemistry at Lewis & Clark College.
red sox beat yanks 5-4 on chapman's homer | Kyle J Thompson
April 27 - May 12, 2013
Reception | April 27 | 7-10 pm
On view Saturdays and Sundays, 12 - 3pm, and by appointment
FalseFront | 4518 NE 32nd Avenue. Portland, OR 97211