Linfield Gallery is currently housing works by sculptor and ceramic artist Roxanne Jackson. Jackson explores themes of death and transformation through her work, focusing on natural processes of decay and destruction, particularly when they come in conflict with human systems. Nature is referenced, by illustrating its inevitable decay.
Jackson's work also contains black humor, drawing on pop culture and the contradictions of contemporary culture and the natural world. She has been known to re-appropriate imagery from horror films, particularly the moment of transformation when a human becomes a beast. Jackson draws from the fact that horror movies depict a dark side of human nature, the creatures created in our collective subconscious ride the boundaries between animal and human & conscious and subconscious.
Blonde Ambition | Roxanne Jackson
April 8 - May 11th, 2013
Opening Reception | April 13th | 3-5 PM
Linfield Gallery | James Miller Fine Arts Center on the Linfield College campus, @ 900 Baker Street SE in McMinnville, OR

Distant Revival is a new body of low-relief, cut paper pictures by mixed-media artist Michael Velliquette. Velliquete is known for his dimensionally complex works with paper. These works explores themes of transcendence, transformation and otherness. Signed copies of Velliquette's book will be available for purchase at the opening.
Distant Revival | Michael Velliquette
Opening Reception | April 13th | 6-9 PM
THE VESTIBULE located inside Disjecta | 8371 N Interstate. Portland, OR 97217

& There's another opening inside Disjecta ! Eric Trine's Altars To The Unknown opens at Nisus Gallery which is located at Studio 1 inside Disjecta. Eric Trine's work can be classified as art, craft, and design. Maintaining a disciplined studio practice, his works are rooted in the pleasure of construction and making.
Altars To The Unknown | Eric Trine
April 5 – 28, 2013
Opening Reception | April 13th | 6-9 PM
Nisus Gallery | 8371 N Interstate, Suite #1. Portland, OR 97217

Photo by Jeff Jahn
Sunday is the opening for the Sandback & Dault show Jeff previously mentioned here. It's happening at the Lumber Room at 12pm.
Fred Sandback & Julia Dault
Opening Reception | April 14th | 12-2 PM
Lumber Room | 419 NW 9th Ave. Portland, OR 97209