Still from Samuel Rowlett's Landscape Painting in the Expanded Field project
Though recent institutional survey attempts of the Portland art scene have been less than satisfying or even interesting, PNCA's first try at an alumni show titled Trust PNCA may have learned from the mistakes of others (too diffuse, not contemporary enough, dead energy). PNCA describes Trust as offering, "the viewer the opportunity to become an institutional archaeologist, to dig down through the accumulated strata of object, image, and idea to get at the cultural DNA of the College. For alumni, it is an appropriate homecoming or completion of a circle."
With 44 artists it still doesn't include everybody (who would want it to) but it sure tries.... these sorts of group shows are all about the institution ingratiating itself and or re-connecting after all. Still, it looks like it will bring out some new names (another problem with recent surveys).
Juried Alumni Artists:
Delaney Allen, MFA VS '10
Yothin Amnuayphol '88
Carl Annala '87
Ray Barrett, MFA VS '11
Pat Boas '98
Allison Bruns '07
Rebecca Campbell '94
Thomas Conway '06
Anne Crumpacker, MFA ACD '11
Tamara English '04
Eliza Fernand '06
Jessalyn Haggenjos '01
Anne Haley '10
Laura Hughes, MFA VS '10
Ruth Lantz, MFA VS '10
Fritz Liedtke '02
Gabriel Liston '98
Helen Liu '84
Cris Moss '99
Julie Orser '99
Antonia Pinter '11
Esther Podemski '77
Alyson Provax '07
Lydia Rosenberg '10
Rainbow Ross '09
Samuel Rowlett '02
Jason Lee Starin, MFA ACD '11
Margaret van Patten '92
Marchi Wierson '89
Sherrie Wolf '84
Invited Alumni Artists:
Michael Brophy '85
Michael Curry '81
Alex Felton '05
Julia Fish '76
Anna Grey '08 and Ryan Wilson Paulsen '08 (*redefining the term over-shown)
Malia Jensen '89
George Johanson 50
Lee Kelly '59
Mary Mattingly '02
Lucinda Parker '66
Barry Pelzner '77
Richard Rezac '74
Eric Stotik '85
Molly Vidor '94
An all star jury also follows the more is more strategy with: Randy Gragg (Editor, Portland Monthly Magazine), Namita Gupta-Wiggers (Director/Chief Curator, Museum of Contemporary Craft), Sarah Miller-Meigs (Founder, Lumber Room), Deanne Rubinstein (Member, OHSU Art Committee of the Marquam Hill Steering Committee), Stephanie Snyder (John and Anne Hauberg Curator and Director, The Douglas F. Cooley Memorial Art Gallery, Reed College). At least they knew they needed a single curator to keep it from being an impenetrable swamp if art so they tapped Victor Maldonado, Assistant Professor/Inclusions Specialist at PNCA to give it some structure.
Trust Opening Reception: September 5th | 6-8PM
Trust: Srptember 6 - October 21
PNCA | Swigert Commons
1241 NW Johnson