Charles Saatchi can't give away his collection... seriously small minded on the part of British institutions but a clear indication that he is doing the right thing! The stuff from the 90's - to say 2004 is certifiably classic. True, Hirst is perhaps no longer what he once was (that was by design being a YBA) but I can't think of contemporary art today without him and
Tracey Emin and the rest of the gang.
Interesting story of
a young artist broken by being a Jeff Koons' assistant.
Learn about
Portland's classic Rummer Homes.
And last but not least... perhaps it is just a Louis Vuitton window display to advertise her line of handbags etc. but it is still badass, like Yayoi Kusama tends to be. I don't hang out at the Pioneer Square Mall much but this alone makes it worth the trip. You know an artist is major when even their cheesy cross marketing campaigns make most area luminaries look like amateurs.

Detail of Yayoi Kusama's window at Louis Vuitton at Pioneer Square Mall
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