BCCTV presents Video? Videos. Videos!, the first foray into an education program within/among/alongside/? the Bud Clark commons. The Commons is an innovative initiative for those experiencing homelessness in Portland. I'm really excited to see how this plays out because it's a step in some kind of direction - political works that are not simply dissident, fashionable, or esoteric, but proactive.
Screened artists: Harrell Fletcher, Ted Gesing, Noah Hale, Amy Von Harrington, Stephanie Hough, Andrew Lampert, Oliver Laric, Julie Lequin, Matt McCormick, Tim McConville, Shana Moulton, Serge Onnen, Ed Panar, Doug Potts, Jeffrey Richardson, Mary Robertson, Will Rogan, Catherine Ross, Stephen Slappe, Joon Sung, Weird-Fiction and others.
Bud Clark Commons’ first artists-in-residence
BCCTV presents Video? Videos. Videos!
at the Bud Clark Commons
Multi-Purpose Room
650 NW Irving Street
July 5th | 6-8 PM

Shot of Jenny Vu's studio floor.
Jenny Vu is always drawing. She translates the tenor of her world onto the page in an orchestration of strokes aquiver with vital spark. In this exhibition, she "transfers the same energy of her smaller drawings into more developed and lively watercolors on large paper. Each portrait is presented as a cut-out, taking on a life like scale, embodying the space." These cut-outs - patterned elements individually rendered by Vu - are pieced together in a paper-doll fashion. It's a new take on collage that's slightly larger than life.
Jenny Vu : My World
July 5th - 27th
Opening Reception | July 5th | 5-8 pm
Littman Gallery | PSU Smith Hall, Second Floor | 1825 SW Broadway

Anna Gray & Ryan Wilson present Maybe It Takes a Loud Noise, an exhibition that questions the shape that politics can take in the a sped-up, media-saturated daily life of today. "Belief is partly an aesthetic process. We use the aesthetic objects we make as conduits for ideas. We look for them to in turn use us, showing us new ways to think, regard, and recognize where truth might be."
Anna Gray & Ryan Wilson | Maybe It Takes a Loud Noise
July 3-28
Opening Reception | July 5th | 6-8PM
PDX Contemporary | 925 NW Flanders