Still from Home 3 footage, Olaf Breuning, 2012
Olaf Breuning's talk tomorrow will prove invaluable for all of those attracted to sardonic undertones embedded in video and performance work. Home 3 continues to unravel the result of homelessness, fetishization, tourism, and "cultural" conditioning on the Global citizen.
"Swiss-born artist Olaf Breuning makes art that combines a large dose of dark humor with a critical eye for present-day faux-pas and missteps. In Home 2, a hapless protagonist caricatures the Western obsession with the authentically "exotic" through a series of awkward travelogues. Home 3, Breuning's most recent film, continues his series, focusing on the relationship between modern man and his technological environment."
Home 3 | West Coast Premier & Artist Talk
Co-presented with PSU MFA Studio Lecture Series
May 30th | 7pm | Free
5th Avenue Cinema | 510 SW Hall
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