It is Portland Photo Month and one of the most promising exhibitions is Lost curated by the wry, stylish and wily Horia Boboia. A play on the slippery nature of images today where the "personally significant" becomes very public accruing various levels of significance. Whether looking at a meme or simply the issue of control, I like the amount of trouble this show seems to traffic in.
Featuring; Horia Boboia, Sean Carney, Alex Mackin Dolan and Rebecca Steele LOST promises to highlight, "some of the contemporary transformations of the 'photograph'. For this exhibition four artists compiled a series of images gleaned or collected from the vast anonymous pool found on the Internet, in magazines, advertisements, or other public sources and represent them as valid artifacts. These images were found, lost and found again..."
Lost | Portland State University | April 5-27, 2012 Monday-Friday 12-4 pm
Opening Reception: April 12, 5-7 pm
Littman and White Galleries | 503 725 5656
1825 SW Broadway, Smith Center
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