"Perceptual Control" Resident Artist's Talk #1 @ Worksound
Worksound presents the first round of artist talks for their "Perceptual Control" residency program. Participants Nathanael Thayer Moss and Kyle Raquipiso will give presentations on their work. If this is anything like the series of lectures that accompanied the group of artists in "Shred of Lights", it'll be a Friday evening well spent. Also, this is a good chance to hear the elusive PNCA grad, Kyle Raquipiso, speak about his often enigmatic yet enthralling work. Moss @ 7pm; Raquipiso @ 8pm.
Artist Talks | March 23rd | 7 - 9 pm
Worksound | 820 SE Alder

Alex Mackin Dolan @ Appendix
This Friday, Appendix presents Pure Clear by the freshly-donned member of their curatorial team, Alex Mackin Dolan. Appendix describes the work as "a body of objects oriented, through chemical and conceptual channels, toward massive ecological entities. Using "clear" as an initial password, Dolan chooses objects based on their deployment of specific color sets and materials, using them to investigate various "eco-aware" memes and connections."
Opening reception | March 23rd | 7 pm
Appendix | south alley between 26th & 27th, off NE Alberta

Installation view of Alone on Holidays @ H/D +Projects
In their Left Gallery, Half/Dozen presents Alone on Holidays, another touching and personal work by Jamie Marie Waelchli. The installation "examines our cultural relationship to loneliness, solitude, and disconnect within the modern and urban environment. She attempts to connect, through photography, with her subjects that are coping with the same solitude she embraces, focusing on days in which are known for gathering, community, and celebration". You can still view Avantika Bawa's About Framing the Right Gallery across the hall.
Opening Reception | March 24 | 6 - 9 pm
Half/Dozen | 722 E Burnside Basement, Entrance on SE 8th Ave