Ok it was an epic visual art weekend in Portland with Rothko and Nauman events and exhibitions (more to come on those). Till then, here are some Presidents Day Links:
hilarious project and article on the world Google didn't intend to show you with its electronic 9 eyed panopticon?
Is there a neurological link between
fear and the appreciation of the sublime or abstract art?
Holland Carter looks at the
New Museum's latest more international triennial The Ungovernables. Reminds me a bit of my
Fresh Trouble show in 2005 (probably the stick by which Portland measures group shows) but with an update from the Arab Spring, etc. Fact is the world has seemed much more restless since the WTO demonstrations in 1999 where new electronic media allowed faster and more global disseminations of information and dissent.
The Getty gets
a new Director but has some of the same old problems.
I'm sorry, but are you serious? The "WTC demonstrations in 1999?" I think you mean the WTO demonstrations.
***Yes, fixed... acronyms anonymous****
Posted by: Sydney S. Kim at February 21, 2012 07:28 PM
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