It is an even numbered year and like clockwork 2012 is predictably a giant survey
show year. The first of them, the
Northwest Biennial at the Tacoma Art Museum opens Saturday and explores the
multinational region from Oregon, Idaho, Montana and Washington States as well
as the British Columbia Territory of Canada. In fact, it is the first time the
Canadians have been invited to play and let's hope it spurs on more trans-border
exhibitions (it's true that it is easier for humans to cross the US/Canadian Border
than it is for art). Of the 30 artists 13 are from Portland (including myself,
look I did try to dissuade/dare them
have a history of disliking these shows). In March
will open in the next galleries over so there is an interesting programming confluence
here... by not being in Portland, Seattle or Vancouver BC perhaps Tacoma can sidestep or at least juggle
some very local politics? Designed by Antoine Predock TAM's is the best Museum building in Cascadia.

Sean M. Johnson's Family Portrait (2008)
According to TAM, "The 10th Northwest Biennial will examine the vital questions
of who we are as residents of the Pacific Northwest, what we look like, and what
are our aspirations for our communities. The Biennial will seek artworks that
address the critical issues that underpin the larger issues of identity and community
including the fluidity of regional identity in an age of global capitalism, increased
urban migration, and the virtual diffusion of a discernible regional style. Because
of the extraordinary complexities of these issues, The 10th Northwest Biennial
will focus on the newly revitalized and resurgent forms of interdisciplinary art
Yes I've seen the show in an unfinished state and I'm happy to report there are
at least 5 large installation pieces of which at least 3 are new works
and there is a lot more video than we've seen in recent TAM Biennials. Importantly,
being focused on interdisciplinary art a good deal of it is not traditionally
craft or landscape oriented but with this many artists you know it is going to
be a bit of a zoo of a show. It is also important that many participants are not
represented by galleries (though their presence is felt). Most prominent Northwest
galleries tend to be a bit conservative and relying on them for bleeding edge
trend analysis is not the best idea.
Artists: Cynthia Camlin (Bellingham, WA), Pamela Caughey (Hamilton, MT), Dana
Claxton [Hunkpapa Lakota Sioux] (Vancouver, BC), Harrell Fletcher (Portland, OR),
Flicker Art Collabratory [Kenneth Newby and Aleksandra Dulic (Vancouver, BC),
Wynne Greenwood (Seattle, WA), Wendy Given (Portland, OR), Gray & Paulsen
[Anna Gray and Ryan Wilson Paulsen] (Portland, OR), Laura Hughes (Portland, OR),
Allison Hyde (Eugene, OR), Abraham Ingle (Portland, OR), Ariana Jacob (Portland,
OR), Jeff Jahn (Portland, OR), Sean M. Johnson (Seattle, WA), Susie J. Lee (Seattle,
WA), Benjamin Love (Boise, ID), Kirk Lybecker (Portland, OR), Jeremy Mangan (Fife,
WA), Matt McCormick (Portland, OR), Kelly Neidig (Portland, OR), TJ Norris (Portland,
OR), Paul Pauper (Seattle, WA), Juliette Ricci (Tacoma, WA), Paul Rucker (Seattle,
WA), Reza Michael Safavi (Pullman, WA), Seattle Catalog LLC [Gretchen Bennett,
Matthew Offenbacher, and Wynne Greenwood] (Seattle, WA), Henry Tsang (Vancouver,
BC, Matika Wilbur [Swinomish/Tulalip] (Seattle, WA),Jin-me Yoon (Vancouver, BC),
Joshua Zirschky (Portland, OR)
Opening Reception • January 21st • 6:30 - 9:00 PM
Art Museum • 1701 Pacific Avenue • Tacoma, WA 98402
Free for Members • Non-member Guests $10