SBA installation at RECESS
RECESS kicks off its new quarters in the Oregon Brass Works building with
The Space-Based Arts Festival. Featuring Hannah Jickling, Zoe Stal, Derek Bourcier, Kyle Thompson and Weston Smith, this inaugural show examines that yawning astral sphere in which we all negotiate our lives.
"'Space' is all-encompassing. Its parameters are so inclusive that is ceases to be meaningful. Well, it doesn't have to be meaningful to have a very serious impact on our day to day— both by tripping us up, giving us a surface to stand on, and all the stuff in between."
Opening reception • 6:30-10pm • September 2
RECESS • 1127 SE 10th • 954.579.6105
Anastasia Samoylova, "Fast It Runs"
Black Box Gallery presents
Still Life, twenty photographs selected by juror Lorie Nix.
Opening reception • 5-8:30pm • September 2
Black Box Gallery • 811 E Burnside, Suite 212 • 503.407.5337
Gary Wiseman, "The Purpose of My Hole Revealed (This Is Not a Grave)," 2011
Half/Dozen Gallery presents Gary Wiseman's
Southeastern Lights, an immersive exhibit in grass, sound, light, water and ink. "Through video and installation, Wiseman explores the comment John Cage made once when asked to define the term 'artist.' He stated, 'Someone who pays attention.'"
Opening reception • 6-9pm • September 2
Half/Dozen • 722 E Burnside basement •
Johnston Foster, "The Keeper," 2010
Disjecta presents Johnston Foster's
Monolith Drift, a site-specific installation made of trash. "A labyrinth-like environment complete with fragmented pyramid structures, monolithic objects and colossal heads similar to those found on Easter Island and in Olemec culture."
Opening reception • 6-10pm • September 2
Disjecta • 8371 N Interstate • 503.286.9449
Lauren Henkin, "External 14"
Newspace Center for Photography presents
Growth by Lauren Henkin. "There is a fine line between what is deemed invasive and what is merely reclaiming a rightful environment. Emerging through asphalt, suffocated by electrical wires, trapped between buildings... urban growths are both accommodating and unyielding."
Opening reception • 6-9pm • September 2
Artist talk • 1 pm • September 3
Newspace • 1632 SE 10th • 503.963.1935