Worksound presents
Identity Paintings, "a new generation of painters in Portland who promise to impact the next decade." This is Worksound's last show before it begins a new residency program, which invites four artists in different media to engage in conversation with critics and audiences before culminating in a final exhibit.
Works by Katie Allred, Jeremy Okai Davis, Gavin Eveland, Luke Fuller, Dorothy Goode, Ruth Lantz, Chelsea Linehan, Elizabeth Malaska, Devon Maldanado and Alexis Sarah Rittenhouse.
Opening reception • 7pm • August 5
Worksound • 820 SE Alder •
Megan Scheminske
Half/Dozen presents Ellen Jane Michael and Megan Scheminske in
Harmless Environments. Michael "prods the political, social and economic position of romance novels" while Scheminske "looks into the backrooms of art makers all around us, focusing on quiet moments that are so often tucked away and never seen."
Opening reception • 6-9pm • August 5
Half/Dozen • 722 E Burnside basement •

FalseFront presents
Vacation Culture, a "curated conversation" between Rebecca Steele and Modou Dieng. Using interdisciplinary means, Steele takes on questions of "packaging territories, the aesthetics of the ephemeral, dislocation, entanglement, power struggling, and white washing and bleaching as process."
Opening reception • 7-10pm • August 8
FalseFront • 4518 NE 32nd Ave • 503.781.4609

Gallery Homeland presents
Reading.Writing, curated by Lisa Radon. This exhibition marks
Research Club's second installment of the
Body of Knowledge series and features 18 artists from Portland, San Francisco, Calgary, Belgrade, and Montreal working in video, print, paint, sculpture, embroidery, photography, and publication.
Opening reception • 6-9pm • August 5
Gallery Homeland • 2505 SE 11th •
Jamila Clark
Newspace Center for Photography presents its
7th Annual Juried Exhibition. Portland photographer Raymond Meeks curates, culling 25 photographers from over 200 national and international entries.
Opening reception • 6-9pm • August 5
Newspace • 1632 SE 10th Ave • 503.963.1935