Worksound presents
And Introducing..., curated by Melanie Flood and featuring work by Erica Allen, Jason Polan, Breanne Trammell, Devon Dikeou, Stephen Watt, Noah Kalina, and Micheal Shelton (the Longboard Kid), all out of NY. "
And Introducing... breaks existing rules and invents brand-new ones. The show is polemical in how personal it is, conceptual in how random. These artists are connected by a strand twined together from creativity, experience, and life. They do their own things. They are not controlled, collected, composed. The artists of
And Introducing... express, through photographs, drawings, objects, and ideas, a deep and true commitment to life under the creative influence."
Opening reception • 6-9pm • March 11
Worksound • 820 SE Alder •
Daniel J. Glendening, "Green River Stalagmite"
Gallery Homeland presents
The World is Not Ending, Your World is Ending, curated by Sean Joseph Patrick Carney and featuring work by Damien Gilley, Daniel J. Glendening, Justin Gorman, Laura Hughes, Israel Lund, Joseph McVetty, Michael Reinsch, Stephen Slappe, Rebecca Steele, Craig Wheat, and Michael Welsh. "Amidst a massive financial collapse, global political unrest and dwindling natural resources, this exhibition explores eschatological theories and iconography through a variety of visual media. A common obsession in contemporary culture, speculations regarding the Apocalypse or End Times provides the participating artists fodder for satire, sensationalism, propaganda and product...While diverse in media approaches, the works in the show maintain a conceptual cohesion that asks whether Planet Earth is truly in danger, or simply the species that dominates it."
Opening reception • 6-9pm • March 11
Gallery Homeland • 2505 SE 11th #136 •
Alex Felton, Kevin Abell, Israel Lund
Ditch Projects presents
Yucks by Alex Felton, Kevin Abell, and Israel Lund.
Opening reception • 7-10pm • March 12
Ditch Projects • 303 S. 15th Avenue #165, Springfield, OR