Vanessa Calvert
False Front presents
Residue, a site-specific installation by Vanessa Calvert. The artist writes: "In the aftermath of the financial crisis,
Residue presents the current recession as a period of ambiguous and uneasy change, with growth as an inevitable process that continues, despite the climate of contraction. A shift from consumption toward reuse forces the average American to develop new ways of working and living. Here, the couch acts as a totem for that person, forced out of their comfortable cocoon and into new forms."
Opening reception • 6-10pm • September 30
False Front • 4518 NE 32nd • 503.781.4609

In the Alberta alleys:
Appendix presents the Nowhere art collective's
Adrift Aloft: "The Nowhere team - Matt McCalmont, Brennan Conaway and Charissa Niles - are in the midst of a series of work inspired by the American West and the myths, past and present, that abound there. With an intricate melding of history, travel, survival and invention, Nowhere's work elucidates connections we may take for granted and does so with an eye to the future."
Little Field presents new installation by Terence Duvall: "Ignoring the heightened position of the show or gallery in today's artistic realm, Duvall utilizes Little Field instead as a room of his own. He constructs Little Field as space for personal reformation, writing the letters he has meant to write and reading the books he has meant to read. What comes from this period of repose is an installation that looks not at the gallery space within, but at the illuminated moments that intimate space and time can nurture."
Opening receptions • 6pm • September 30
Appendix • South alley b/w 26th & 27th off Alberta
Little Field • North alley b/w 28th & 29th off Alberta
R. Magnus
Not for the faint of heart: Ampersand presents
Dead Silence, 16 vintage morgue photographs taken by R. Magnus, a photographer working in Hoboken, New Jersey in the 1930s. "Adopted as a general term in 1880s America, morgue replaced the coarser, though perhaps more direct, dead house, to describe the location where the bodies of unidentified persons or those that died of violence were kept before being released for burial. Etymologically, morgue is a nuanced word, deriving its meaning from the French morguer, which denoted a place where new prisoners were held so that jailers could become familiar with their looks for future identification." There's a preview reception on Wednesday, they may be open for Last Thursday as well.
Preview reception • 6-10pm • September 29
Ampersand Vintage • 2916 NE Alberta Suite B • 503.805.5458