At the Alberta alley spaces: Appendix presents Laura Hughes,
In the Space of an Instant. The installation "articulates and enhances fleeting instances of light through applications of phosphorescent and iridescent paint. The work is an exploration of how light, space, time, and architectural form shape one another to produce the visible by amplifying the imprint of the peripheral to the forefront of our perception."
Opening reception • 8:30pm • August 26
Appendix Project Space • South alleyway b/w 26th & 27th off Alberta
Little Field presents new work by Midori Hirosi, "stemming from her interest in combining geometric and loose facets. Her interest comes from an investigation into the dichotomy of the Apollonian and Dionysian idea culled from reading The Birth of Tragedy. She has a predilection for order and chaos and for this series of sculptures, tries to achieve the genera principle using wood, foam and paint to convey a form of balance between structure and disorder."
Opening reception • 7pm • August 26
Little Field • North alleyway b/w 28th & 29th off Alberta
Rebecca Shelly
False Front presents Rebecca Shelly's
The Seed Olympics. "Through the use of stop motion animation, Rebecca Shelly documents the growth of starter plants with an exploratory theme of Olympic games under the theory, 'survival of the fittest.'"
Opening reception • 6pm • August 26
False Front Studio • 4518 NE 32nd • 503.781.4609
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