Now there is a coherent video Columbia Crossing: What does it mean?, which makes the case for renewed design phase for the Columbia River Crossing from March's PDXplore symposia and exhibition at PNCA. This new so
called independent review panel for this co-governor "time-out" on
the project has no design professionals on it... only transit insiders (which
isn't a good thing). I'm thinking the design and developer communities need to
organize a concerted response. There is a need for the bridge but we should
only build a good solution. The main point of the PDXplore think tank being that the process up to now has explored one way of thinking (traditional transit) to it's breaking point and we simply need to restart by building on what we have learned wont work with some new ideas... that mean's new design ideas. Design isn't a dirty or even expensive word here, it means fresh thinking that can actually seek to address the complex problems and opportunities of the project in a way people will get behind. Ramming it down the voters throats won't work in this economy. The voters must be convinced. Design can bring people together just as surely a lack of it has been divisive up to this point.
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