I'll have an avalanche of reviews for you later today but till then:
The Portland Art Museum has posted some edited highlights of my talk on
Truitt and Dan Flavin here. Of course it doesn't get into all the details
I discussed about Judd, Greenberg, Panza and Truitt herself as a kind of competing
but complementary discourse but it's a nice art historical faceoff. In particular
the way Truitt channeled emotional content into a so called cold style is telling.
Fact was after growing up in the depression and making sacrifices as children
during WWII artists like Truitt, Flavin and Judd had a keen interest in a more
up front, less drama-filled contemplation of art.

Meat Packing District Whitney Museum by Renzo Piano
Well, in case you haven't heard... it's official
Whitney is moving to the Meat Packing District... so what will become of
their fantastic but too small Breuer building? Looks like the Met will rent
it so they can finally renovate their modern and contemporary galleries but after
that who knows? My bet is the Guggenheim or possibly some non-art museum will rent or
purchase it. The building is really only good a museum. On the new site Renzo Piano designed
museum for the Whitney will put a premium on column-free space allowing a New
York museum to compete or at least accommodate similar work as Tate Modern's
enormous Turbine Hall. Is bigger better? Also, does this move effectively outflank
the New Museum as a space for new art in NYC?
Also, though he does some fantastic museums can we have moritorium on Renzo Piano Museums? If PAM expands in the next decade (as is likely) I think Steven Holl, Norman Foster and maybe David Chipperfield are likely candidates. Though SANAA and Toyo Ito are great I think PAM's campus requires someone adept at connections and renovations. Foster, Holl and Piano are the best on the planet at that tricky type of design (though local boy Brad Cloepfil can't be ruled out he's already doing PNCA's projects).
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