McIntyre Parker
False Front presents new work by McIntyre Parker, director of art space Pied-à-Terre, which has moved to Half Moon Bay, CA. Parker's videos "soften the static of modern life, pulling our focus gradually
inward. Serving the greater theme of contemplation, Parker's captured images ask open questions of time, purpose and place...As analyst, we are free to create our own narrative and continue the survey which
Parker begins."
Opening reception • 7-10pm • April 29
False Front Studio • 4518 NE 32nd • 503.781.4609
Appendix Project Space presents a joint installation by Nathan Dinihanian and Molly Cooney-Mesker that will "distill the function and program of a space...attempting to delve into the way meaning is layered physically, socially, and materially in their surroundings." This also marks the opening of Appendix's new performance/art space, Hay Batch.
Opening reception • 6pm • April 29
Appendix Project Space • South Alley between 26th & 27th off Alberta •
Little Field, which is being co-curated & coordinated with Appendix, presents
For Real, a group exhibition: "The collected computers represent work exploring viral replication, digital image curation, pixel work, and interactivity...Positioning these unreal works in real positions within Little Field,
For Real attempts to pull the question of the gallery's relationship to digital work into conversation with the developing crowd of viral-curators, image dumpers, digital image makers and programmers."
Opening reception • 6pm • April 29
Little Field • North Alley between 28th & 29th off Alberta •