PSU Exhibit Update
MFA in Contemporary Art Practice thesis exhibitions in May:
• Zach Springer, Build Something Together, May 3-10, 2010 at NH Installation Cases in conjunction w/ May 1 & 2 workshops at SEA Change Gallery;
• Jason Zimmerman, STORIES!!!, May 3-13, 2010 in New Video Gallery;
• Motoya Nakamura, Being Pulled, May 3-13, Autzen Gallery;
More details here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 30, 2010 at 10:45
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Friday links and reminders
Holland Cotter discusses how the Met's
weakish holdings in Picasso are actually an asset.
Portland Architecture looks at a project performing acupuncture
on Portland's lil volcano Mt. Tabor. Do we really want to unblock it's chi?
Also, tomorrow is the last day to see both Elizabeth Leach Gallery's Select
Prints by Donald Judd, including some of the rare early ones the artist executed
with his father along with the Judd show at the U of O in Chinatown. The Donald Judd show at the U of O's White Stag building is open till May 21st (Tues-Saturday 12-6)but Judd is one of those artists who gains additional perspective and appreciation through seeing multiple solo shows. Take advantage of the confluence.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on April 30, 2010 at 10:06
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Jesse Hayward at Linfield College
Despite a glut of group exhibitions at institutions for the past few months the most radical yet
well executed show by a local artist has been Jesse
Hayward's installation, The Kitchen Counter Collective at Linfield
College's Gallery in McMinnville. It ends May 1st so this is your last chance.
What's more the show even expands upon his highly successful
exhibition in last year's TBA festival (where viewers could rearrange blocks that were also paintings), making this latest outing one of the strongest genre bending
exhibitions of painting, sculpture and social interaction I've seen anywhere in
recent years. Hayward began his art practice learning directly from Sol LeWitt
and Karl Benjamin, so it's been a long road of experimental shows, which now seems
fully developed... (more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on April 29, 2010 at 9:19
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wanted: book artists & photographers
23 Sandy is seeking submissions for Book Power! Artist Books Addressing Our Social, Political or Environmental World. The show is open to "hand bound book arts related artworks created as either edition or one-of-a-kind. Artist books, sculptural books, book objects, altered books, zines or broadsides are encouraged. Any medium, any style, any size." They'll also be taking a different approach than previous years- the gallery will curate the exhibition, and use the money they would have spent on jurors to fund a marketing campaign to individuals and institutions with special collections of artist books. There will be one Best of Show and two Curators Choice awards. Submissions are due May 14. Tons more info can be found here.
Artists Wanted is seeking photographers for their second annual photography competition, EXPOSURE. The winner will receive their choice of $10,000 in cash or one year living rent free in a $1.2 million apartment at The Edge in New York City. One People's Choice Winner will be awarded $2,000 cash and a Manhattan gallery reception. You also get some goodies just for entering, like a free subscription to JPG Digital Magazine. The deadline is May 28. Learn more here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 29, 2010 at 8:27
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The Shadow and the Willing

There will be an artist talk and closing reception this Friday for Ben Buswell's New Work: The Shadow and the Willing at PCC Rock Creek's Helzer Gallery. The work "incorporates ideas of the archetype, ritual, process and art historical reference to create a physiological space. [Its] specific placement in the gallery and ubiquitously referenced image are meant to offer the viewer the opportunity for physical as well as mental experience. The work is not made to provide answers, but rather to create the opportunity to ask the right questions."
Artist talk • 12:30pm • April 30
Closing reception immediately following
PCC Rock Creek Helzer Art Gallery • 17705 NW Springville Rd Building 3
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 28, 2010 at 9:18
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Last Thursday Picks April 2010
McIntyre Parker
False Front presents new work by McIntyre Parker, director of art space Pied-à-Terre, which has moved to Half Moon Bay, CA. Parker's videos "soften the static of modern life, pulling our focus gradually
inward. Serving the greater theme of contemplation, Parker's captured images ask open questions of time, purpose and place...As analyst, we are free to create our own narrative and continue the survey which
Parker begins."
Opening reception • 7-10pm • April 29
False Front Studio • 4518 NE 32nd • 503.781.4609

Appendix Project Space presents a joint installation by Nathan Dinihanian and Molly Cooney-Mesker that will "distill the function and program of a space...attempting to delve into the way meaning is layered physically, socially, and materially in their surroundings." This also marks the opening of Appendix's new performance/art space, Hay Batch.
Opening reception • 6pm • April 29
Appendix Project Space • South Alley between 26th & 27th off Alberta •

Little Field, which is being co-curated & coordinated with Appendix, presents For Real, a group exhibition: "The collected computers represent work exploring viral replication, digital image curation, pixel work, and interactivity...Positioning these unreal works in real positions within Little Field, For Real attempts to pull the question of the gallery's relationship to digital work into conversation with the developing crowd of viral-curators, image dumpers, digital image makers and programmers."
Opening reception • 6pm • April 29
Little Field • North Alley between 28th & 29th off Alberta •
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 27, 2010 at 17:17
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David Eckard: 19th Bonnie Bronson Fellow
Last night David
Eckard was awarded the 19th Bonnie Bronson Award, an incredibly well deserved
But to speak of things people seldom state publicly, somehow his choice seemed
different... (more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on April 27, 2010 at 11:15
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Discussing Panza
Sadly, one of the world's greatest art collectors Count
Guiseppe Panza died this past weekend and Christopher Knight discusses this event from the best vantage point.
As the elephant in the room, for yesterday's conference, Donald Judd Delegated
Fabrication: history, practice, issues and implications the news gave Peter
Ballantine a chance to speak on the rift between Judd and one of his greatest
collectors. Famously Panza had some of Judd's work fabricated by his own people, Judd
didn't approve of the workmanship, Panza didn't acquiesce and Judd declared it destroyed. On Sunday Ballantine was once
again was caught in the middle and said that it was one of those unfortunate
situations where two very strong willed individuals ran afoul of each other.
Judd had gone to Italy hoping to... (more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on April 26, 2010 at 12:28
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Closing out Portland2010
As the Portland2010 biennial enters its final days, a few closing events:
Oregon Painting Society, "HexenHouse" at the Templeton
Tahni Holt et al will present the first of three performances of Culture Machine (In Progress) at Disjecta. (Performances two & three will happen on Saturday & Sunday, respectively.)
Performance • 6pm • April 23
Disjecta • 8371 N Interstate
The Oregon Painting Society presents the HexenHouse closing performance, featuring Woolly Mammoth Comes to Dinner, at the Templeton Building.
Performance • 9pm (Doors @ 8) • April 23
Templeton • 5 SE 3rd
Portland2010 curator Cris Moss will host an informal discussion about the process of selecting artists and designing the exhibition at Disjecta.
Curator talk • 3pm • April 24
Disjecta • 8371 N Interstate
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 22, 2010 at 9:26
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artist opportunities
As you probably know by now, the University of Oregon has a branch of their architecture & allied arts program in Portland in the White Stag building. In that building they have a gallery called the White Box, within which there is also a "Gray Box" for new media and digital arts. The White Box (which encompasses both) is seeking proposals for the December 2010-November 2011 season. "Architects, designers, artists, curators and organizations are encouraged to submit proposals for exhibition programming in the White Box. Preference will be given to original exhibitions, curated for the White Box spaces, exploring contemporary inquiry from unique perspectives, and demonstrating a relationship to Portland’s community and the academic mission of the University." Submissions are due by May 10. Contact for guidelines & more info.
Southern Exposure (SoEx) is seeking submissions for SoEx Off-Site 2010, funded by the Graue award. They're offering $15,000 for a commissioned public art project in the San Francisco bay area. Artists from anywhere in the world may apply. The deadline is May 26, and you can get all the details here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 21, 2010 at 12:10
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Hannah Higgins update
Due to personal reasons, Hannah Higgins will be unable to come to Portland this week. Her lecture at the Museum of Contemporary Craft has been postponed, but in the meantime you can enjoy PORT's interview with Hannah.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 20, 2010 at 11:01
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Hannah B. Higgins: An Interview of Primariness

Hannah Higgins
Hannah B. Higgins is an Associate Professor at University of Illinois at Chicago.
She is also the daughter of the Fluxus artists Alison
Knowles and Dick
Higgins and noted author of Fluxus
Experience, and will be lecturing in tandem with Gestures of Resistance
this Thursday at 6:30 pm at PNCA.
> Is there a right or better way to experience "primary phenomena or
ecological information?"
The point of a primary information orientation is not that there is one way
or a better way to access it. Walter
Ong's writing on sense ratios and hierarchies demonstrates that the ranking
of sensations is cultural (the primacy and isolation of vision, the low rank
of smell, for instance, reflecting western values). So sensation is always filtered
through values and value systems... (more)
Posted by Alex Rauch
on April 20, 2010 at 9:06
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Catching up on Judd things
Ok catching up on Judd stuff. The Donald
Judd: Delegated Fabrication Conference is this next Sunday and with Robert
Storr, Arata Isozaki, Peter Ballantine and Portland's own Bruce Guenther it
should be very exciting. It isn't just a world class event, it's a bleeding
edge discussion. Judd's fabrication has never been formally discussed like this
and with such detail. There are still a few seats available.
Today, Brian Libby interviews me in
Portland Architecture about Judd's relationship to designers and architects.
Also, Thursday there was a nice full page, section
lead story in the Portland Tribune. . I can't think of the last time a scholarly
conference got such top billing in a generalist publication?
Last but not least there was the Judd Related artist panel discussion which
I lead last Saturday at PNCA. It was probably the single most useful artist
panel discussion Ive ever had the pleasure to take in. It was long and I feel
like everyone got something usesful out of it.
Here is a link to an experiential
video/podcast of the event.
If you just can't sit through the difficult production values here is a summary:
Storm Tharp's next show is basically about
his experience last year in Marfa. Judd is new to his "top ten"
of favorites and he has an interesting love hate relationship to Judd's auteur-like
achievement. Storm is attracted to high levels of aesthetic achievement and
celebrates his hero's while expressing his own anxieties and insights into their
achievement. Storm's account was very personal.
Victor Maldonado, took a sociological stance on Judd. For Victor he's part
of this received American history to be contended with and called him a Coyote...
an operator who is both wise and dangerous. Judd's decision to locate himself
in Marfa near the Mexican border became a somewhat politicized choice.
Laura Fritz, in a dry, somewhat Juddian delivery (that's just her) simply described
elements of her work and a key Judd work at the Des Moines Art Center that introduced
her to installation art. Interestingly, she felt her the video element of Evident
related to Judd's way of straining the perceivable world through manifold space
like Judd. She also emphasized the importance of rigorous editing rather than
simplicity for its own sake.
Arcy, discussed Judd and the problem of choice and has done a post on his
talk last Saturday on the Judd Conference blog. Essentially, Douglass is
a systems artist and shares that with Judd, though I believe he's more influenced
by Carl Andre than Judd.
Anna Gray and Ryan Paulsen, discussed the way Judd inserted himself into the
discourse and the artistic violence of contending with Judd. They are primarily
influenced by Judd's writings rather than his systems, aesthetics, sociology
or achievement. This somewhat retraces what the next generation of conceptual
artists after Judd did but its really interesting that these young artists are
still dealing with the the same issues in an updated current way... (more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on April 19, 2010 at 12:06
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screaming city
Still from Christoph Doering's "Persona Non Grata," 1981
Cinema Project presents Screaming City: West Berlin 1980s: "In the decade before the fall of the Berlin Wall, a vast number of films were produced in and about West Berlin, dealing with the ambivalent realities of the enclosed city. No longer was it about devoting oneself to the World Revolution, but rather about implementing alternative life-styles, which gave rise to social resistance, strident underground cultures, and sexual border-crossing." Curator Stefanie Schulte
Strathaus of Berlin's Arsena will present a series of experimental super-8 films "from this dynamic and complex period of our recent past."
Short films • 6:45pm • April 20
Long film • 6:45pm • April 21
Cinema Project @ Clinton St Theater • 2522 SE Clinton
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 19, 2010 at 9:49
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portland on portland

The New Oregon Interview Series & UO White Stag present Portland on Portland: Image + Word. Host Nora Robertson will lead an evening of conversation with Nan Curtis, Brian Libby, and Floyd Skloot on "Portland's evolving creative culture and how it is communicated to other regions."
Panel discussion • 6-8pm • April 20
New Oregon @ UO White Stag • 70 NW Couch
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 16, 2010 at 9:08
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institutions + site-specificity
Iwona Blazwick
Continuing their critical voices lecture series, PAM presents Iwona Blazwick: Just What Is It That Makes Today's Institutions So Different, So Appealing? Museums have been declared "cemeteries of crucified dreams," yet today arts institutions are more popular than ever before. Blazwick asks, "How and why have museums been transformed from mausoleums to destinations? Why do artists want to exhibit in them? What role do they play in today's society?" Taking the Whitechapel Gallery as a case study, she will explore its spaces and programs, as well as those of other institutions from around the world, and the public's love/hate relationship with them.
Director lecture • 2-3pm • April 18
Portland Art Museum • 1219 SW Park • 503.226.2811
Jenene Nagy, "False Flat," installed at Linfield
In conjunction with the Portland2010 biennial, Jenene Nagy, Damien Gilley, and the Oregon Painting Society will lecture tomorrow about site-specificity in installation art.
Artists lecture • 7-9pm • April 16
Templeton Building • 5 SE 3rd
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 15, 2010 at 11:25
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Fernanda D'Agostino, "Baby TV"
The Marylhurst Art Gym presents Motherlode, featuring work by Julianna Bright, Nan Curtis, Fernanda D'Agostino, Jessica Jackson Hutchins, Linda Hutchins, Shelley Jordon, and Dianne Kornberg with poet Elisabeth Frost. The exhibition explores issues of motherhood, including the experience of parenting, "the impact of responsibility for another life, the re-encounter with childhood, and responses to making art with new restraints on one's time and energy." Motherlode will run from April 19 - May 22, 2010.
Opening reception • 3-5pm • April 18
Marylhurst Art Gym • 17600 Pacific Highway Marylhurst, OR • 503.699.6243
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 14, 2010 at 10:02
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Judd Conference announces Arata Isozaki
We are honored and pleased to announce that renowned Japanese Master Architect and philosopher Arata Isozaki will join the distinguished panel speaking at the Donald Judd Conference: Donald Judd Delegated Fabrication at UO in Portland on April 25!
Arata Isozaki is recognized internationally as a significant, avant garde architect and has designed notable buildings in Asia, Europe and the United States. His work includes Gumma Prefectural Museum of Modern Art in Takasaki City, Japan, the Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) in Los Angeles, and the Olympic Stadium in Barcelona, Spain and more recently the Weil Medical clinic in Quatar.
Along with Isozaki, the other panelists include:... (more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on April 13, 2010 at 21:00
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PAM announces new photography curator
Julia Dolan, formerly Horace W. Goldsmith Curatorial Fellow in Photography at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, will join the Portland Art Museum this June as curator of photography.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 13, 2010 at 12:38
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community arts
Ryan Kennelly
Portland City Art is celebrating their one-year anniversary by hosting Art Spark this week at the Olympic Mills Cultural Center. They'll present a call for artists as well as the exhibition A Rainy Day Wildfire, featuring work by over 120 Portland artists (see above). Music provided by Why Must I Be Careful and DJ Non-Prophet for the post-discussion (after 7pm) celebration.
Art Spark • 5-7pm • April 15
@ the Olympic Mills Cultural Center • 107 SE Washington

The seventh Portland Pecha Kucha night is happening this week. The theme is "Enough" and presenters include David Burdick, Eva Hagberg, Jonah Cohen, Kevin Duell, Nico Bella, Tracy Ball, and cityscope.
PK7 • 8:20-11:20pm • April 15
@ Sanbox Studio • 420 NE 9th
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 13, 2010 at 10:57
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opportunities: project space
The Salem Art Association is seeking artists for Project Space: "A dynamic temporary (June – August 2010) contemporary art venue in downtown Salem, Oregon that will offer juried exhibits by regional artists, studio space as well as speakers and performances that encourage community dialogue." Artists may respond to this call with a project proposal, a proposal to exhibit a current body of work, a collaboration proposal, a proposal for a combined exhibit and studio space, a site-specific proposal, or an experiment outside the physical building of Project Space. Submissions are due by April 30 or May 7 (depending on which document you're referencing), and you can find all the details on their website under "Call for Exhibit Artists - Project Space."
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 12, 2010 at 9:44
| Comments (0)
April is Judd Month in Portland
 Poster for Judd Conference featuring image of Judd's 1974 piece at the PCVA (photo Maryanne Caruthers) Just in case you hadn't heard already, there will be an historic scholarly
conference and exhibition exploring the core issue of Donald Judd's Delegated
Fabrication at the U of O in Portland (featuring keynote speaker Robert
Storr and many others). In support this event many other Judd related events
are taking place throughout the month.
There are several talks:
One of Dan Graham's outdoor installations
On April 15 The University of Oregon in Eugene is hosting
a lecture by Dan Graham from 7-8PM at Room 177, Lawrence Hall. You can even
conference from the Portland Campus. Besides being a world renowned artist
himself, Dan Graham was also Donald Judd's first art dealer at the John Daniels
Gallery. Both artists were products if the same era and took a similar very
empirical approach towards art and life.
On April 17 at 3:00 PM PNCA will host Judd Related, a multidisciplinary panel
of noted Portland artists whose work has had a strong relationship to Donald
Judd's. This will be a be a thought provoking discussion about intersecting
influence, precedent, examples and the inevitability of where these artists
differ from Judd. Of particular interest is the inter-artist note-comparing
portion of this gathering all of the participants produce such divergent work.
The panel consists of; Storm
Tharp, Laura
Fritz, Victor
Maldonado, Arcy
Douglass and Anna
Gray & Ryan Wilson Paulsen. I will moderate.
Judd Exhibitions:... (more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on April 10, 2010 at 15:26
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Texture @ the Japanese Garden
Aki Sogabe
The Japanese Garden presents Texture: The Art of Fiber and Paper: "Most people are familiar with the Japanese art of paper folding, or origami, but there are a number of other Japanese paper arts that are equally engaging, including chiyogami, collage, iris-folding, calligraphy, kiri-e, sumi-e painting - and the creative process of making paper itself." The garden will be exhibiting works in fiber and paper in the pavilion April 10 - 18, 2010.
Artist reception • 5-7pm • April 9
Portland Japanese Garden • 611 SW Kingston • 503.223.1321
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 09, 2010 at 9:18
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archer + ditch
Alison Owen
Clark College's Archer Gallery presents an exhibition by Alison Owen. "Owen makes site-responsive paintings and installations that alter the environment in subtly invasive ways. She focuses on the peripheral, using delicate materials and colors to create works that reward sustained investigation and attention." She's working in residence at the Archer Gallery April 5-9, 2010, and will give a lecture on her work this afternoon, April 8. The exhibition will run April 10-30, 2010.
Artist talk • 1:30pm • April 8
Opening reception • 5-7pm • April 10
Clark College Archer Gallery • 1933 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA • 360.992.2246
Sol Hashimi and Rebar Niemi
Ditch Projects presents Metabolizing Costco: "Beyond the slack of Generation X and the pathological ambition of Generation Y lies a digital void. Tomorrow's children are here today, and they embody an over-informed, undazzled, and decentralized generation for whom obscurity has all but expired. The kids are all the same and it turns out they're all pissed. With Metabolizing Costco, curator Jessica Powers (TARL) invites Seattle artists Sol Hashimi and Rebar Niemi to call a temporary truce, working together to create a physical screenshot of the children of 2012." The exhibition runs from April 10 - May 1, 2010.
Opening reception • 7-10pm • April 10
Ditch Projects • 303 S 5th Ave #190, Springfield, OR •
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 08, 2010 at 12:11
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talks at PAM
Max Beckmann, "The Mill," 1947
James Lavadour is speaking this week for PAM's ongoing artist talk series. He'll be leading a discussion of Max Beckmann's The Mill. The group meets in the Hoffman Lobby and returns there after for happy hour.
Artist talk • 6-8pm • April 8
Portland Art Museum • 1219 SW Park • 503.226.2811
James Plensa, "In the Midst of Dreams"
James Plensa, whose room-sized installation In the Midst of Dreams introduces DISQUIETED, will be lecturing this weekend at PAM. This is one of a series of lectures & events in conjunction with the exhibition.
Artist lecture • 2-3pm • April 10
Portland Art Museum • 1219 SW Park • 503.226.2811
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 07, 2010 at 10:55
| Comments (2)
scarecrow + the group show
Andy Warhol, "Evelyn Kuhn," 1977, Polacolor Type 108 print
Reed College's Cooley Gallery presents Scarecrow: Exhibitionism, Ritual, & Theatricality, featuring work by Daniel Spoerri, Lynda Benglis, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Mary Bauermeister, and Sol LeWitt from the college's collection. The exhibition "considers artists' explorations of the human body -- and its functions -- in visual narratives and performance situations that reorder and transgress physical and social conventions." Scarecrow will be on view from April 6 - June 9, 2010. There will be an opening reception this weekend, as well as "The Ever Unfinished Body," an evening of puppetry, Andy Warhol films, and short lectures, later this month.
Opening reception • 6pm • April 9
The Ever Unfinished Body • 6:30pm • April 22
Reed College Cooley Gallery • 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd • Hauser Memorial Library
Also starting today: The Group Show featuring artists from the Portland2010 Biennial at UO's White Box in the White Stag building.
Group exhibition • April 6 - 17, 2010
University of Oregon's White Box • 24 NW 1st
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 06, 2010 at 11:11
| Comments (0)
art school talks
Mike Bray, "When Movement Depicts Space" (still)
Mike Bray is lecturing this week for Clark College's Art Talk series via the Archer Gallery. Bray is an installation and video artist from Chicago whose work "examines artifice within the construction of cinematic space." He's exhibited in the Portland area recently in Fourteen30's Summer Show and the Marylhurst Art Gym's Guys Doing Guy Things (installation pictured above).
Artist lecture • 7pm • April 7
Clark College • 1933 Fort Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA • PUB 161
Remaining April lectures from the PNCA Graduate Visiting Artist Lecture Series:
• Renny Pritkin, April 8, 6:30pm, The Lab at the Museum of Contemporary Craft
• Natalie Chanin, April 15, 6:30pm, MFA in Applied Craft and Design Studios at The Bison Building
Visit PNCA's calendar for more details.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 05, 2010 at 8:54
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The Humorous Mystic: Midori Hirose at Nationale
 "Gradient X" (Detail) 2009, Midori Hirose
To write on a show that has already come down may seem to some a moot point. Yet, there are things past that do not leave us. There are works and events that fester and bloom in the brain as experience that is at once nebulous and unknowable to our speech. . .(more)
Posted by Amy Bernstein
on April 04, 2010 at 8:46
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Victor Maldonado at Froelick Gallery
 Victor Madonado's Gate at Froelick Gallery
A near ever present stalwart in the Portland art scene Victor Maldonado's "Less" at Froelick Gallery shows the artist moving beyond the general influence of his MFA at the Art Institute of Chicago and Sigmar Polke and more into his own voice (which springs from a personality that is persistent, curious and energetic). Moreover, it's a sly game of optics, funny formal elements and his trademark consumer commentary... only way more subtle and successful than before. As one of the brightest painters in Portland, it seems like it has taken him a while to integrate all that thinking into something, but now it has gelled. Ironically, "Less" is Maldonado's breakout show on all levels, conceptually, coherently and from all the chatter this show is generating, critically. All this is good as painters typically don't hit their full stride until their 30's or 40's, another of Portland's defining characteristics; artists here are actually allowed decades to develop (New York and LA not so much, although "develop" is a synonym for "struggle").
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on April 02, 2010 at 14:57
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artists wanted
Artist social networking site ARThood is seeking submissions for the first ARThood Selects competition. The theme is "Nomad" and it's curated by Shamim M. Momin, the Founder and Director of Los Angeles Nomadic Division (LAND) and a former contemporary curator at the Whitney Museum of American Art. Members of the (free) site can submit one image on the theme by May 3. All the details here.
NYC's 6th Annual Art in Odd Places festival is seeking project proposals. This year's theme is Chance, and work will be installed along 14th Street from Avenue C to the Hudson River in early October. Organizers encourage proposals that "explore this location's rich history, configuration, and heterogeneous communities." Submission deadline is May 14. Learn more about the festival and application guidelines on their website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 02, 2010 at 14:15
| Comments (0)
First Friday Picks April 2010
Tania Cross
Worksound presents Drawing the Slight Uneasy, curated by MK Guth and featuring work by NYC & PDX artists Bill Adams, Nicolaii Dornstauder, Tania Cross, Patrick Kelly, Michael Lee, Frank Parga, Nicole Eriko Smith, and Lynn Yarn.
Opening reception • 6-10pm • April 2
Worksound • 820 SE Alder •
(More: Gabriel Liston artist residency at NAAU, 100% Organic at Gallery Homeland, and the remaining two Disjecta shows, Kartz Ucci @ Alpern Gallery and Heidi Schwegler @ Alicia Blue Gallery.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on April 01, 2010 at 12:15
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