Ryan Kennelly
Portland City Art is celebrating their one-year anniversary by hosting Art Spark this week at the Olympic Mills Cultural Center. They'll present a call for artists as well as the exhibition
A Rainy Day Wildfire, featuring work by over 120 Portland artists (see above). Music provided by Why Must I Be Careful and DJ Non-Prophet for the post-discussion (after 7pm) celebration.
Art Spark • 5-7pm • April 15
@ the Olympic Mills Cultural Center • 107 SE Washington

The seventh Portland Pecha Kucha night is happening this week. The theme is "Enough" and presenters include David Burdick, Eva Hagberg, Jonah Cohen, Kevin Duell, Nico Bella, Tracy Ball, and cityscope.
PK7 • 8:20-11:20pm • April 15
@ Sanbox Studio • 420 NE 9th
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