Andy Warhol, "Evelyn Kuhn," 1977, Polacolor Type 108 print
Reed College's Cooley Gallery presents
Scarecrow: Exhibitionism, Ritual, & Theatricality, featuring work by Daniel Spoerri, Lynda Benglis, Robert Rauschenberg, Andy Warhol, Mary Bauermeister, and Sol LeWitt from the college's collection. The exhibition "considers artists' explorations of the human body -- and its functions -- in visual narratives and performance situations that reorder and transgress physical and social conventions."
Scarecrow will be on view from April 6 - June 9, 2010. There will be an opening reception this weekend, as well as "The Ever Unfinished Body," an evening of puppetry, Andy Warhol films, and short lectures, later this month.
Opening reception • 6pm • April 9
The Ever Unfinished Body • 6:30pm • April 22
Reed College Cooley Gallery • 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd • Hauser Memorial Library
Also starting today: The Group Show featuring artists from the Portland2010 Biennial at UO's White Box in the White Stag building.
Group exhibition • April 6 - 17, 2010
University of Oregon's White Box • 24 NW 1st
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