Sayre Gomez
Fourteen30 presents
Self-Expression by LA-based artist Sayre Gomez. Writer John Motley, in his continued collaboration with the gallery (writing essays for each exhibition): "[Gomez] works in many media, shrugging off the trappings of style, to insistently reiterate a
single idea in countless ways, and assert the fragmented nature of identity in the process. As a result, the work in
Self-Expression is diverse enough to scan as a group show."
Opening reception • 6-9pm • March 19
Fourteen30 • 1430 SE 3rd • 503.236.1430

The next round of Portland2010 openings is happening this weekend. Catch work by Holly Andres, Corey Arnold, Pat Boas, John Brodie, David Eckard, Damien Gilley, Jenene Nagy, and the Oregon Painting Society at the Templeton Building, and Stephen Slappe at the Leftbank.
Portland2010 Biennial • Openings Part II • March 20
Templeton Building • 230 E Burnside @ SE 3rd • 6-10pm
Leftbank • 240 N Broadway • 6-9pm
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