First Thursday Picks Part II April 2010
I'm back and I have two addenda to the picks list:
Larry Sultan, "Swimming Lessons"
Photographer Larry Sultan died on December 13, 2009, at the age of 63. For the month of April, a selection of original photographs from Sultan's 1981 Blue Sky exhibition, Swimming Lessons, will be on display in Blue Sky's Library and Resource Center. Sultan created this series of underwater images between 1978 and 1981 by submerging himself in a swimming pool and holding his breath until he took each picture.
Opening reception • 6-9pm • April 1
Blue Sky Gallery • 122 NW 8th Ave • 503.225.0210
Karl Burkheimer
Doppler presents Higher Ground, an exhibition by Karl Burkheimer, in which he "investigates his interest in the space, real or perceived, between the object of contemplation and the object of utility. Using the gallery as his architectural reference, Burkheimer created objects within the space as points of exchange with the public."
Opening reception • 5:30-9pm • April 1
Doppler PDX • 625 NW Everett #109 •
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 31, 2010 at 11:53
| Comments (1)
First Thursday Picks April 2010
iMegan is on vacation and it's my 11th anniversary of moving to Portland so here are my picks. Also, I'll have an official listing of Judd Month events culminating a world class scholarly conference and Judd exhibition up on Thursday:
Untitled 12-L, 1961-63/1969 Art © Judd Foundation. Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
To kick off Judd Month Elizabeth Leach Gallery presents Donald Judd Selected Prints. Donald Judd (1928 - 1994) is considered a seminal Minimalist sculptor, known for his total commitment to formal exploration, as well as his intensity of color and the sensuousness of his surfaces. Though originally a painter, Judd made extremely little two-dimensional work. This exhibition of prints from the 1960s offers an extremely rare opportunity to catch a glimpse of this lesser-known aspect of his practice. Though these prints were made at the height of Judd's career, Judd's interest in printmaking began in the mid 1950s, and extended throughout his career, including a brief collaboration with his father, Roy, in the early 1960s.
 Studio view, Julia Mangold
Also Judd relevant Portland artist Julia Mangold will be exhibiting New Work while making her gallery debut in Portland. Mangold has shown extensively in Europe, including several solo shows at the Galerie Fahnemann (Berlin, Germany), Galerie Niklas von Bartha (London, England), and Studio La Città (Verona, Italy). Her work has also been shown across the United States, at Rhona Hoffman (Chicago, IL), and Jim Kempner Fine Art (New York, NY). New Work is her first solo exhibition at the Elizabeth Leach Gallery.
Opening reception • 6-9pm • April 1
Elizabeth Leach Gallery • 417 NW 9th • 503.224.0521
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on March 30, 2010 at 23:50
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OPS goes to London to celebrate the Tate's 10th Anniversary
 OPS installation at PSU Autzen Gallery December 2009 (photo Jeff Jahn)
Here is news of an exciting development for the Oregon Painting Society, which got PORT's
attention in 2008. Then they brought it all together OPS
hit it out of the park in one of 2009's best shows. Now they are going to
Tate Modern's immense Turbine Hall. Which is to say, game on and well done,
told yah they were onto something (despite being a bit overexposed in Portland
recently). This is one dynamic art scene.
According to the press release "OPS have been invited by NYC based curator
Cecilia Alemani to participate in No Soul for Sale: A Festival of Independents
as part of the museums 10th anniversary celebration. The three-day festival
of art collectives and innovative arts organizations will draw 50 participants
from around the globe including Portlands very own OPS. The group will
create an interactive installation on the floor of the Tates Turbine Hall
and will present a new performance on the halls main stage. The festival
is expected to draw 50,000 visitors."
Soul for Sale: A Festival of Independents will take place May 14th-16th,
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on March 30, 2010 at 19:42
| Comments (0)
Tuesday Links
Over at Artnet Ben Davis discusses Jessica
Jackson Hutchins breakout at the Whitney Biennial. I like Hutchins
work of course but feel she has a ways to go before growing beyond her current
Kienholtz meets Franz West filtered through Voulkos and George Ohr charm and
really hits on something major and completely her own. The thing is, from our
talks I definitely feel she has it in her and I particularly like the fact she
isn't terribly self-satisfied (a disease amongst young artists today).
Lisa Radon catches Richard Flood talking about something he
knows nothing about, blogs, facebook etc. Personally, I avoided the talk
because I feared he might say something like this (Portland is one of the most
tech and word savvy cities on earth so I figured it was covered and I could
do something productive). Honestly, I hope the New Museum can turn things around
because right now it seems to be undergoing death by a thousand cuts in the
court of critical opinion. No institution with new in its name and mission statement
can afford such repeated stumbling. I disagree with the muckraking critiques
too... instead, the real issue is the lack of curatorial compass the institution
seems to have (not the less than pretty sausage making process that trustees
and museum's must undergo). I could care less about the collector and Koons
involvement other than they seem so poorly tuned to the times. So far the NuMu
has had one critical slam dunk, Unmonumental. They need a few more so they can
outflank the Whitney and other institutions by doing serious and eye opening
solo shows that nobody else has done (or seen coming). Right now the NuMu looks like a lone figure swatting at a swarm of bees. Jerry Saltz answers Flood here.
And Seattle chimes in too, I love the fact that Seattle is the most sarcastic city in the USA and the Stranger is ground zero.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on March 30, 2010 at 11:02
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art school openings
Michael Mandiberg, "Merrill Lynch - The Total Money Makeover"
PNCA presents The Great Recession, "an exhibition of new work by Michael Mandiberg exploring the psychic implications of this most recent burp by the American economy, late Capitalism, gold hoarding, and the end of an empire." Mandiberg will give a talk the day before the opening on this and other projects.
Artist lecture • 6:30-8pm • March 31
Museum of Contemporary Craft • 724 NW Davis • The Lab
First Thursday reception • 6:30pm • April 1
Pacific Northwest College of the Arts • 1241 NW Johnson • Feldman Gallery + Project Space
 Jesse Hayward's installation at Linfield
Linfield presents Jesse Hayward's The Kitchen Counter Collective. "Whether it's with painted toothpicks that participants stab into an amorphous armature or with several hundred painted boxes the participants stack and re-stack throughout the run of the show, Jesse Hayward creates installations that are intended for direct audience manipulation. Utilizing repetition and ritual, he builds and paints objects in his studio that are then re-imagined through a collaborative, installation practice, articulating a space wherein boundaries are blurred." The exhibition will run from March 30 - May 1, 2010.
Opening reception • 6-8pm • March 31
Linfield Art Gallery • 900 SE Baker St. McMinnville • Miller Fine Arts Center
PSU's latest set of MFA exhibitions start this month. I'll be posting them in monthly batches, starting with:
Ralph Pugay, April 1-15, 2010, Autzen Gallery
Helen Reed, April 15-30, 2010, New Video Gallery
Miles Sprietsma, April 16-30, 2010, Autzen Gallery
For the full list and gallery locations, visit PSU's art department exhibition listing website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 29, 2010 at 7:56
| Comments (0)
screenings & photo/synthesis
Joanne Teasdale, "Twins"
Bullseye Gallery presents PHOTO/SYNTHESIS, a discussion on photography and glass with artists Carrie Iverson, April Surgent, and Joanne Teasdale, moderated by Richard Speer. RSVP required @ 503.227.2797 or
Panel discussion • 5:30-8pm • March 30
Bullseye Gallery • 300 NW 13th • 503.227.0222
Naomi Uman
Cinema Project & Reed's Cooley Gallery present two programs of 16mm films by Naomi Uman, Ukrainian Time Machine and Milking & Scratching. "With Uman in attendance to present and discuss her films, career, and methods, the two-night event focuses on her most recent projects on bucolic Ukrainian life...Working at the intersections of documentary and experimental film, Uman's aesthetic is both delicate in approach to its subjects and bold in its images and processing."
Film screenings • 7pm • March 30 & 31 • $7 suggested donation
Cinema Project @ The Clinton Street Theater • 2522 SE Clinton
Deep Leap Microcinema presents Zaum / Beyonsense, "an evening of visionary experimental cinema from across the globe and exciting, specially commissioned performances by Seattle-based poet Brandon Shimoda and WHY I MUST BE CAREFUL."
Experimental film night • 8pm • March 29 • $5
Microcinema @ The Wail • 5135 NE 42nd @ Sumner
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 26, 2010 at 12:01
| Comments (0)
New Museum, NY
PAM's Critical Voices lecture series starts the 2010 season this weekend with Richard Flood's "Creating Networks: The New Internationalism." Flood will discuss how "museums today are learning to navigate an international, seemingly borderless art world, and the opportunities and costs involved." He is the chief curator at the New Museum in New York.
Curator lecture • 2-3pm • March 27
Portland Art Museum • 1219 SW Park • 503.226.2811
Julie Lasky & Ernest Beck
PNCA cultural residents & internationally respected journalists and design critics Julie Lasky and Ernest Beck will be giving several public talks over the next week. For "Social Innovation-The Designer's Voice," Lasky and Beck will discuss, with Portland Monthly editor Randy Gregg, "the dialog that ensued between the [Aspen Design] Summit and Change Observer, the role criticism can play in evaluating the effectiveness of these programs, bringing voice to projects that address the impediments to human dignity and achievement faced by real people."
Critical conversation • 6-7:30 • March 29
PNCA @ Jimmy Mak's • 221 NW 10th
For the 3BY10 IDSA Series, Lasky and Beck present "Design and Social Change-What are the critical questions?" "Launched in the summer of 2009, Change Observer's goal is to monitor and report on developments in the burgeoning area of design and social change-people and projects, ideas and initiatives. Join Julie Lasky and Ernest Beck for a discussion on areas of significance that they have observed and their reflection on the critical conversations that designers and design educators need to engage?"
Critical conversation • 6-7:30pm • March 31
PNCA @ Design Within Reach • 1200 NW Everett
And finally, Lasky and Beck will discuss "Personal Design in Green Space." "The event will highlight select apartments showcasing the multiple and imaginative ways that residents have organized space, color, art and furniture to reflect their personal tastes."
Critical conversation • 6-7:30pm • April 2
PNCA @ Cyan PDX • 1720 SW 4th
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 25, 2010 at 8:57
| Comments (0)
Wednesday Links
The New York Times reports on an innovative homeless
shelter in Portland designed by Holst Architecture (who most notably completed
the new Ziba
World Headquarters).
A lil bit ago Jerry
Saltz remembered the Dia in Chelsea... can this new version really recapture
Dia's role as a "key ally" or patron for challenging art?
Even the the Mayor's
office is blogging about the Judd Conference in Portland next month... registration
has been strong these first 2 weeks. BTW the exhibition's open reception will
take place in the middle of the conference on the 25th.
The Guardian looks at Jean
Nouvel, who for the last few years has been the hottest architect on Earth
(deservedly so, but I
like Toyo Ito even better).
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on March 24, 2010 at 10:39
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ongoing: boxes & sidewalks
Four Salvaged Boxes
Ongoing at UO Portland: Four Salvaged Boxes: wHY@work: "The 4 Boxes document the approach and process wHY Architecture and Design applied toward quality design and creative environmental sustainability...When closed, the boxes function as their own traveling crates, protecting their inner contents. When opened, the boxes unfold to present information about the sustainable design features of the Grand Rapids Art Museum and other innovative green projects, through the use of diagrams, models, material samples and videos." The show will be on view through April 15, 2010. Yo-ichiro Hakomori, AIA and Kulapat Yantrasast, AIA, will lecture next week on "A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste" in conjunction with the exhibition.
Reception • 12-1:30pm • March 30
Lecture • 2-3pm • March 30
University of Oregon Portland • White Stag Building • 70 NW Couch
4D Sidewalks on Lower E Burnside
RACC's in situ PORTLAND temporary public art program presents 4D Sidewalk, a collaboration between urban workshop Cityscope and artist David Neveel. "4D Sidewalk creates a temporal event by recording and broadcasting a series of time-shifted video at street level, bringing the fourth dimension of time into the experience of the building. This interactive installation creates a feedback relationship with pedestrians and explores the extent to which a building can actively shape its environment."
Public art • on view through May 1, 2010 • daily 6pm-midnight
Bside6 Building • 524 E Burnside
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 24, 2010 at 10:18
| Comments (1)
Last Thursday Picks March 2010
Marta Ramoneda, "Girl in White Dress - Islamabad, Pakistan"
Ampersand presents 52 Selects: An Exhibition of Photographs by World-Renowned Photojournalists. The exhibition aims to showcase the beauty and value of photojournalism in an an era when news-proliferation and blogs have called "the very credentials" of photojournalists into question.
Opening reception • 6-10pm • March 25
Ampersand • 2916 NE Alberta Suite B • 503.805.5458
(More: Michael Endo at False Front and Mia Nolting & Aidan Koch at Together Gallery.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 23, 2010 at 12:44
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Lecture: Susan Brandeis
Susan Brandeis
The next public lecture from the PNCA/OCAC MFA in Applied Craft & Design program will be given this week by Susan Brandeis, a fiber artist and Director of Graduate Programs for the Department of Art and Design at North Carolina State University.
Artist lecture • 6:30-8pm • March 18
Applied Craft & Design Studios • Bison Building • 421 NE 10th @ Glisan
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 22, 2010 at 9:39
| Comments (0)
Last chance for Judd Conference early registration
 Poster for Judd Conference featuring image of Judd's 1974 piece at the PCVA (photo Maryanne Caruthers) Just a reminder you still have a little over 24 hours to take advantage of
the Judd Conference's
early registration discount (by the end of Monday March 22nd). This isn't some
dull lecture but an opportunity to take part in an important and inspiring historic
discussion. Instead, it will be an intensive, hyperfocused and scholarly discussion of
one of Judd's
most important contributions to contemporary art his delegated fabrication
(which is intimately tied into and expresses the philosophical underpinnings
of Judd's art). Arcy discusses these issues a
little more here on the Judd Conference blog.
Overall, it is a great time to come to Portland, with 2 Judd exhibitions up
(in conjunction with the conference I'm curating one at the U of O's White Stag
building and Elizabeth Leach Gallery is presenting a Judd
print show) the ongoing Disquieted,
Twombly and Leon
Golub shows at PAM, Scarecrow at Reed (featuring documentation video of
many famous performance art pieces) and many other Judd related shows + PICA's
TADA party ... the weekend of April 25th will be an excellent weekend to
visit Portland's
ever-active art scene.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on March 21, 2010 at 18:50
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Is the Columbia River Crossing Doomed?
In 2008 I was the first critic to call
for a design competition for the Columbia River Crossing and publicly argued
that the project had gone astray by becoming a blind man's elephant of conflicting
interests without a sufficiently talented architect capable of creating a compellingly cohesive
design... which they could then sell back to the public. Today the project is that
same quagmire involving the same design by committee engineers and an architecture
firm that merely makes cheap, mostly cheesy aesthetic gestures.
There hasnt been much critique in the generalist publications because the
Oregonian does not have a proper staff architecture critic and they have utterly
dropped the ball with horrible taglines like, "Can we afford Pretty?"
when in fact the issue is more properly framed as a leaderless project in need
of a head... ie a great architect. Sadly, the O has made themselves inconsequential to this very important discussion. Anyone with any real experience knows that the project wont get built without a serious
design because this current franken-design doesn't make an arguement for itself. Previously I've
described the design as similar to The Homer. What's more, Zaha Hadid has shown how the design could look and function
great without extra tall design elements and Mayor Sam Adams noticed.
Zaha Hadid's Shiekh Zayed Bridge, excellent without tall structural elements
Simply put the current design team is out of their league because they are
simply responding to pressures rather than the world class solutions this project
demands (a rethink is crucial right now but it will take world class minds).
Meanwhile Governors Ted Kulongoski and Christine Gregoire have simply ignored
the crucial question of a design that people will get behind. The project's
complexity requires a great architect to come up a with a convincing design
that creates a consensus... that takes innovation and that is something which usually comes
from top talent. A world class architect would then become the salesman, something
none of the politicians have the clout or political will to do. Why have all
of the designs originated from Vancouver Washington with additions from Tallahassee
Also, the new bridge IS needed, an 8.8 earthquake like the one Chile just experienced... (more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on March 19, 2010 at 12:20
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PDXplore: Crossing the Columbia

After months of planning, PDXplore and the Architecture Foundation of Oregon will present the forum "Crossing the Columbia: What Does it Mean?" The program will explore the scope and impact of the Columbia River Crossing project. (Want to see a well-designed crossing? Come to this forum.) Events from March 22-26, 2010, include the exhibition PDXplore: Expanding Design Awareness and a series of panels and lectures. Click here for the full schedule.
Opening reception & tour • 5:30-7pm • March 22
PNCA • 1241 NW Johnson • 503.226.4391
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 19, 2010 at 8:39
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Portraits & Ikebana
Andy Warhol, "Marilyn," 1967
Opening this weekend at PAM: More Than a Pretty Face: 150 Years of the Portrait Print. "Featuring some 70 works by artists ranging from James McNeill Whistler to Chuck Close, this exhibition focuses on the portrait print from the late 19th to the early 21st century. Themes include the relationship among artist, sitter, and viewer; issues of identity, including age, gender, sexuality, and ethnicity; and ways in which social status, roles, and class are conveyed by pose, gesture, attire, and setting."
Exhibition • March 20 - May 30, 2010
Portland Art Museum • 1219 SW Park • 503.226.2811
David Komeiji and Wako Henyoji, photo by Jonathan Ley
The Portland Japanese Garden presents an Ohara ikebana exhibition. "Led by Master Teacher Kitty Akre, the members of the Portland Chapter of the Ohara School set the tone for early spring with an array of exquisite designs." This is one of several ikebana exhibitions, led by different schools, that occur throughout the year at the garden.
Ikebana exhibition • 10am-4pm • March 20 & 21
Portland Japanese Garden • 611 SW Kingston • Garden Pavilion
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 18, 2010 at 9:36
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Interview with Inigo Manglano-Ovalle part II
I of PORT's interview with Inigo Manglano-Ovalle discussed his his shows
Gravity Is a Force to be Reckoned With at Mass MOCA and Happiness
is a state of inertia
at Max Protetch Gallery, in continuation here the conversation digs deeper
into the artist's sources and process.
Gravity Is a Force to be Reckoned With, MASS MoCA
Alex: Switching gears: How does Sergei
Eisenstein's movie Glass House relate to Gravity
Is a Force to be Reckoned With at Mass MOCA?
Inigo: In the beginning I was interested in uncompleted projects. These
uncompleted projects were also located historically in a similar sort of period
- these were projects by individuals in a period of modernity. So I was interested
in Eisenstein's Glass House because that was the title of what would be his
first film in the US. Which was to be based on We (the novel by Zamyatin)... (more)
Posted by Alex Rauch
on March 17, 2010 at 6:46
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Sayre Gomez + Portland2010 Part II
Sayre Gomez
Fourteen30 presents Self-Expression by LA-based artist Sayre Gomez. Writer John Motley, in his continued collaboration with the gallery (writing essays for each exhibition): "[Gomez] works in many media, shrugging off the trappings of style, to insistently reiterate a
single idea in countless ways, and assert the fragmented nature of identity in the process. As a result, the work in Self-Expression is diverse enough to scan as a group show."
Opening reception • 6-9pm • March 19
Fourteen30 • 1430 SE 3rd • 503.236.1430

The next round of Portland2010 openings is happening this weekend. Catch work by Holly Andres, Corey Arnold, Pat Boas, John Brodie, David Eckard, Damien Gilley, Jenene Nagy, and the Oregon Painting Society at the Templeton Building, and Stephen Slappe at the Leftbank.
Portland2010 Biennial • Openings Part II • March 20
Templeton Building • 230 E Burnside @ SE 3rd • 6-10pm
Leftbank • 240 N Broadway • 6-9pm
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 17, 2010 at 6:00
| Comments (0)
Art Spark: Disjecta
Crystal Schenk, "Have and Have Not," currently on view at Disjecta for the Portland2010 Biennial
March's Art Spark is happening at Disjecta. They're celebrating the Portland2010 Biennial and offering attendees a chance to win a show at Disjecta (for individual artists or curated group shows). Submit a one-page synopsis of your proposal along with images before 5pm on Thursday and be ready to present your project to the Art Spark crowd if chosen.
Art chat • 5-7pm • March 18
Art Spark @ Disjecta • 8371 N Interstate • 503.286.9449
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 16, 2010 at 11:33
| Comments (0)
Local landmark Pittock Mansion is seeking submissions for their upcoming juried exhibition, Uncertain Times: Contemporary Art Views on the Fate of the Newspaper: "Newspapers today face an uncertain future, as television and the Internet erode print media’s traditional customer base. This exhibit interprets the challenges that newspapers face today through paintings, drawings, prints, sculpture, and multimedia art." The submission deadline is May 15, and you can get more details and a registration form on their website.
(More! Open call for PSU's Littman & White galleries, environmentally conscious art for the renewable energy round-up, and wearable art for Anka.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 15, 2010 at 9:56
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The darkness will hold, for now
I have been thinking about motivations for criticism lately. Art criticism is more than a simple popularity contest aimed at amusing or endearing oneself (or your employer) to the art scene or an exercise in lazy caricatures that ignore the details and context at hand for snark's sake (that has a place as social theater but isn't criticism). Instead, it's about context and sharing a process of perceptual evaluation. What's more it seemed like it was time to explore a group of current shows with a mutual thread around the darkness of Winter and Portland's predilection for niorish
 Matthew Green's Nibog at Fourteen30 (photo Jeff Jahn)
A Show to Winter at Fourteen30 appropriately ends tomorrow (a week before
the Spring Equinox). Typical of the Blood Family Rainbow's curatorial collaborations
it has a dark, gothic, even occult focus. It's a good show with the first room
being significantly stronger than the others. This is partially because 3 of
the 4 best pieces (By Matthew Green, Sven Stuckenschmidt and Molly Vidor) are
in the first room... (more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on March 12, 2010 at 17:09
| Comments (0)
Between Science and Garbage
Bob Ostertag and Pierre Hébert
Artist and filmmaker Bob Ostertag is lecturing tomorrow at PAM in conjunction with Disquieted. "Ostertag explores the common ground and points of friction among music, creativity, politics, culture, and technology. In [his] lecture, "Between Science and Garbage," Ostertag will explore the notion that today's cutting-edge technology is tomorrow's garbage. The title of his lecture is drawn from a performance and film of the same name, which Ostertag created with his partner in Living Cinema, Pierre Hébert."
Artist lecture • 2-3pm • March 13
Portland Art Museum • 1219 SW Park • 503.226.2811
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 12, 2010 at 10:07
| Comments (0)
Suggested reading
The Judd
Conference now has its
own blog and Arcy has laid out a very
helpful reading list with links. Remember to register early, the cost goes
up after March 22nd and space is limited. If you are an installation artist,
designer or architect this event will be of capital interest.
Todd Eberle is doing some fine
blogging and always great photos on Marina Abramovic's latest.
Nicolai Ouroussoff's fascinating article
on Claude Parent is definitely worth a read, contextualizing the architect
who has influenced younger designers like Jean Nouvel and Rem Koolhaas. Call
him the father of the current strain of counterintuitive (yet good) architecture.
Tyler Green contemplates the ethical
legacy of curator Edward Fry in the Gugg's new Contemplating the Void exhibition.
The WWeek reviews the Blakely
Dadsen show at Chambers.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on March 11, 2010 at 11:20
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Portland2010 Biennial

Portland's latest stab at a Biennial begins this weekend. Curated by Cris Moss and running from March to May 2010, exhibitions will be held at Disjecta, Elizabeth Leach Gallery, the Marylhurst Art Gym, Rocksbox, the Templeton Building, the Leftbank, the Alicia Blue Gallery, and Alpern Gallery. You can already see shows at Elizabeth Leach and the Art Gym by Melody Owen (both), and the following is opening this weekend:
Ditch Projects
Are You Ready for the Country? brings Ditch Projects to Rocksbox. "Finding inspiration in the apocalypse of vacancy that marks urban failure, Are You Ready for the Country identifies and celebrates the urban center's sudden and full submission to the rural margin. Refusing the iconography of idealized naturalism, the members of Ditch Projects opt, instead, to frame rurality as the physical lack of constant urbanity."
Opening reception • 6-10pm • March 13
ROcksbox Fine Art • 6540 N Interstate • 503.516.4777
Bruce Conkle and Marne Lucas
Six shows will be opening this Saturday at Disjecta (the hub of the Biennial): Bruce Conkle & Marne Lucas' Warlord Sun King, David Corbett's New Work, Sean Healy's Muscle Car Memory/Carcinoma, Tahni Holt's Culture Machine (in progress), Crystal Schenk's Recent Work, and Crystal Schenk & Shelby Davis' West Coast Turnaround. While you're there, pop over to the Vestibule to see Evertt Beidler's Cured of Second Chances (not part of the Biennial).
Opening reception • 6-10pm • March 13
Disjecta • 8371 N Interstate • 503.286.9449
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 11, 2010 at 9:28
| Comments (0)
yellow luck

MP5 presents Avantika Bawa's yesterday. Yellow. Bawa writes: "My altered and seemingly 'perfect' construction aims to transform the objects beyond their perceived banality into a dynamic phenomenon that reinvents the mundane. Ordinary, discarded material is used to construct a landscape, where the common place is glorified. Here, the flawed is perfected and the familiar obscured, rendering an emergent and difficult communication to be examined and relearned." The exhibition is on view from March 12 - April 30, 2010.
Opening reception • 6-9pm • March 12
MP53 • 900 NE 81st Avenue • Gallery space of lofts building
Shaun Jarvis
Alpern Gallery presents Shaun Jarvis' Hard Luck. The photographs are part of a decade-long ongoing project photographing the artist's associates in available light without post-production.
Opening reception • 6-9pm • March 12
Alpern Gallery • 2552 NW Vaughn • 503.477.7721
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 10, 2010 at 15:04
| Comments (0)
Interview with Bill Gilbert
 Bill Gilbert
Bill Gilbert has been the Lannan Foundation Chair in the Land Arts of the American
West program at The University of New Mexico since 2000 and is the author of
Arts of the American West. He took time to answer a few of PORT's questions
on the eve of his talk for The Museum of Contemporary Craft this
coming Wednesday at PNCA:
Alex: Michael Heizer has indicated he'd like to fix Double Negative because
it has deteriorated, isn't that the Land art equivalent of George Lucas redoing
Star Wars? How do you feel about artists tinkering with their early earth art?
Bill: Heizer has gone back and forth on this one. I really appreciate his ability
to be inconsistent and answer depending on how hes feeling or who his
audience might be at any given time in the over the forty years it has been
since the piece was completed. We artists all have complicated relationships
with our work. So, I understand the... (more)
Posted by Alex Rauch
on March 09, 2010 at 7:01
| Comments (0)
Whiting Tennis, "Bitter Lake Compound," 2007
PAM's artist talk series continues this week with Matthew Stadler, a novelist who also writes about art and architecture for various publications, including Frieze, Artforum, Volume, Fillip, and Domus. Stadler will discuss Mark Tobey's Western Town, 1944, and Whiting Tennis' Bitter Lake Compound, 2007. The group will meet in the Hoffman Lobby, walk around the museum, and return to the lobby for happy hour after.
Art lecture • 6-8pm • March 11
Portland Art Museum • 1219 SW Park • 503.226.2811
Daniel Joseph Martinez
PNCA presents a lecture by Daniel Joseph Martinez via the MFA in Visual Studies program: "A strategic provocateur with a keen intelligence and a wicked sense of humor, Martinez deploys the full range of available media in his practice, having used at various times (and in various combinations) text, image, sculpture, video, and performance to construct his uniquely tough-minded brand of aesthetic inquiry."
Artist lecture • 6:30-8pm • March 11
MoCC in partnership with PNCA • 724 NW Davis • The Lab
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 09, 2010 at 6:10
| Comments (0)
Land Art
David Shaner, "Garden Slab," 1964
The Museum of Contemporary Craft presents Land Art: David Shaner. The exhibition explores the relationship between craft and the Land Art movement of the 1960s and 1970s through the work of a "potter's potter." Land Art includes works from the artist's estate and the museum's collection, as well as photos and personal notes taken by the artist, which "reveal a concurrent, domestically-scaled yet quietly sensual relationship between art and the landscape of the American West."
Exhibition • March 10 - August 7, 2010
Museum of Contemporary Craft • 724 NW Davis • 503.223.2654
On the first day of the exhibition, William Gilbert will present a concurrent Craft Perspectives lecture via PNCA/MoCC on "Land Arts of the American West." Gilbert "will discuss shifts in contemporary understanding of the genre of Land Art, tracing connections from his own study of ceramics in Montana with Rudy Autio to the innovative 'Land Arts of the American West' program he co-founded with Chris Taylor."
Artist lecture • 6:30 - 8pm • March 10
PNCA • 1241 NW Johnson • 503.226.4391
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 08, 2010 at 9:34
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NYC roundup
Roberta Smith lays it all out in a matter of fact way regarding the
Koons curated New Museum show, Skin Fruit. To me it seems like a show calibrated
for 2007 and people are going to hold the New Museum to higher standards because
of the mission statement and presence of "New" in its name. The problem isn't
Koons or the collector, it's the fact that the New Museum can't really afford
to be behind the curve the way other New York Museums are... or even behind the those other
institutions for that matter. Everyone wants the New Museum to be bleeding edge,
but it isn't. Perhaps large group shows are simply the wrong way.
It's part of the reason PORT didn't get all
Whitney-excited (even if several
Portland friends are in it and the Museum linked to several of our articles).
To me its like a cliff notes version of the art world and this iteration's focus
on being conveniently self-conscious felt dated (anyone remember 2002?). Also,why must they always have a car or
other wheeled vehicle in each version? Overall, the Whitney can get away with
being a little behind the curve, in fact I think that is part of being a venerated
museum and its a valuable way to intersect with those who are not 100% art world
creatures. Honestly, Id like to see Museums put on more small group shows 3-5
artists... politically that's a rats nest to navigate as a curator but that
is what these times require. Will the Portland Art Museum's CNAA's be up to
that challenge regionally? Balancing politics and freshness is difficult for
large institutions.
The NYT's also did
a piece on the Armory, a confab which in my mind has somewhat overshadowed
the Whitney Biennial.... even in this diminished economic climate. PORT's award
winning Amy Bernstein will have a report soon.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on March 05, 2010 at 14:46
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First Friday Picks March 2010
Stefano Minzi
Gallery Homeland presents Guten Tag Meine Fruende, a collection of six contemporary emerging and established artists living and working in Berlin. The show grew out of the ongoing relationship Gallery Homeland has been building over the past 6 months with the creative community of Berlin. Featured artists include Nicole Cohen, Ali Fitzgerald, Stefano Minzi, Holger Pohl, Adam Raymont, and Katharina Trudzinski.
Opening reception • 6-9pm • March 5
Gallery Homeland • 2505 SE 11th Ave •
(More: Transverse at Worksound, Incubate at PNCA's Hybrid Gallery, Susan Burnstine at Newspace, and Midori Hirose at the new Nationale.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 04, 2010 at 17:00
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Major Annoucement, Judd Conference and Exhibition in Portland
 Poster for Judd Conference featuring image of Judd's 1974 piece at the PCVA (photo Maryanne Caruthers)
The University of Oregon School of Architecture and Allied Arts and PORT are
pleased to announce what promises to be a major highlight of Portland's 2010
cultural calendar; a scholarly conference and exhibition, " Donald
Judd: Delegated Fabrication; history, practices, issues and implications"
on April 25th 2010. With keynote speaker Robert Storr and other notables like
Ballantine, this promises to be a conference where Judd's most radical artistic
contributions are examined and discussed. Space will be limited to encourage
discussion so this wont be one of those static lecture and listen style events.
Furthermore, I'll be curating the exhibition Donald Judd, which will support
and encourage the conferences discussion, it opens on conference day and runs
through May 21st at the U of O's White Box gallery in Portland. The event is
sponsored by the University of Oregon's School of Architecture and Allied Arts,
PORT and through the generous patron support of Bonnie Serkin and Will Emery.
Official Website for registration
$65 early registration (through March 22)
$35 students
Sunday, April 25, 2010
University of Oregon in Portland
White Stag Block
70 NW Couch Street, Portland, OR 97209
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on March 04, 2010 at 13:35
| Comments (1)
RAW Schema
Pae White, "MetaFoil"
Reed College's annual Reed Arts Week starts today. RAW 2010's theme is Alchemy: Organized by Students to Blow Your Mind. During the 4-day arts fest, there will be exhibitions/check locations throughout campus by visiting artists Pae White, Jonah Freeman, Marko Mäetamm, and Vanessa Lang. Most will be open to the public from 12-6pm. Other public events include Saturday's Dublab: Tonalism musical event, a screening by Pierre Huyghe, a table hosted by the Independent Publishing Resource Center, and a reading by David Shields. Check the full schedule for more info on art projects and lectures.
Arts fest • March 3-7, 2010
Reed College • 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd
Jordan Tull, "Shadow Traces" diagram
OCAC's Hoffman Gallery presents Schema: Craft in Context, "the first exhibition in a series exploring the intersection of art, craft, and design in the Northwest...The artists in Schema invent images and forms that exist as the material embodiment of a conceptual framework. The interaction between form and space is primary here. While many of the selections deal with an obvious plan or structure each work can be viewed as presenting actions or directions not immediately evident. As such the pieces become systems to engage multiple possibilities rather than a fixed preconception." Among the included installations is Jordan Tull's architectural intervention, Shadow Traces: "For Hoffman Gallery, Shadow Traces is meant to disrupt visible aperture while shadowing interior surfaces. The intervention offers a shifted architectural context to experience artwork in." The exhibition runs from March 4 - March 28, 2010.
Opening reception • 4-7pm • March 4
Oregon College of Art and Craft • 8245 SW Barnes Road • Hoffman Gallery
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 03, 2010 at 9:35
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First Thursday Picks March 2010
Susan Seubert, "Lovejoy Fountain"
Brian Libby presents 8 x PDX: Photographs of Portland Architecture at AiA's Center for Architecture. The show features works by Jeremy Bitterman, PORTstar Jeff Jahn, Chris Hornbecker, Shawn Records, Susan Seubert, Sally Schoolmaster and Michael Weeks, as well as two pictures taken by Libby.
Opening reception • 5:30-8:30pm • March 4
American Institute of Architects • 403 NW 11th • 503.223.8757
(More: Blakely Dadson at Chambers@916, Melody Owen at Elizabeth Leach, Future Death Toll at Tractor, Wrecking Crüe at IGLOO, Brenda Mallory at Doppler PDX, and Lucas Murgida and Autzen.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 02, 2010 at 8:56
| Comments (1)
educational arts

Modou Dieng and Damien Gallery present Flashstream: New Video at the New Video Gallery at PSU. In the lobby of the PSU Art Building or projected on the outside wall after dusk will be video works by Hannah Piper Burns, Carl Diehl, Jacob Fennell, Weird Fiction, Jaclyn Fronzack, Matthew Green, MK Guth, Ryan Jeffery, George Kuchar, Chris Larson, Bob Moricz, and Randi Razalenti.
Video exhibition • March 1 - March 26, 2010
PSU New Video Gallery • 2000 SW 5th Ave • Lobby of art building or outside at night
(More: Aili Schmeltz lectures at Clark College and Of Walking in Ice opens at UO's White Box.)
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on March 01, 2010 at 11:40
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