This weekend, UO's architecture department will be exhibiting design proposals for an Old Town / China Town community arts center: "The proposed building and its program are a participatory center offering classes, studio/workshop opportunities, performance space and offices for non profit arts groups. The idea for the Center is modeled after programs at the Fort Mason Center for the Arts in San Francisco, PS1 in New York, and the Cultural Brewery in the Prenzlauer Berg neighborhood of Berlin. It is envisioned as a new public 'catalyst' to further revitalization of the North Old Town - Chinatown neighborhood. Located at the corner of NW Glisan and NW Third Avenues, the proposals incorporate a vacant historic fire station into the project, reusing the existing structure and adding a new addition with more space." The exhibition will take place at the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association. This sort of space in Portland has roots in places like the
PCVA, and there hasn't really been anything like it since PICA closed their exhibition space in 2004.
Proposals show day 1 • 10am-5pm • February 13
Proposals show day 2 • 1-5pm • February 14
UO @ the CCBA • 315 NW Davis
Timothy Scott Dalbow, "Untitled"
Beginning their artist-in-residence series, Timothy Scott Dalbow presents
I don't know anyone in Paris at NAAU: "In an act of reversal and post-studio practice critique, Timothy Scott Dalbow will move his painting studio into the NAAU beginning Valentines Day 2010. Over the course of the 6 week exhibit, the gallery space will be as active or inactive as his studio practice dictates...Evolving daily, this exhibit feels necessary in this period of contemporary art where shrinking budgets and post-studio movements increasingly raise the question: why is art important and why are art objects of such great value."
Opening reception • 6-9pm • February 14
New American Art Union • 922 SE Ankeny • 503.231.8294
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