Saltz has written his response to the whole New Museum debacle (which strangely
became legitimized last week with the New York Times Article, though it was
Green and William Powhida who really started the debate, Green was cited
as being, "notoriously self righteous," by the Times). More like notoriously
ten steps ahead of the New York Times. Anyhow, I see both Jerry and Tyler's
arguments but in this case Tyler is notoriously right and scrupulous.
The problem isn't the fact that this is going on in an economic freefall, it
is that this looks like pre-crash business as usual when everyone wants the
New Museum to do something legitimately new. Whereas, Koons and Urs Fischer
are poster children for the excesses of the past 9 years in the art world, frankly
it's anything but New. I like both artists but when the word NEW is in your
name you need to be careful you deliver what the name promises. The art world
has been looking for a lightning rod for change, a signpost that something fresh
was coming and when the New Museum foisted their petard up the flagpole they
got zapped.
How about a post boom artist or someone the post boom artists can look to?
An Iza Genzken or Lynda Benglis curated show would have gone over much better
than Koons and followed through on Unmonumental's success as an opener (so far
nothing has equaled their opening show... that's a problem). I believe artist
curated shows might be the answer for the New Museum but the trick is they have
to be by someone who isn't synonymous with lucre when things are being stripped
back to basics. The New Museum is being held to new standards because everyone
wants them to be successful in revitalizing New York's art scene (in a qualitative
not the same old quantitative $$$ way)... hopefully that haven't completely
jumped the shark and can contrast Koons/Fischer with something much fresher
after this bit of shortsightedness.

Photo by Sarah Henderson
The Find, Claiming Nelscott
Reef is an independent film opening this week about
big wave surfing and the absurdities surrounding ownership of said wave. Not your typical surf porn it looks fascinating and you can catch the premier at the Hollywood theater
on Wednesday at 7:00 PM.
Sarah Henderson is the co-producer. For more info
is an interview with the director Erich Lyttle from last night.
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