Tim Mahan, from "Side Tangled"
H/D +Projects (the installation series at Half/Dozen Gallery in the Lofts) presents
Side Tangled, an installation by Tim Mahan. The piece "creates a twisted boundary with a seemingly endless amount of yellow utility rope... challenging the idea of conventional boundaries. What good is a dividing line if it doesn't really keep you on one side or the other? ... This tangled border is permeable and is meant to be crossed. In fact, it beckons you to cross its coils and discover the view from the other side."
One-night-only installation • 7-10pm • November 30
Half/Dozen • 625 NW Everett #111 •
Also happening
tonight: Contour, a one-night video show curated by Modou Dieng featuring work by Rose Bond, Hannah Piper, Sean Joseph Patrick Carney, David Eckard, E*Rock, Jaclynn Fronczak & Randi Razalenti, Damien Gilley, Linda Kliewer, Mack McFarland, and PORTstar Jeff Jahn.
Video(s) screening • 7-10pm • November 30
Someday Lounge • 125 NW 5th • 503.248.030
Chas Bowie
Local artist and arts writer Chas Bowie is lecturing this week for Clark College's Art Talk series. He specializes in photography and currently teaches at PNCA.
Art lecture • 7pm • December 2
Clark College • 1933 Ft. Vancouver Way, Vancouver, WA • PUB 161, Fireside Lounge
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