The fourth lecture in UO's School of Architecture and Allied Arts ongoing Machine in the Garden series is happening tomorrow. George Gessert will present
Ornamental Plant Breeding for the 21st Century. Gessert is a writer and author on art and genetics whose book,
Green Light: Toward an Art of Evolution is coming soon from MIT Press. In his lecture, Gessert will discuss "past and current uses of biotechnology to create new kinds of ornamental plants... Engineered ornamentals such as the red iris raise many questions, but he will focus on just one: what aesthetic criteria or assumptions are shaping the new plants?"
Artist lecture • 12-1pm • October 30
University of Oregon White Stag Building • 70 Couch St. • Event Room
Also happening at UO White Stag this weekend: The start of the 2009 Fall PUARL symposium touching on "the theories of Patterns and Pattern Languages." PUARL is the "Portland Urban Architecture Research Laboratory." The symposium will be kicked off by a public presentation & panel by Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein, Max Jacobson, and Ingrid King, authors of
A Pattern Language. (Note: the presentation will be preceded by welcomes and introductions at 5pm and followed by a reception at 8:20pm.) Visit the
PUARL website for more info on the symposium.
Lecture & Panel • 7pm • October 30
University of Oregon White Stag Building • 70 Couch St. • Event Room
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