Gary Wiseman and Meredith Andrews present
Inside, Outside, Upside Down, a one-night Last Thursday installation at Appendix. The artists write: "...The difference between fantasy and reality seems infra-thin. I like the idea of time and space folding. I want to go home. Nine dimensions seem so ambiguous and arbitrary. In fact (after earning her PhD at Oxford my X-friend the physicist told me) kindness is all that matters. Befuddled, I am honestly trying to tell you the truth but it is hopeless. I can't talk that fast."
Opening reception •6-11pm • September 24
Appendix Project Space • South alley between 26th and 27th off NE Alberta

The other Alberta alley gallery space, now named Little Field Gallery, presents
Jordan Tull. "
FRAME examines the role of the audience as subject to the object. The installation is a model of space fragmented.
FRAME explores how space and time connect vision to experience."
Opening reception • 5-10pm • September 24
Little Field Gallery • North alley between 28th and 29th off NE Alberta

Neighborhood Diaries is a compilation of Portlanders' neighborhood-specific memories, compiled and put to music by Abraham Ingle, who's also spearheading the Portland version of
Papergirl. The project begins its exhibitions with the King/Vernon Diaries at Together Gallery this Last Thursday - bring your MP3 player to download the tour. Upcoming events include the Downtown Diaries at ON Gallery for October First Thursday, the Buckman Diaries for First Friday at Second Nature Gallery, and the Boise/Elliot Diaries at the Waypost on October 11. Visit
the website for more details.
Opening reception • 6-10pm • September 24
Together Gallery • 2916 NE Alberta • 503.288.8879