Terry Toedtemeier
Worksound is hosting
Portraits, curated by Mark Woolley. The show is dedicated to the life and work of
Terry Toedtemeier, a gifted photographer who for over 20 years lovingly built the photographic collection at the Portland Art Museum. Work by Toedtemeier was selected in consultation with his widow Prudence Roberts and local art dealer Jane Beebee. The exhibition also features photography by 17 talented artists, both established and emerging, from Portland and Los Angeles: Holly Andres, Tim Gunther, Stewart Harvey, Wei Hsueh, Jim Leisy, Jacob Pander, Ann Ploeger, Mason Poole, Christopher Rauschenberg, Alicia J. Rose, Eric Sellers, Stephen Scott Smith, Aaron Thomas, Lorenzo Triburgo, Gus van Sant, and Carol Yarrow.
Opening reception • 7-11pm • July 10
Worksound • 820 SE Alder •
Jihee Kim, "Sealed Smile"
Gallery Homeland presents
Fresh, an exhibition of contemporary Korean art. "Still relatively unknown in the West, Korean art is steeped in a rich, 5,000 year long cultural tradition that continues to be embraced by Korean artists in their examination of domestic and foreign influences currently shaping their modern society. The resulting work is diverse, sophisticated and uniquely Korean.
Fresh is a group exhibition of ten South Korean artists modernizing their heritage through the practices of painting and photography."
Opening reception • 6-9pm • July 10
Gallery Homeland • 2505 SE 11th AVE •
Eunice Parsons
This month 12x16 Gallery is featuring
Bliss, an exhibition by accomplished local artist Eunice Parsons. Parsons is a former professor at PNCA whose work has been listed among the "Northwest masters." At age 90, she is making collages that may be counted among the strongest work of her long career. Bonnie Hull's
Stories will also be on view.
Artist reception • 2-4pm • July 12
12x16 Gallery • 8235 SE 13th AVE • 503.432.3513
Matt Browning, "Leave No Trace"
Ditch Projects is exhibiting Matt Browning and Anne Mathern, who "use found artifacts, video documentation, drawings and manipulations of performance to investigate a shared fascination with American sub-cultural rituals and the development of identity within these communities."
Opening reception • 7-10pm • July 10
Ditch Projects • 190 Millrace Complex, Springfield, Oregon •

The first month of the Portland-Astoria exchange kicks off with seven Portland artists exhibiting in Astoria. The former AVA Gallery will be showing work by John Brodie, Timothy Scott Dalbow, Kristan Kennedy, Cynthia Lahti, David Rosenak, Blair Saxon-Hill, and Storm Tharp. The show will run weekends July 11-26, 2009 - it's a great excuse to take a trip to the coast.
Opening reception • 6-9pm • July 11
Former AVA Gallery • 160 10th St., Astoria, Oregon •
Happy Birthday TT you are missed.
A fitting celebration indeed.