MP5 is having their bi-monthly opening this weekend. In MP5
3 they're featuring Jenevieve Tatiana's
Parlor Games: "Those in play here are between modernism and marginality: the endgames of the monochrome and the game theory of social networks, a-chronologically articulated through found web 2.0 information and reshuffled salon-style as sculptural elements." In the hallways there will be installations by Gary Wiseman and Meredith Andrews, Christine Bailey Claringbold, and John Graeter.
Opening reception • 7-9pm • April 26
Milepost 5 • 900 NE 81st Ave • 503.998.4878
Doug Blandy
Doug Blandy, director of the institute for community arts studies at the University of Oregon, is speaking this Monday for PMMNLS. He'll address community engagement, research, and education in arts institutions.
Artist lecture • 7:30pm • April 27
PSU • 1914 SW Park Ave • Shattuck Hall Rm 212 at Broadway & Hall
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