"The Right Brain Initiative, a partnership of public schools, local government, foundations, businesses and the cultural community, is seeking experienced teaching artists and arts education organizations to support the goal to make arts education accessible to every K-8 student in the Portland tri-county region." Applications for the 2009-2010 school year are due
April 20. Materials will be available March 16. Learn more about the project and download the call for artists

The Froelick Gallery is soliciting submissions for their summer 2009 group exhibition
Town & Country: Oregon at 150. In honor of the recent sesquicentennial, they're seeking artists who present "quintessential or quirky, urban or remote views of Oregon." All mediums and both two and three dimensions will be considered. Submissions are due
March 28. Check out their
website for guidelines and forms.
Crawl Space
Seattle gallery Crawl Space is seeking artists for their 2009 studio intensive residency: "The resident artist will commit to a full seven days and nights of working and living at Crawl Space. Arriving at the gallery with whatever art-making and survival supplies he or she brings along, the artist will establish a studio workspace and squatting quarters for the week. The resident artist will receive a $500 honorarium but is responsible for all costs of transportation and production beyond that amount. A hot plate, refrigerator, toilet, sink, and air mattress will also be provided. During this week of confinement, the artist is expected to generate completely new works, either as a continuation of a body of work or as a special project or installation. No completed or in-progress works will be admitted. Crawl Space hopes that this confinement to an immersed and unfamiliar art making space will spur the resident artist to break away from characteristic approaches and methods of art making." Submissions are due
April 19. Visit
their website for details.
The Lane Community College foundation is seeking permanent site-specific sculpture for the outdoor entrance of their new Health and Wellness building. "Artists may seek inspiration from the programs that will be housed in this facility and their connection to the health and well being of the individual." Submissions are invited from 18+ Oregon residents, and materials are due
April 6. Get more info on the
foundation's website.
Vantage Art Projects is seeking submissions for
Vantage Point 1: an Exhibition-in-Print, curated by Paul Butler. The theme is "community and collaboration as a form of pedagogy." Submissions are due
March 21, get the scoop