Correction: Ok never trust the Oregonian (I should know better)
Deffenbaugh Gallery is not closing just adjusting its current form. Basically they are leasing out some space during slower months to PDX comtemporary, next door. I've been out of town but have known about the restructing for a few weeks.
What should be noted is that
Deffenbaugh is
essential core gallery and founding PADA member, but of all the main Portland
galleries, I've been most concerned about them. For the past year the gallery
has been doing mostly group shows (some stellar but red dot sales have been noticeable
slower than many other PADA galleries). It's been a long time since they had
a blockbuster solo show sales-wise too. *Disclosure I showed in one of the better selling group
exhibitions last year.
For more background, a few weeks ago MaryAnn Deffenbaugh announced she would
be leaving the daily operations of the gallery to work in development for OCAC.
Like a lot of Portland galleries, a large portion of their sales in recent years
have came from outside the city (now likely effected by the economy) and yes
some key local collectors have been hit hard in the financial crisis.
*Update Rod Pulliam and MaryAnn Deffenbaugh have yet to figure out what the new business arrangement will be... so basically this whole story broken by the Oregonian's doom patrol seems a tad premature.
Good, that sounds better! P-D is one of the best galleries in town annd they show some great artists from here - like Brian Borrello and Linda Hutchins.
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