Tom Holmes, "I Make Stuff Up"
Curated by Gabrielle Giattino,
I know nothing of the weather when I know it is either raining or not raining. opens this Thursday at PNCA's Feldman Gallery + Project Space. Drawing its title from Ludwig Wittgenstein's
Tractatus Logioco-Philosophicus, a series of statements about the nature of logic, the show highlights strategies for making art that "willingly defy the necessary usefulness of logic and language." Featured artists include Erica Baum, Ellie Ga, Tom Holmes, Justin Matherly, Andrea Merkx, Jenny Perlin, and Vicente Razo. Artist Andrea Merkx will lecture on Wednesday about the show, curator Gabrielle Giattino will give a tour before the reception, and artist Ellie Ga will give a final presentation on Friday.
Artist lecture • 12:30-1:30pm • February 25
Curator tour • 12:30-1:30pm • February 26
Opening reception • 6:30pm • February 26
Artist presentation • 12:30-1:30pm • February 27
PNCA • 1241 NW Johnson • 503.226.4391

Matthew Green will perform
Solo Jams at Appendix Project Space this Thursday. The piece begins promptly at 7pm, and elements from it will be on view 3-7pm for the following three Thursdays.
Opening reception • 6-10pm • February 26
Appendix • NE Alberta • in the south alley between 26th & 27th