Jason Adkins
PCC's Cascade Gallery presents
Modern Salvage, a group exhibition that reexamines late Modernist formal aesthetics. The show asks what it means to create work in this vernacular when it has been co-opted by the sleek commercial lines of IKEA. How do we reconcile the "classical" reductive aesthetic with the highly marketable department store Modernism? Featured artists include Matthew Letzelter, Kim McKenna, Sterling Lawrence, Matthew Green, Jason Adkins, and Jeff Koons.
Opening reception • 5-8pm • January 9
Curatorial lecture • 4-5pm • January 26
PCC Cascade Gallery • 705 N. Killingsworth • Terrell Hall Room 102

Social Practices students in PSU's MFA program present
Extraordinarily Ordinary in PSU's White Gallery. The exhibition is the first in an experimental series showcasing the ongoing work of the Social Practices students. Student work and interactive projects will be on display in the White Gallery on a rotating basis - and this week's opening reception features a larger-than-life crossword.
Opening reception • 5-8pm • January 8
PSU White Gallery • 1825 SW Broadway • Smith Building South Wing 2nd Floor
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