PNCA's PDXplore#2 on July 22nd 2008
In case you missed it like me, here is
transcription of last Tuesday's PDXplore discussion at PNCA. Ahh the question
is... will Portland grow a pair or simply take a prophylactic approach to the
coming population surge? Eunuch is eunuch... no more complacency ok? Portland
isn't defined by Portland's past... it can
direct those redefining outside forces.
Now what is it exactly that you think Portland should be doing differently than it is now? Other than referring the bridge design to a competition?
It's a long list but in every case it's the same mantra.... be legitimately and practically progressive in a way that looks at the best ideas, then implements them.
One thing I'd be all for is an amenity bonus program... ala Vancouver BC. It encourages developers to have non profit or cultural spaces built into new developments. That way the new developments are not simply the corporate model of using a Starbucks or Subway as anchor tenants on the corners of new projects. It's a way to turn new growth into a promoter of new culture.
I'd like to see Portland invest in the people that make it great instead of simply using "community" as a gesture of progressive ideals. Community is fine but if Portland applauds it to the detrement of those individuals that make it noteworthy it's a self defeating, mediocrity promoting paradigm.
Portland should also do a better job of attracting progressive employers seeking to change their corporate culture.
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