Jáce Gáce is having their second annual
Overkill exhibition. The first show launched the beer & waffle house as a fun and interesting east side art space, and they're hoping it'll get even better this year. It's a non-juried free for all, accepting submissions from June 30 - July 1. If you follow the guidelines, no one will be turned away until their walls are full, so
get more information here.
Suikang Zhao, installed at the UofO Health & Counseling Center
This opportunity comes by way of Oregon's
Percent for Public Art program (as did the installation above). OSU is seeking submissions for public art for
Goss Stadium that "acknowledg[es] the powerful sense of place and historic nature of this site." There is a $40K budget, and the deadline for submissions is
July 11. Download a PDF of submission guidelines
From the 2007 CoCA Painting Marathon
Center on Contemporary Art (CoCA) hosts an annual painting marathon. It's a 2 day event where artists paint for 24 hours straight, the works are auctioned to benefit CoCA (art sales are a 50/50 split), and then everybody parties. They're seeking artists for the 2008 marathon, on August 8th & 9th. Submissions are due on
JUNE 25th, so get on over to their
info page and send your work in.
Vino Vixens interior
Stylish east side wine bar
Vino Vixens is looking for work to complement their luscious interior. They have tons (no, really, TONS) of space in three rooms, and are interested in larger two dimensional pieces that can rock their red & purple walls. They'll be rotating work roughly every three months, so submissions are open on a rolling basis, but get them in by
June 26 to see your work up for their all night First Thursday (July 3) musical extravaganza. Please contact manager
Greg Falk for more information.
From ON Gallery website
The Everett Station Loft's newest addition,
ON Gallery "is now seeking artists and collaborators to show 2-D, 3-D, installation, videography, interaction, kinetic sculpture and other artistic practices which are supported or informed by technology." They'll be opening their doors for July First Thursday, but are also seeking rolling submissions- contact