From the scavenger hunt
The students of the PSU MFA Social Practice Program are launching a weekly summer events series,
A lot of ______. The events will take place each Sunday, May 18 - June 29, at Neighborhood Projects, a vacant lot on 15th & Alberta made available by architect Matthew Beitz as an off-site classroom space for the MFA students. The series aims to "engage the surrounding neighborhood by providing a platform for communication and collaboration." The first event is the
Pepsi Rocket Ship Moon Voyage Launch!, hosted by Cyrus Smith.
The rest of the summer schedule:
May 25th, Meet and Greet BBQ, Hosts: Eric Steen & Sandy Sampson
June 1st, Movement Exchange, Hosts: Amy Steel & Eric Nordstrom
June 8th, A Lot of Strangers, Host: Avalon Kalin
June 15th, A Lot of Lids, Hosts: Laurel Kurtz & Steve Beatty
June 22nd, Swap Meet, Host: Sandy Sampson & Eric Steen
June 29th, THE Scavenger Hunt, Hosts: Katy Asher & Tuey Burns
Weekly Event • 3pm • Sundays, May 18 - June 29
Neighborhood Projects • 15th & Alberta •
Also happening this weekend on Alberta:
Art on Alberta's Art Hop. The festival features four musical stages, as well as over 150 artists, guilds, face painters, and street performers. The three featured artists this year are Adrienne Cruz, Tripper Dungan, and Analee Fuentes. Alberta will be closed off for the festival between 12th and 30th on Saturday, 11am-7pm. The parade starts at 3pm.
I wanted to take a moment and congratulate the current board of directors for Art On Alberta for the great work they have done on this the 9th Annual Art Hop of 2008.
The closing of Alberta Street is the first time in Portland that a major neighborhood thru fare and transit line was closed for an event other than the Rose or Starlight Parades.
While it was great to see so many artists there setting up their work, I was surprised that the business community in the neighborhood (and indeed within larger Portland) did not see the benefit of setting booths and promoting their organizations, I can only believe that the concept is so new that it has not dawned on them the advantages open to them to promote their organizations or art.
Indeed it would not be out of place to eventually see the other galleries in the Westside set up booths during future Art Hops.
As a past Board Member and President of AonA I understand all to well the effort needed to promote the artists, the arts, and the art venues in the Alberta Art District while dovetailing the needs and interests of the whole community, with limited time and an even more limited budget.
Art On Alberta has had a wonderful relationship with PSU and the Portland Art Institute, both of which served AonA several times in the last few years with the submission of needed funds, and research into the Alberta Art District needs and views.
While no longer a member, it is my personal impression that as the level of recognition of both the artists and the arts that exists within Alberta increases, AonA will continue to seek out Art Organizations, Art Galleries, Art Collectives and individual Artists to locate into Alberta making it one of the most vibrant districts in the Portland area.