Art on Alberta banner
Art on Alberta is seeking new board members. Their mission statement: "[T]o promote Alberta Street's distinct culture and identity through public art, visual art events, and educational activities." They have six board positions open. There will be a special AoA meeting next week, and potential board candidates are encouraged to attend. For more information about the requirements and qualifications to be on the AoA board, visit
their website and/or download
this PDF.
Art on Alberta Meeting • 6:30pm • April 21
Art on Alberta Office • 1614 NE Alberta St.•
Roberta Wong, currently on view at the IFCC Gallery
Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center (IFCC) is seeking exhibition proposals for its 2008-2009 Gallery Season. Solo shows, group shows, and "inter media collaborations" will all be considered, as well as submissions to annual group shows. For more details, visit
their submission guidelines page.
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