Untraceable Walk-Through
Nubar Alexanian, "Man on the Box (recreation)"
Join curators Stephanie Snyder, Stuart Horodner, and Mack McFarland this Saturday for a walk-through of the latest exhibition in PNCA's Feldman Gallery & Project Space. Untraceable explores "artists' responses to political control, violence and torture."
Artist & Curator walk-through • 11am • March 1
PNCA • 1241 NW Johnson St. • 503.226.4391
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 29, 2008 at 8:48
| Comments (1)
Ranciere at PNCA and Fresh Impressions at OCAC

French Philosopher Jacques Ranciere's lecture at PNCA promises to be the heaviest talk we will experience in 2008. He's pretty much the art world's favorite intellectual these days. To familiarize yourself a tiny bit here's what he thought of Guantanamo Bay and here's a decent interview related to his book "The Politics of Aesthetics."
According to PNCA's press release, Ranciere as emeritus professor at the University of Paris VIII, is considered "one of the five leading intellectuals in the world today." (Either that or he has one of the five best publicists...) Ranciere will be making his first visit to Portland to speak as part of FIVE Idea Studios, and will speak on the subject of "What Makes Images Unacceptable." I rather doubt he will discuss what makes philosphers unacceptable though.... (kidding aside, this should be good.)
February 29, 2008, 6:30pm, Swigert Commons
Fresh Impressions: Letterpress Printing in Contemporary Art @ OCAC
Opening reception on Thursday, February 28 from 4:00-7:00pm
Curated by artists Inge Bruggeman and Heather Watkins, the show explores the relevance of letterpress printing in contemporary art, while seeking to define its significance to current art making practices.
The exciting lineup of participating artists include Abra Ancliffe, Jan Baker, Amy Borezo, Sarah Bryant, Macy Chadwick, Julie Chen, Wendy Fernstrum, Heather Green, Carl Haase, Diane Jacobs, Alicia McKim, Heidi Neilson, Erin Newell, Amy Pirkle, Robin Price, Harry Reese, John Risseeuw, Regula Russelle, Wilbur Schilling, CB Sherlock, Amy Sterly, and Rachel Wiecking (an artists to watch).
OCAC's Hoffman Gallery
8245 S.W. Barnes Road
Portland, OR 97225
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 27, 2008 at 22:15
| Comments (1)
Munch & Discuss
Miguel Rio Branco, "Blue Panther"
This weekend, Quality Pictures is hosting a lecture/brunch. Curator Erik Schneider will discuss the concept, technique, and market behind the photographic exhibition The Man Show. Admission is free, but space is limited, so RSVP to info@qpca.com or 503.227.5060. Note: It will also be your last chance to check out Brian Ulrich's Thrift.
Artist lecture & brunch • 10:30-11:30am • March 1
Quality Pictures Contemporary Art • 916 NW Hoyt • 503.227.5060

Happening further south this weekend in LA: Portland's own GLARE Quarterly is having the release party for issue #3 this Saturday at MOCA @ 4:30PM (Pacific Design Center).
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 27, 2008 at 13:29
| Comments (0)

Happening tonight: Photojournalist Joel Preston Smith will be lecturing at Newspace on the four months he lived in Iraq in 2003, documenting "Iraqis' daily lives, rituals, and struggle to survive-both before and after the U.S. invasion."
Artist slide lecture • 7pm • February 26 • Free
Newspace Center for Photography • 1632 SE 10th AVE • 503.963.1935
Later this week, Newspace will be hosting their third annual silent auction. The proceeds benefit their educational programs and "contribute to the strength of the organization." The auction is on February 29, and is $10 at the door for non-members. For more information, visit their website.
Reed is also hosting the final lecture in the Working History series. Kianga Ford will discuss her Counting installation, which "examines racial identity through an intermingling of textual narrative and abstract mathematics." The lecture will be followed by a closing reception for the exhibition in the Cooley Gallery.
Artist lecture • 6:30pm • February 27
Reed College, Eliot 314 • 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 26, 2008 at 9:37
| Comments (0)
Last Waltz at Wonder
Stephen Scott Smith, "gorillasmith series"
For their final exhibition in their space below the Wonder Ballroom, the Mark Woolley Gallery presents ALPHABET SOUP: Labeling, Identity, Stigma, Pride. They're still looking for artists to submit work that explores "the external and internal dimensions of the sexual labels G, L, B, T, Q, I, A, SGL, 2S and more." The exhibition will also include a non-juried wall for all artists to express themselves on the subject.
Click here for submission guidelines. The deadline is March 1, at 5:30pm.
Opening reception & dance party • 5pm - late • March 8
Woolley at Wonder • 128 NW Russell St. • 503.224.5475
Closing party / Goodbye to the space • 5pm - late • March 21
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 25, 2008 at 14:48
| Comments (0)
Nathaniel Shapiro at PNCA's Izquierdo Gallery
Last year I noted Nathaniel
Shapiro as one of the most promising new artists to the Portland art scene.
In just under a year he's proven why with a stark and beautifully
laid out show in PNCA's Manuel Izquierdo Sculpture Gallery. Titled "The Way of Progress" Shapiro's most convincing show to date consists
of only two installations, neither of which utilizes any gallery lighting because
they provide their own light sources... (more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 22, 2008 at 11:34
| Comments (6)
WNTR WRKS drawing
PICA and Cartune Xprez present an animation festival with "the last breaths of winter." There will be screenings of videos by Takeshi Murata, Bruce Bickford, Josh Mannis, and more, as well as music/video/theater performance featuring Hooliganship and others, and musical interludes by DJ Beyonda.
Animation festival • 9pm • February 24 • $6, 21+
Holocene • 1001 SE Morrison
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 22, 2008 at 11:00
| Comments (0)
Io Palmer lectures at Reed
Installation Shot of Io Palmer & "Janitorial Supplies" 2007-8
Continuing the Working History lecture series, Io Palmer will speak this Friday at Reed College. Her installation Janitorial Supplies "explores the history of African American labor, class, and physical adornment."
Artist lecture • 6:30pm • February 22
Reed College Eliot 314 • 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.
Faith Ringgold will also be lecturing at Reed on her work Marlon Riggs: Tongues Untied, A Painted Story Quilt on Sunday, Feb. 24, at 3pm in Kaul Auditorium.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 21, 2008 at 13:35
| Comments (0)
Jupiter Hotel Fair, resurrected?

Ok, I knew this wasnt going to just die, Portland is just too ambitious and organized. Besides the fair itself was solid, one senses the organizers themselves just ran out of steam for a big side project.
According to Jupiter hotel owners The AFFAIR @ the Jupiter Hotel art fair may not retain the same organizers, name or look, but there is a momentum in the Portland art community for continuing the popular art fair headquartered at the Jupiter Hotel since 2004. According to Jupiter Hotel co-owner Kelsey Bunker, "While it is true that Stuart Horodner and Laurel Gitlen will not be running the AFFAIR @ the Jupiter Hotel, we are excited about the new opportunities this allows us to support the art communities both locally and nationally... (more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 21, 2008 at 9:44
| Comments (36)
Limelight Curator Talk
Philippe Blanc, from "Limelight"
There will be a curatorial talk on Limelight this weekend, featuring PORT's own Jeff Jahn. Check out the gallery website for statements on smelly cheese, video, and the excellent body of work that makes up this exhibition.
Curator talk • 2pm • February 24
Alexander Gallery • 19600 Molalla AVE, Oregon City • 503.657-6958
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 20, 2008 at 11:51
| Comments (0)
Considering Johns in Gray
 Jasper Johns Between the Clock and the Bed, 1982-83
Encaustic on canvas (three panels) Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond © Jasper Johns/Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY Photo: Jamie M. Stukenberg/Professional Graphics Inc., Rockford, Illinois
Jasper Johns is one of my all-time favorite artists and unlike Richard Prince
he tells jokes so great they become poetry before they become punchlines (Prince
starts with the punchline and then tries to reverse engineer them). Sadly, Im
not all that convinced by Johns' later work but I consider paintings like "Between
the Clock and the Bed" to be great art. It is a cypher of space and a semipermiable
abstraction... like the sea it doesnt give up its secrets or it's dead. Im not
afraid to utter the dreaded term "great" in the presence of a body
of work like this. In Portland we are intimately acquainted with the color gray
so the Jasper
Johns: Gray show at the Met is of special interest... that and we still
have tons of encaustic
painters here.
Jerry Saltz has a
wonderful wonderful take on the Met's current Johns show.
Kuspit's take is dense and possibly a tad turgid on Artnet (with some great
show photos worth checking out).
Smith's take on Johns is worthwhile too (as always) .
PORT's own Arcy Douglass wrote on Johns
last year here.
Carol Vogel generally leaves me disappointed and her
personal look at Johns is no exception... where is
Kimmelman (the Times chief hagiographer) when you need him?... Europe! Hagiography
has its place (though it isn't a replacement for critique).
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 20, 2008 at 10:59
| Comments (0)
On Form (or from Polykleitos to Janine Antoni)
450-440 B.C.
When we look at art, are we only seduced by what we think is beautiful? Do we only respond to things that resonate with our sensibilities, our taste, or our history? As an artist is it our role to make beautiful things (paintings, sculptures, film, ideas etc...)?
Janine Antoni
Everyone has their own path, so everyone will have to choose for themselves but for me, I do not think that art has anything to do with the beautiful. In my own experience, my tastes are constantly evolving as I am interacting with the world and learning new things. How can I stand in judgment of what is beautiful and what is not? What I find ugly today, I might that I find that is urgently needed and beautiful tomorrow.
Posted by Arcy Douglass
on February 18, 2008 at 18:19
| Comments (6)
Affair at the Jupiter Hotel, RIP
 White Columns @ Affair at the Jupiter Hotel 2007, Photo by Sarah HendersonWell, everybody on the inside of the Portland art scene has known for months
that there wasn't going to be an Affair at the Jupiter Hotel Art Fair in 2008. I could have pressed the organizers on this but hoped it might be given over to other hands.
it is officially over.
Most dealers were upset with 2007,
which seemed to be an afterthought compared to 2006 and many key players simply
weren't going to... (more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 18, 2008 at 18:19
| Comments (12)
Artists in Residence

The Salem Arts Association is seeking applications for its Artist in Residence program. Artists with teaching experience in the fields of visual arts, theater, dance, storytelling, and music are asked to submit a proposal for a short or long term residency. If your proposal is accepted, you may be appointed to schools and/or organizations in Marion, Polk and Yamhill counties.
For more information, visit the SAA website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 18, 2008 at 14:12
| Comments (0)
Roadside Attraction at PSU's Autzen Gallery
Stephanie Robison, "Cloud Cover with Bricks"
On Monday, Stephanie Robison and Paula Rebsom's Roadside Attraction will be opening at PSU's Autzen Gallery. Using landscape photography and studio sculpture, Roadside Attraction "explores ways in which we, as a culture, mediate our interactions with nature. "
Opening reception • 5-7pm • February 18
Autzen Gallery • PSU, Neuberger Hall, 2nd Floor, 724 SW Harrison St.
The reception is immediately before the Monday night MFA lecture series. This week, the Center for Land Use Interpretation will be speaking.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 15, 2008 at 14:02
| Comments (0)
 Turrell @ Roden crater, photo Florian Holzherr
Tomorrow (Feb 16th), James
Turrell will speak at PNCA's huge Swigert Commons space to kick off their
Idea Studio talks. Reservations are sold out but a limited # of standing
room only slots will be available, doors open at 3:00 first come first served. Talk
is at 4:00 (reservation holders need to be seated by 3:50 to retain their seats).
While you are at it read PORT's in-depth
review of James Turrell's Pomona College show to prepare.
Also, it's the general opening of the BCAM at LACMA and the New York Times smells
blood. Neither Ouroussoff
nor Roberta
Smith were that impressed and one senses that an unmitigated triumph at
LACMA would have forced New York Museums to step up...(more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 15, 2008 at 11:51
| Comments (6)
Johann Neumeister at Rock's Box
 L to R Unica Zurn, Virginia Woolf and Valarie Solanas
Portland is currently teeming with more interesting alternative spaces than ever before but Rock's
Box has earned some distinction in less than a year with the only thing
that really matters; four consistently intelligent, daring and engaging shows.
Admittedly, these weren't all necessarily masterpieces but they were challenging
and consistently professionally executed (note: proprietor Patrick
Rock is himself one hell of an artist [with an MFA from SFAI] and a rare native Portlander).
The latest show, " Johann
Neumeister - is - Dr. Herbert Dreadful Introducing: Psychopsychoanalysis"
is easily the tightest and most impressive show at Rock's Box to date. Upon
entering the...(more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 14, 2008 at 13:49
| Comments (0)
APEX: Jenene Nagy
Jenene Nagy, from "False Flat"
PORT's own Jenene Nagy will be bringing her site specific installation work to PAM's APEX series. Open through June, the exhibition pushes Nagy's exploration of "the need to invent idealized spaces ... that blur the boundaries between built and natural environments." PORT reviewed her breakout False Flat show last fall.
Exhibition • February 16 - June 22
Portland Art Museum • 1219 SW Park AVE • 503.226.2811
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 14, 2008 at 10:36
| Comments (1)
Nick Cave et al at Reed
Nick Cave, installation at the Chicago Cultural Center
One of the artists from Working History (previously reviewed here) is speaking this week at Reed. Nick Cave will discuss his Sound Suit installation, a series which was originally inspired in 1991 by the beating of Rodney King. The lecture is the first of four lectures from the exhibition. There will be a reception held after Cave's talk.
Artist lecture • 6:30pm • February 15
Reed College Vollum Lecture Hall • 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.
Opening reception • 8-10pm • February 15
Cooley Gallery • 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd.
While you're there: Don't forget to check out Laura Fritz's Caseworks 13, which closes February 17.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 13, 2008 at 15:45
| Comments (2)
PORT's Bridge Design Contest: Awards
 Sean Casey's elegant design
Sure the cost for a new
light rail and pedestrian bridge is high, this should be expected as transit
projects are never cheap but if Portland gets a new bridge over the Willamette
it should embody the green and design ideals that Portland holds so dear...(more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 12, 2008 at 12:07
| Comments (0)
Observations from the Nicoya Peninsula
Liz Obert
The Linfield Gallery will be showing Liz Obert's Observations from the Nicoya Peninsula. This is the first exhibition of Obert's work inspired by her travels to Costa Rica - and a chance for chilly Portlanders to fantasize a little about warmer cultures and climes.
Opening reception • 6-8pm • February 13
Linfield Gallery • 900 SE Baker St. McMinnville • 503.883.2804
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 12, 2008 at 10:02
| Comments (0)
Keeping Portland Creative

Whether or not you're sick of the bumper sticker campaign, this is a great opportunity to bring the quirky side of Portland art to the politicos. Keep Portland Weird is looking for work for a March exhibition in City Hall. There is no submission fee, and the deadline is Friday, February 15. Visit their website for more info.

If you're more interested in talking about how to keep Portland weird (or just artistic), come to the annual Art on Alberta meeting, featuring keynote speaker Commissioner Sam Adams. Buffet is $5.
Meeting • 6:30-8pm • February 13
Zaytoon in the Alberta Arts District • 2236 NE Alberta St. • info@artonalberta.org
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 11, 2008 at 13:26
| Comments (6)
Emily Prince at PSU's Monday Night Lecture Series
 Army Private First Class John E. Brown of Troy, Ala. (left) was killed in Iraq on April 14, 2003, Private First Class David N. Simmons of Kokomo, Ind. was killed on April 8, 2007 in Baghdad (right) Images courtesy of Kent Gallery, NYC
Ok, I must admit... I'm easilly annoyed by a lot of political art that simply rides a wave of dissatisfaction (most war art is just propoganda) but maybe Emily Prince has found a way to keep from merely "taking dictation" from the nightly news and making one-dimensional art. Sure, she makes drawings of servicemen killed in Iraq but there must have been more to this than just that if Robert Storr had decided to put her in the Venice Biennale last year. Storr is notoriously wary of political art as this pre-biennale interview points out.
5th Ave Cinema | Monday, February 11th, 7:30pm | 510 SW Hall St. (free)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 11, 2008 at 10:32
| Comments (0)
Richard Deacon Speaks at Portland Art Museum
 Richard Deacon's Dead Leg, 2007
In 1987 Richard Deacon won Britain's prestigious Turner Prize, tomorrow he will speak on his work and concerns as they relate to his wonderful current installation in the Jubitz Center for Modern and Contemporary Art. Deacon's show is part of the Miller-Meigs series (aka the best curatorial programming arc the city of Portland [or Seattle, only the Frye come close] has ever experienced... considering weve already seen Roxy Paine, Damien Hirst, Richard Rezac, Kehinde Wiley, Pierre Huyghe, Ursula von Rydingsvard and Sophie Calle. In other words, this is a must see... and you can hear the artist this time.
February 8th
6:00 PM @ Portland
Art Museum's Whitsell Auditorium $5 members - $10 nonmembers
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 07, 2008 at 22:30
| Comments (0)

The 31st Portland International Film Festival starts today! This 17 day festival, hosted by the NW Film Center, includes award winning film from all over the world, showing at several venues around the city. For more information, including film listings and schedule updates, visit the PIFF website.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 07, 2008 at 12:41
| Comments (0)
Some New Hypocrisy, same as it ever was
The Mercury has penned a story about Rererato's
zoning problems and looming closure by the city. I notified Sam Adam's office
of this last week ( Commissioner Sam show us your your arts muscle? You wanna be Mayor...
as Mayor Vera saved a fake horse on NW 23rd, as Arts Comissioner why not save a good art venue?)... look
something needs to be done. This is the type of scrappy art venue that makes
Portland great and they have been doing good things. Don't let the letter of
the law usurp the intent. As an arts city its hypocritical for the city of Portland
to shut down Rererato. So readers please email: chamberlainj@ci.portland.or.us and let the city know what you think. *Update: PORT has assurances from Comissioner Sam's office, "We're working on it. Promise."  BCAM Gallery Section, © Renzo Piano Building Workshop
As Tyler
notes it's definitely LACMA's
Broad Contemporary Art Museum day, and the LA Times piece is an interesting
exercise in revealing the greatness and faults of three of my favorite things
on the West Coast; LACMA's crazy (with its own woolly mammoth engulfing tar
pit) campus , super
collector Eli Broad and critic Christopher Knight. All three are forgivably
contradictory in ways only the truly talented are... (more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 07, 2008 at 11:41
| Comments (3)
Showing at 23 Sandy
Motoya Nakamura, "Hoop"
23 Sandy presents March Fourth, an exhibition of Motoya Nakamura's photography of the beloved Portland marching band. The highly cinematographic images explore the band performing and behind the scenes, providing a lush insight into the circus-like world of March Fourth.
Artist reception • 6pm • February 8
Slide lecture • 7pm • February 20
23 Sandy Gallery • 623 NE 23rd AVE • 503.927.4409
Cherie Hiser, "1972"
While you're at the gallery, head back to the slide room to check out Visions of One. Cherie Hiser has been "model and muse" for many of photography's legends, from Ruth Bernhard and Jerry Uelsmann, to Lee Friedlander, Judy Dater, and Stu Levy, and this exhibition showcases her collection of portraits.
Opening reception • 6pm • February 8
23 Sandy Gallery • 623 NE 23rd AVE • 503.927.4409
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 06, 2008 at 16:25
| Comments (1)
Loosely related links
Robert Rauschenberg (American, b. 1925), Retroactive I, 1963, oil on canvas,
83 7/8 x 59 7/8 inches, Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, © Robert Rauschenberg
Art and politics link up more often than I find interesting but Artnet's
list of Obama, McCain and Clinton contributors is interesting (though totally
irrelevant to anybody but art geeks). Sure, artists like Cecily Brown and Chuck
Close might support Obama and Matthew Marks might have supported Clinton but
ultimately it says more about the donors than the candidates...(more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 06, 2008 at 13:20
| Comments (0)
First Thursday Picks February 2008

In pursuit of beauty and social commentary, IGLOO presents the mixed-media work of Modou Dieng. !Hey Lover combines painting, photography, found objects, and installation to explore the "humanity, topography, and pastiche of forms" in contemporary life.
Opening reception • 6-10pm • February 7
IGLOO • 325 NW 6th #102 • 503.724.7300
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 05, 2008 at 14:00
| Comments (1)
A "Working History" at Reed
 Fred Wilson "Seat of Power" 1991, Kianga Ford "Counting 2000-2008"
The group show at Reed this month is in honor of change and the ability to alter popular notions of thought. Entitled 'Working History: African American Objects', this exhibit explores the contemporary African American experience through languages both appropriated and created. An amalgam of artists compiled and arranged by Cooley Gallery curator, Stephanie Snyder, this show is a brilliant, reified miasma of African American identity politics that bleeds. . .(more)
Posted by Amy Bernstein
on February 05, 2008 at 8:16
| Comments (2)
First Wednesday
Since First Friday came so quickly this month, a couple of galleries decided to bump it to First Wednesday. Opening this week:
Michael Patterson-Carver, "1967 School Children's March"
This month, Small A Projects will be featuring the drawings of Michael Patterson-Carver. State of the Union explores the history of social injustice and protest in the United States. Each drawing displays a group of protesters fighting one of the many battles that has shaped American history. By contrasting drawings of such historical groups as the suffragettes with modern illustrations of the "state of the union" (and his own struggle against the Patriot Act), Patterson-Carver seeks to highlight the dark hypocrisy at work in politics today. However, the smiling faces on the protesters reminds us that with action, there is hope.
Opening reception • 6-9pm • February 6
Small A Projects • 1430 SE Third • 503.234.7993
Julia Gardner
A more local history can be found at Vino Paradiso. Julia Gardner will present her (literally) layered personal view on the buildings and spaces that have shaped Portland and its history. Beginning with industrial urban photographers, Gardner uses resin to layer found objects, paint, and ink, creating a uniquely Portland narrative within each work.
Opening reception • 7-9pm • February 6
Vino Paradiso • 417 NW 10th AVE • 503.284.4471
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 04, 2008 at 13:17
| Comments (0)
Kate Pocrass at PSU's Monday Night Lectures
Kate Pocrass is a social practice artist from San Francisco who uses a telephone messaging service to direct people to "off the beaten path" destinations. She prefers to make people "stop and look with intention, not going from point A to B quickly." An alumnus of the Bay Area Now 4 triennial it should be interesting to hear about any off the beaten path destinations in Portland.
5th Ave Cinema | Monday, February 4th, 7:30pm | 510 SW Hall St. (free)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 04, 2008 at 9:18
| Comments (0)
Jessica Jackson Hutchins' Hours and Ours at Small A

Some artists seek to refine a convincing material experience by removing any irregularities
while others invite entropy by creating fissures and cavities, which are places
for esthetic skepticism to fester and breed. Jessica Jackson Hutchins is the latter type of artist but with Hours
and Ours she seems to be testing a different realm or two with the addition of a Proustian document laced with family life.
Back to esthetics (which really matter here), both perfectionist and imperfectionist strategies make enemies and allies
of viewers almost too easily. As alternative sides of the same materially indulgent
coin both strategies are susceptible to the charge of being merely a fetish
or patina. There is a danger of being formulaic but great artists like Robert
Rauschenberg and...(more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 01, 2008 at 17:36
| Comments (0)
Lucy Orta lectures at Reed
Lucy Orta
Designer and artist Lucy Orta will be lecturing next week at Reed College. In projects such as "Refuge Wear," "Body Architecture," and "Nexus Architecture" (1992-2002), Orta's work explores ways to visualize the concept of "Social Link." She's a pioneer in the development of "socially driven and sustainable design solutions, alternative systems, and products."
Artist lecture • 7pm • February 5
Reed College • 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd. • Vollum lecture hall
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on February 01, 2008 at 13:27
| Comments (0)
News bits
 Unimpressive street art creates impressive waste of tax dollars
A portland artist, Ryan
Birkland, has been arrested for putting up guerilla style art on telephone
poles. It seems pretty ridiculous.... how about taking on the meth pushers that ride
the NoPo max lines instead? This could have a chilling effect on street art like Scott Wayne Indiana's horses and this selective enforcement seems poorly defined.
Jerry Saltz has reviewed Guy
Ben-Ner's latest "Ikea based" video
Reed's latest show Working
History is now definitely open, go see it. Laura
Fritz's Caseworks 13 (in the same building) has been extended to Feb 17th.
Last but not least there are (solidly sourced *update confirmed) rumors that the Portland Art
Museum has recieved a pledge from Gordon D. Sondland and Katherine J. Durant for a 1 million dollar gift to allow Children 17 and under to visit the museum for free. It is part of a larger endowment campaign to
provide free days for everyone. Mayor Potter may have avoided funding those
free days but the museum is moving forward with results. See, Portland's patrons do write
checks but it is tied to the seriousness and focus of the organization's mission. If you
are just showing your friends in a big warehouse (and if they aren't
very good) don't expect to be entitled to that much. Seriousness + focus = funding.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on February 01, 2008 at 10:59
| Comments (5)