The Guardian covers a much touted show of
from Russian collections at the Royal Academy (some of the Matisses are
among the most important in art history), there is even a slide show.
A group called the
Age Alliance has come forward to save the wonderful
Motel sign. Even the
news is tracking the story. Hopefully (if it is saved) it will stay on Interstate
(where I live between 2 other noted signs).
Also, tonight at
Small A Projects Storm Tharp seeks to comprehend Liz Taylor's "badness." 7:00 PM
The Portand State University Faculty Association is circulating
petition for a livable wage for its part-time adjunct faculty positions. This
effects a lot of notable Portland artists. Yes, this is national problem
and trend, but one still has to consider this is the People's Republic of Portland.
We may not be real communists but the Portland community generally respects teachers
and artists to a larger degree than any other large city I've been to. Let's
make it more than lip service.
WWeek has started to dig into the PAC website issue. I've been aware of the project
for years (and spoken with Gavin numerous times about it, so it wasnt a secret project)
but it always sounded too complicated to be workable. One always has to rein
in the scope of new systems. For example, PORT works because it is simple and straightforward. We didn't try to reinvent the wheel (and we are very savvy computer people,
besides my postgraduate art history background I'm an Oracle developer who has facilitated or engineered several major system conversions,
Philippe Blanc did all of the
Perl hotrodding of Movable Type for us too). Benjamin Disraeli once said, "A
church can be so comprehensive no one can comprehend it." It definitely
holds true for a website too and that's the advice I gave Gavin. Because Sam Adams is involved in this... the issue
will probably come up as he seeks to become Portland's next Mayor. It's a minor snafu that teaches some important lessons (expertise matters). I know both Sam and Sho so it should be an interesting race, Sam seems more visionary but Sho may have a more grounded approach to the art scene.
Yes, PORT will definitely address the front running candidates about their
position/record with the art scene soon but I want to give them an opportunity to get their strategeies together.
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